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Rating:  Summary: great book!!! Review: I am a graduate student studying neurobiology, and I always try to expand my knowledge of everything from molecule to behavior. This book has been a great starting point to me. All authors are well-known neuroscientists and I even found more articles of those authors and those topics covered in it and enjoyed reading them. It's easy to read and I hope to read more books like this quality book. Highly recommend!! One last thing is that "mind" concept is not easy to catch for me yet, I think I have something in my mind to be figured out;)
Rating:  Summary: I raise my glass to science Review: I was most impressed with this book. Firstly, there is the correct attitude to approach the subject, with humility, and open discussion. There are no bones to pick, no doctrines to sell. Just a gathering together to try and understand something enormously relevant and complicated-the brain. Secondly, it is at the forefront of academic research. Thirdly, it is eminently readable.The brain is an important subject to study. A proper understanding of its functioning and 'malfunctioning' can only help humanity. Brain scientists are gathering together from various sub-disciplines of the greater field of biology, including evolution and genetics, immunology, biochemistry, and cellular biology, to understand the brain. Those beetle watchers have upstarted the academic community again! Not surpising, since we happen to be animals, part of the biosphere. (Incidentally, this includes our brains). There are up to date discussions on such things as susceptibility, 'second hits' (environmental influence), addiction, learning, shyness, introvert/extravert behavioural dispositions, mood disorders, creativity, manic depression, and schizophrenia, with some interesting analyses of famous poets, writers and artists included. Stress, what it means, the relationship to the immune system, and advances in therapy are discussed. Emotions, fear, and reason is discussed in the light of recent ideas and discoveries. Finally dreams, what they are, and what they do and don't mean. There is a lot of good stuff here. Most importantly was the bringing together of ideas and research from various disciplines-we might like to compartmentalise our various learning streams in society-but that isn't necasarily how the brain operates. The links between stress, the immune system and the brain is a good example. There are real discoveries here, and real solutions. Facilitated by cross-fertilisation of ideas, and co-operation amongst disciplines. It is great stuff. I look forward to what may be the coming 'century of the brain'. This book, in both its attitudes, and its discoveries, I found inspirational.
Rating:  Summary: Mind set Review: One of my friends and I have an on going email conversation regarding the evolution of mind and human behavioral attributes. This volume suggested itself to me as a worthy source of useful information on the subject, and indeed it is. Although I liked "Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers" better (for which check my review or the listing), it was more because I enjoyed that author's slightly flip and irreverant style, than because this book is less informative. In fact, the two books have different purposes altogether, and each is successful. Whereas the former book is dedicated to explaining how the mind effects us physically, "States of Mind" is a collection of short essays on the research into the anatomy of the human brain, and into conciousness, emotional behavior, memory, etc. They are the written adaptations of a series of lectures delivered at a conference entitled "Understanding the Human Psyche." For anyone who has not attended such a conference or a colloquium given in honor of a respected academic, the format familiar to those of us who have is that such a collection consists of brief essays on selected, loosely related topics chosen from a given area of enquirey, each preceded by an introduction of the speaker/writter by the coordinator of the conference. This tends to produce a book that is less smooth in its transitions between chapters than one produced by an individual mind, like Zebras. The information in each chapter, while it certainly brings one up to date on some of the newer research and is a self contained unit, is not intended to carry one logically from chapter to chapter to an overriding conclusion. It is instead more like a professional journal in hard cover. The lay person will still find much of interest, as all of the authors have made their topics narrow, their terms clear, and have introduced pertinent information on results rather than on methods--although these too were added where they were significant to the discussion. The book is a quite practical volume in some respects, not merely a collection of unusual findings for the the curious; I found the subject of memory of particular significance. A friend of mine is having problems with her mother whose memory is starting to fail her. Some of the recent problems that have arisen between them might be avoided by simply knowing which areas of memory my friend's mother is most likely to have difficulty with and which are likely to remain dependable. I plan on loaning my friend the book so that she can read the appropriate chapters. I suspect she will find at least some comfort in them. I know I did. I also plan on sending the book to my friend Roger for his own perusal! I can hardly wait for our usual exchange of opinions on the subject!
