"'You are what you eat' is obviously not the whole truth, but what you eat cannot help but contribute to how you are," writes British nutritional therapist Denise Mortimore in The Complete Illustrated Guide to Nutritional Healing, a beautifully designed and photographed book about enhancing health with diet, vitamins, minerals, and herbs. Mortimore details the detrimental effects of the typical Western diet's overabundance of animal fat, salt, sugar, processed foods, stimulants, and chemicals. She also goes into detail defining a well-balanced diet--so much detail that only serious students of nutrition will attempt to absorb it all. For optimum health, "every meal should be a balance of carbohydrates, protein, and essential fatty acids, and at the same time attempt to achieve 80 percent alkaline-forming and neutral foods to 20 percent acid-forming foods," Mortimore recommends. One section includes descriptions of 39 important vitamins, minerals, and trace elements; how each is utilized and needed; and where each is found in food. The book includes helpful chapters on how diet affects health, including allergies and food intolerance, blood sugar balance, and weight management. The "Nutritional Healing for Common Ailments" section covers almost 100 afflictions, describing the nutritional considerations, diet, and suggested supplements for each. You may not read every word, but it's a good-looking, comprehensive reference book that you'll want to keep handy. --Joan Price