Rating:  Summary: A Shabby Excuse for a Decorating Book Review: I have never been so furious than when I started realizing what this book was really about : How to get an Unsuspecting Public to Pay for the Rennovation and Decoration of Your Newly Purchased Home".There were at least four pictures of Rachel's bedroom, three of her kitchen, and one page devoted to a glass (not even crystal) door knob. When your book has the word decorating in it, you tend to think you're going to get decorating ideas, not 30 personal photos of the author & her family (16 of which are the author herself!). As for the photography in this book, it's lovely, she really knows how to focus the camera on an open drawer w/plastic hair clips, and make it look decorated (fine if you have so much room in your vanity that you can devote one drawer to clips, and leave it open to boot!) There are less tha 20 pages of decorating related material in a book of 200 pages, and some pages are questionable. Not once do you see something shabby made to look Chic as the title implies. Lets face it, a french provincial antique giant armore painted w/blush paint and a cream wash can hardley be considered Shabby when it probably cost very close to this side of $1,000.00 used! Ashwell has reached the ranks of such peers as Truman Capote & Margaret Mitchell, if her name is remembered anywhere outside of California, she'll be known for one book and one book only, and even that comparison is a major stretch! Trust me, don't be one of the readers that assumes "she's done it again" because she mostcertainly has not. But perhaps you could use a book filled with expensive pictures the Ashwell's flower vase, the four items on the back of their comode and my favorite, the picture of THE LABORERS THAT WORKED ON HER HOUSE.It's no wonder Rachel's smiling a big grin on her face on the cover and I know why!DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE FOR THIS BOOK!
Rating:  Summary: A bit disappointed!!! Review: I must admit I usually write only positive reviews as I buy books very carefully. This is unfortunately a wrong buy. I like the Shabby Chic style and since she's the person to get inspiration from on this style, I immediately bought this book without hesitation. I must say I wasn't inspired at all not even on one item and I am usually quite easily inspired by just reading a mag, browsing through ebay or simply walking around the market. The pics are big but on flowers?? I think I should've got the first book instead.
Rating:  Summary: east end artist Review: I think this version of the shabby chic series gives us further insight into the authors life. She shares her home and family with us in order to remove the typical"martha stewart" type of decor instruction. Instead of showing us only the rehearsed version of life to impress, she really bares her soul to share with us a style that applies to everyday life which includes children as true family members with a choice about their surroundings. It shows we can have fun with our decor, but our children can still have style with out having"cartoons" or the "disney style of the week" all over the room. It is practical, functional and most of all "real living."
Rating:  Summary: I am extremely disappointed in this Review: I thought, "Oh good! A book showing Shabby Chic style used in homes and rooms." Instead, there are lots of close-up shots of objects and very few over-all shots of rooms that let me see how this style is applied to real homes and rooms. The book just doesn't have much content once you get into it. Tight little shots of doorknobs, flowers, and other stuff do not add up to a BOOK that's worth the money. The title does not explain the book. I'm sorry I bought this.
Rating:  Summary: wonderful, resourceful book Review: I usually don't spend a lot of time reading books like these. I normally just look at the pictures and try to get inspiration. This book, however, is a refreshing change. The author uses a very personal style of writing and gives the reader a step-by-step narrative of how she went about searching for and decorating her place. A good read. The beautiful pictures and illustration make the book an even more worthwhile purchase.
Rating:  Summary: Somewhat interesting...but overall disappointing Review: I was really excited about getting this book....I was hoping to get something that inspired me to find neat design solutions in the mundane and everday. You know...make something out of nothing.Well, there WERE some good ideas like that in this book, but I felt that unless you were a HUGE fan of flowers and girly prints you wouldn't really find much of use in this book. Granted, it's probably a personal style conflict that made me return this book, but if you can find this book used and for a good price, go for it. Not worth the full price.
Rating:  Summary: Limited Review: I was very disappointed in this book. The photography was beautiful but the contents were not particulary helpful. I felt I could have gleaned the same amount of information from a brief magazine article. Overall it was much too shabby and very little chic!
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful Book ....Amazing Photography Review: I'm a "Shabby Chic" fan and I really love this new installment. It's a great addition to my collection, with tons of great ideas and beautiful pictures. Her ideas and great tips are just wonderful. It's a great resource and totally worth the money. I love it!
Rating:  Summary: Lovely step by step approach to improving your home! Review: I'm almost beginning to think Rachel is my friend. I really can identify with her practical yet inviting approach to decorating. She definitely has a definite sense of who she is and what she values in life: comfort, gentleness, family, friends and simple beauty. All of these traits are demonstrated in how she writes and decorates. Ms. Ashwell, first of all, wants her home to be a peaceful retreat without the mysticism of some current trends. She finds delight in the elegantly simple and breezy decor. One of her beliefs that is particularly enjoyable is her love of things that have known other people: furniture and fabrics that have a past. What I like most about her decorating is her use of white. To me there is nothing more enjoyable than clean white walls, white furniture, and accessories that create a peaceful harmony for unwinding at the end of a busy day. I want her next book to be about the little homes that have the shabby chic decorating. I want to see Rose and Lou's little house (the flower arranger)---every room...from every angle. Three cheers for Ms. Ashwell!
Rating:  Summary: Shabby my foot! Review: I'm glad i borrowed this book from the library, instead of shelling some dollars to buy it. For starters, the name of the book (and the movement) is a total misnomer. There is nothing shabby about the pricey pieces of furniture this woman uses to decorate her home. If you want shabby, then go to The Salvation Army. The shabbiest example in the whole book is the dresser she keeps in her bathroom, and that look is so popular nowadays that i bet you will pay good money to find something similar. The ornate antiques in her bedroom do not have an atom of shabbiness to them, and same thing with the fabrics chosen. The photos are very beautiful, and as is the case with any decorating magazine or book, i can almost always find a nice detail to copy. What i found very irritating is that the author or her children were in every other picture. Not even Martha Stewart exerts such a cult of personality. Also, some of the suggestions the author gives are unrealistic for most of us, because we lack the space or the budget or the time. How many extra pillows and duvets can you realistically store in your house? And how many of us have housekeepers tending over the place? Have you ever tried to find affordable antiques in California?!?! How about the little evening ritual of cookies, tea and flowers? The author is quite anal when it comes to detail, such as buying beauty products that are color-coordinated with her bathroom. What's next, combing the fringed ends of the "shabby" area rugs? The narrative was too aggravating. Stick to the photos, just in case you find something salvageable.