Rating:  Summary: "Everything is organic"! Review: This fine collection of essays provides an overview of the state of research on the mind/brain. Avoiding deeply technical or metaphysical issues [although not ignoring either] these essays describe some of the structural elements of the brain, how those elements guide our behaviour and what implications may be derived from this understanding. Roberta Conlan has chosen her authors well. Each selection clearly conveys its topic with supportive information and useful graphics to aid our grasp of the subject. This book is a fine starting point for any study of how the brain works, both physically and cognitively. The underlying theme throughout the essays is the evolutionary process. How has adaptation led the human brain to today's conditions? In any study of the brain, it is the abnormalities that provide focus. These essayists accept that both genetics and environment work together to create the dispositions humans now possess. No single element can be isolated in understanding how the brain functions. Beginning with the physical, especially the neuron's structure and operation, they move on to demonstrate how changes in brain chemistry can lead to addictions, mood swings and even creativity. The authors don't shun the many ethical questions about brain research or therapies. However, they insist that a new framework for psychological studies is required, one based on evolutionary, hence, biological foundations. In essayist Eric Kandel's words, "Everything is organic." If any of the essays must be selected as the outstanding one, it is J.Allan Hobsan's study of sleep and dreaming. He describes the neurochemistry of dreaming before relating studies of both human and animal dream indicators. Hobsan postulates five distinct sleep periods, REM [Rapid Eye Movement] sleep with Recognizing that relating dream content is fraught with imponderables, he nevertheless builds a case for a biological basis for dreams. With the rapid advances being made in human cognitive studies, many works are quickly outdated. This book provides a foundation for analysing and assessing updating publications. It's a worthwhile investment and will retain a useful place on anyone's shelves for some time to come. Read it to find out how it will help understand yourself and those around you. You won't be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: "Everything is organic"! Review: This fine collection of essays provides an overview of the state of research on the mind/brain. Avoiding deeply technical or metaphysical issues [although not ignoring either] these essays describe some of the structural elements of the brain, how those elements guide our behaviour and what implications may be derived from this understanding. Roberta Conlan has chosen her authors well. Each selection clearly conveys its topic with supportive information and useful graphics to aid our grasp of the subject. This book is a fine starting point for any study of how the brain works, both physically and cognitively. The underlying theme throughout the essays is the evolutionary process. How has adaptation led the human brain to today's conditions? In any study of the brain, it is the abnormalities that provide focus. These essayists accept that both genetics and environment work together to create the dispositions humans now possess. No single element can be isolated in understanding how the brain functions. Beginning with the physical, especially the neuron's structure and operation, they move on to demonstrate how changes in brain chemistry can lead to addictions, mood swings and even creativity. The authors don't shun the many ethical questions about brain research or therapies. However, they insist that a new framework for psychological studies is required, one based on evolutionary, hence, biological foundations. In essayist Eric Kandel's words, "Everything is organic." If any of the essays must be selected as the outstanding one, it is J.Allan Hobsan's study of sleep and dreaming. He describes the neurochemistry of dreaming before relating studies of both human and animal dream indicators. Hobsan postulates five distinct sleep periods, REM [Rapid Eye Movement] sleep with Recognizing that relating dream content is fraught with imponderables, he nevertheless builds a case for a biological basis for dreams. With the rapid advances being made in human cognitive studies, many works are quickly outdated. This book provides a foundation for analysing and assessing updating publications. It's a worthwhile investment and will retain a useful place on anyone's shelves for some time to come. Read it to find out how it will help understand yourself and those around you. You won't be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: An informative read to unravel our personality and mind Review: This is a concise set of eight papers; which present to us with a mental and biological bases for our mannerisms. Although we generally manage to carry out without worrying too much about such philosophical conundrums, most of us at some point in our lives have been drawn with a desire for the need to understand our identity its formation and how our thinking process is set in place. Far from academic sciences, these questions and the answers we seek not only bear on the quality of our relationships with friends, family and associate but also has implications to our interactions with society. Our perception and analysis of events lie within this structure we call mind. To what extent is a bad temper or a joyous moment, a function of will and to what extent are they complex interactions between our genes and our environment. Ever wonder how some people react to situations with fear and hesitations while others react to the same situation without hesitation and care. With advances in research over time, now it is known with certainty that a number of mental problems, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia are associated with structural abnormalities in the brain and can be cared for with proper medication. The interconnections of the 100 billion nerve cells define our personality. If these nerves in their respective regions get damaged, we can loose our ability to speak, make memories, and feel emotions and recognition. The balance or imbalance of these nerves disposes us to act or react differently from others with the life's ups and downs. I highly recommend everyone to take the time to read this; it is highly informative and does not need any knowledge of biology or chemistry; just a curious mind
Rating:  Summary: Rather poor Review: While the authors of the series of lectures which make up this book have wonderful credentials as scientists, they are not very good writers. It isn't that they are unclear, so much as that they are dull and awkward. Mindful of their own research, some of the material is not very interesting either, although nuggets do shine through. I do recommend that anyone who can get hold of this book read pl. 24-27 on the neuroscience of cocaine addiction, because that section is a gem. Its explanation transcends cocaine addiction and clarifies a whole bunch of more general ideas: molecular substitutes, dynamics of receptor formation and reversibility, learning.
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