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Deliver Us From Evil CD : Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism

Deliver Us From Evil CD : Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism

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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Terrible.
Review: It amazes me that for all of his pomp and "patriotism," Mr. Hannity cannot see that by eliminating liberalism (which he classifies as part of the "evil" we must be delivered from) he is advocating a Republic form of government. Unlike Sean, I believe it's ok for people to have different opinions -- one of them crazy "liberal" ideas -- but for someone who claims his love for America with such fervency, it's ironic that he so clearly resents the most integral aspect of democracy: more than one voice. He equates 50% of the American population as on par with terrorists at worst, as opposition at best...I would argue that someone who loves and understands this country knows that the left and right are part of a system of checks and balances created in order to avoid one party having absolute power -- not enemies with clearly defined agendas of good and evil.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: view from the bottom
Review: Sean Hannity, a founding member of the Log Cabin Republicans, presents us with a heart-rending story of his childhood, growing up -- as he puts it -- as a "buxom woman in a little boy's body."

Many of us have been through the same experiences, but Sean brings his customary wit, tenderness and sheer humanity to the task and the book can rank with the best of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick and Eddie Said. The way he learned to "be a man" by fighting "terrorism, despotism and liberalism" will move anybody who has maintained a yearning heart.

I'd rank this book with "The Well of Loneliness."

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The Lowpoint of American Politics
Review: I'll own up that I'm one of those people who fails all liberal and conservative litmus tests. I have strongly held beliefs that I came to one issue at a time. Blindly adhering to liberal or conservative generalizations means you're failing your country by not doing your duty as a citizen to carefully think through the issues.

Having said that, the fact that a best selling author can distort or make up facts to slander fifty percent of Americans is a lowpoint for America (and yes, I include the Michael Moore's in this critique as well). Doesn't anyone remember the warning "United We Stand...Divided We Fall"? These folks, liberal and conservative, are undermining a great nation.

I highly recommend the Christian Science Monitor's series "Talking with the Enemy" that came out before the 2004 election and shows how American citizens of varying political viewpoints reach out to each other and, in the process, work together to make America the best it can be. Unfortunately, Hannity's book has the opposite effect. And his cynical use of a line from the Lord's Prayer in his title to vindicate his viewpoints mocks the very Christianity he claims is the foundation for his beliefs. Sean, my fellow Mick, surely a good Catholic boy like yourself remembers Christ's admonitions against the self righteous?

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Poor example of propaganda
Review: Mr Hannity lets nothing stand in his way while he is grinding his particular axe at that time. This book totally ignores logic, morales and history. It is however a very uncomplicated read so if you are intrigued by this prospect then by all means read it. A word to the wise, it will be bad enough to waste your time on it so save your money. Either check it out of a publiic library or borrow it or just go to Barnes and Nobel and read it in the stacks. In the first page you will get to where it is going on the last page. Dont worry about finding any proof on the way because you wont.
What you will find more enlightening is to compare the footnotes to the actual sources quoted and wonder at the type of reasoning that can distort a simple statement that much.
This book does have some redeeming grace, it stands as a benchmark for the constitution and the first amendment, in order for our system to work we allow all parties to voice their opinion. Therein lies the rub, Mr Hannity and some like minded folk belive that their opinion is the only one.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: same old character assasinations of good people
Review: My neighbor got it for Christmas and brought it over for some discussion. We each decided it was a waste of paper.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hannitization Is Next Best Thing To Converting Infernal Libs
Hannity's hit a bases-loaded homerun with his second book, a relevantly incisive tome that capably and masterfully answers many of the immoderate denigrations which uncontrollable liberal zealots are mudslinging at present towards everything Americans hold dear: national security, unity during wartime, moral clarity, no appeasement and the president. Like the pattern one notices with responsible, substantive conservative offerings, Hannity's liberal refutation is overloaded with solid, inarguable REFERENCES which are meticulously documented for each chapter; Hannity's average is easily fifty-plus references per chapter, a feat that tarnishes liberal books which often sneeringly disrespect the accountability of the author toward his readership.

Hannity's convincing thesis is afflicted liberals are ethically blind and impaired to do anything resembling leadership in the War on Terror because of their sickness of moral relativism. This moral relativism's what crookedly enables apologists to sugarcoat Hussein, Bin Laden et al. as merely unstable--which perilously invites the other heinousness liberals get seduced by: misjudging sensible dealings with such terrorists. Indeed, Hannity stresses the important differentiation between liberal infections of pardoning reprehensibility due to a "bad childhood" or "poverty" and the personal willfulness to perpetrate evil.

To convict liberals of their inarguable fault in judging right from wrong, Hannity cites well-established, historical parables wherein liberals were ALWAYS, as Hannity loves to phrase it, "on the WRONG side of history!!!!" Providing a supplementary mini-history of Nazism in WWII, Hannity argues that the willfulness to do evil becomes lucidly real when man forsakes his criteria for conscience to the soulless state which recognizes no other higher authority than itself--liberals who impose more government in people's lives will relate!!!! In viewing writings from Nazis like Himmler, one can effortlessly see that evil's always a personal, conniving choice: Himmler himself confesses this when writing justifications for his party's terrors and assurances that his crimes will remain discreet.

Hannity references Reagan's moral clarity--comparable nowadays to Bush's resolve in the War on Terror--which was the determining factor in ending USSR. Hannity faithfully recounts how Reagan's administration typified the reemergence of American self-confidence and hope after Carter's term of cataclysmic losses and relapses. Before Reagan's moral clarity allowed branding the Soviets as the Evil Empire, such directness was forbidden due to the peacenik, Nuclear-Freeze-apologists, and Reagan was dissolutely tainted as the worse menace by rebellious lefties in Congress and unwashed demonstrators in European capitals--notice the left's similarly unatonable malpractices which they use today against Bush's stalwart leadership??!! But since conservatives are blessed with rationality and scruples, it was inevitable that Reagan's escalation of America's arsenal together with his inspiration to dissidents bankrupted the condemnable Commies.

Few liberal-snakes realize Carter's embargoing of the Shah's efforts to constrain Islamofascists' upheaval in Iran cost America strategic partnership and imperiling of security. Discontent with only that tactical maltreatment, infamous liberals in Congress/Senate disowned America's intervention to liberate Kuwait, hazardous operatives still, miserably, active in politics today: Pelosi, Kennedy, Biden, Levin and KKK-Byrd!!!! Liberals like the aforementioned are scathingly derogated as being wrongful with every little aspect of their imbalanced predictions of military losses before America moved to war, past and present.

Since Hannity frames liberals' succumbing appeasement in the newest application of Hussein's Iraq, he recalls earlier decades' perpetrations of surrendering appeasement with Qaddafi. Only Reagan had the guts to reverse Carter's dastardliness of subserving Qaddafi's extension of coastal claims which culminated in Qaddafi's terrorism on a Berlin disco--Kerry authored a letter reprimanding Reagan for bombing Qaddafi's headquarters. Clinton's also convicted for laxity on terrorism; gutting military budgets, mistreating terrorism as criminal "offenses," and withdrawing soldiers from hotspots, subordinating Islamofascists' propaganda victories, after minor setbacks. The UN's the liberals' wet dream for idealism of "multilateralism," but their sorrowfully low results implicate that America MUST NEVER suffer their veto over self-protection!!!! Currently enabling Sudan's slaughter and Oil-for-Food degradation, the UN cold-heartedly overlooked Rwanda's holocaust by passing impotent resolutions and stalling six months to raise "blue-helmet" troops which were only forbidden to enter Rwanda!!!!

Though covered better in other books, Hannity includes a subset devoted to hate-America, communist "peace" groups. What's disturbingly fretful about these domestic-terror-groups is their formation AFTER 911, exclusively to sabotage America's response to terrorism!!!! Included in these riotous "peace" groups is clearly the intimidation-indoctrination occurring in colleges with renegade "professors" like MIT's CHUMPsky and Columbia's De Genova, who preach America enmity to gullible kids. Culpably, these psychos are ALWAYS errant, as willfully exploitable and unprincipled actors like Penn (used by Hussein for propaganda) and Congressmen like Jim McDermott who smeared Bush as lying for war while he was on IRAQI soil in an interview implicate.

In many ways, America's worst foreboding emerges from domestic terrorists within: the Clinton crime family!!!! Hannity persuasively qualifies that Hillary's future, presidential bids for egomaniacal power must be STOPPED AT ALL COSTS because she'll remorselessly continue Bill's violative stumbles while in power; after all, Bill and Hillary dictatorially influence all aspects of Demoncratic activities from the DNC to leftist think-tanks. Clinton's presidency was incontestably THE abominable neglectfulness of eight years not spending in important areas and bypassing terrorist concerns among many other faults. Clinton's misdeed was maltreating terrorism's gravities as mere criminal offenses prosecutable in court!!!! It occurred impenitently after 1993's WTC bombing, 1996's Khobar Towers, and 1998's Kenya/Tanzania embassies. Clinton's most infernal malpractice was unguardedly building nuclear reactors for NK in the non-binding hope NK would freeze--NK double-crossed Clinton!!!! Unrighteous delinquent he is, Clinton after 9/11 unrelentingly derided Bush in subtle speeches throughout the world although many of his own policies were based on the same intelligence and realizations.

Hannity's last chapter's now obsolete; thankfully, NO Demoncratic candidates passed, and Kerry was trounced absolutely. Deliver Us From Evil is the epitome of a blueprint any sane people would want to use to totally and disdainfully crush liberals' psychopathically unstable "arguments" against Bush, foreign policy and principles. Drawing from his Catholic faith, Hannity's authored a tome that's a comfortingly reliable stalwart in these sometimes uncertain times where the liberal turncoat's insecure fence-sitting crumbles America's clear, moral vision.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sean Knows Best!
Review: Finally Sean has written a book on his own, without Rupert Murdoch and the Lefty Fox Network (Don't let the liberals tell you its conservative, because it isn't! Not by a long shot) watching his every move, and pairing him up with Karl Marx's nerdy little helper Alan Colmes.
After reading this book it is obvious that Terrorism is DIRECTLY LINKED to Liberalism and that the Democratic Party are really pushing a socialist agenda. Good thing John "I Love Abortions" Kerry lost the election, or else flag burners and feminists would be tearing apart the very morals of this great Christian nation! When THAT day comes, I'm buying me another gun!
Anyway, Sean knows what is right for this country. Not DemoRATS like Ralph Nader and Richard Clark!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Evil is real.
Review: This book is one of the best political books written. Sean Hannity knows that evil is real, and that we must confront it, not appease it. He uses historical stories of Nazism to demenstrate his beleifs.

The title is mis leading, at first glance, many Liberals thought that Hannity is assiciating Liberalism with Terrorism and despbotism. This is not true. Hannity rightfully beleives that the Liberals of the U.S. are not evil, just misguided.

He lists Liberalism on his "to defeat" list because he feels that, as patriotic as the Libs may be, their policies may be harmful to the country.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: More 5th Grader Tactics
Review: I challenge anyone who gave this item a 5 star rating to check out the websites below to see what they are missing. It's easy to attack one's character or change the subject when you can't address the ugly truth.


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