Rating:  Summary: A DISGUSTING & ARCHAIC FORM OF PARENTING Review: Amazon should not be selling a book that advocates hitting children (e.g. page 28 "My recommendations made sense to these harassed parents, who promptly spanked their sassy daughter the next time she gave them a reason to do so."). This book is out of date and nauseating and should be pulled off the shelves. Hitting children only teaches them that it's the best way to problem-solve, and sends them into the world thinking that hitting is an appropriate alternative to words. Even calling a little girl "sassy" has such seething hostility in it and the notion that a kid would concientiously "give a reason" for hitting implies that children somehow orchestrate their own abuse, which absolves the parent and validates their use of violence as a means of discipline. This is a twisted book that poses the child as enemy and the parent as victim. A recipe for long-term mental anguish all around and creating yet more violent members of society. ANY COMPANY THAT SELLS THIS BOOK IS IRRESPONSIBLE AND IS ADVOCATING VIOLENCE AS A PARENTING TOOL. Shame on you Amazon.
Rating:  Summary: No stars - Dobson is sadistic Review: Anyone who recommends that it's ok to hit a kid with a switch or a belt should be viewed with great suspicion.
This book is of the same cloth as Dobson's other child-rearing tomes: more of the "spank and pray" school. Dobson is all about adults imposing their wills on kids in all areas. He doesn't understand the difference between respect and fear, and that's the main fallacy behind his so-called theories.
Any bully can command fear - it takes some finesse, compassion and hard work to earn respect.
Rating:  Summary: Beat thy child in the name of God Review: as a Christian mom, i have heard alot about dr. dobson, and know that he is well respected in the Christian community as an expert on family issues. i thought his book would be an excellent resource on raising children in a Godly way. however, i felt this book had WAY too much emphasis on corporal punishment. it seemed to be the author's first suggestion rather than a last resort. i know there are differing views on corporal punishment within the Christian community and in society at large, but this book advocates it too strongly. it is hard to enforce a "no hitting" rule with your child when your first reaction to his misbehavior is to hit him yourself. it is a mixed signal that is very confusing to a small child. i know alot of people believe strongly in this book as a "biblical" approach to child rearing, but i truly hated this book and would not recommend it to anyone. if you want a Biblical resource for child rearing, read the Bible, and seek out other resources.
Rating:  Summary: Millions of people can't be wrong! Review: Dr. Dobson is a proven leader in the relm of child care, compassion, love and understanding. He is a foremost authority in child psychology and is listened to millions of people around the world. Do not for one minute think that those who critize his books or his methods are doing so with the best interest of the child in mind. This book will work. It is the farthest thing from "child abuse" imaginable. Child abuse is allowing a child to define his/her own boundarys, instead of providing loving, firm guidelines that the child can understand and still feel loved. Objections to this book are more likely objections to Christian living. And those who think Jesus would be opposed to this book have obviously not read the whole Bible. Those pushing other books have most likely not even read this book...they are here only to try to redirect the readers. Have faith! This is an inspired book, by an inspired author...who has dedicated his life to helping the family and children. He has proven his methods work. He has three extremely respectable children who are grown now. In addition he is listened to on over 25,000 radio stations everyday worldwide.
Rating:  Summary: Dobson is an AMERICAN TALIBAN Review: I read large chunks of this book before I knew Dobson headed the extreme right-wing Focus on the Family. As a sociologist, I thought it was some of the worst child rearing advice ever. Now that I know the truth about Dobson and his extremist agenda, it all makes sense. He just wants parents to raise mindless proles who will do what the talking heads on Fox News tell them. He is dangerous in that his advice will stunt children's intellectual development. As a PhD, I would warn parents to stay away from this book if they want to raise something besides dittoheads.
Rating:  Summary: What a Godly Man for our times Review: It is so good to hear that there remain God-fearing people who are beating Christ's love into children. As I punished myself for my own impure thoughts, I was struck by how much better it would be to have a stern but loving man like Dr. Dobson administering the punishment to my red and swollen buttocks
Rating:  Summary: Beat thy child in the name of God Review: The irony here is that if I beat Mr. Dobson for writing this book, I would be the one to going to jail.
Rating:  Summary: He is one who made our kids, our schools, and our society... Review: the mess it is today. I almost threw up when I read the "review", Dobson is an AMERICAN TALIBAN, August 24, 2004
Reviewer: R. Blazak "Sociologist"
His is exactly the philosophy that got us into the mess we are in---Don't discipline your child, you may hurt their self esteem.
I went to college and became a teacher in the 1960s. During my career I worked with the results of Blazak's philosophy: question your superiors; get all the gusto you can get because you only live once; reward the positive, don't punish the negative; ignore bad behavior, reinforce the good; give warm "fuzzy wuzzies", not punishment; don't play competitive games, or use competition in the classroom, it builds aggression among some, and hurts the self esteem of others.
Then there were, believe it or not, special classes that let minors smoke in the classroom, and liberal professors and some teachers advocating making condoms available to school children.
We can thank these "liberal" sociologists, psychologists, professors, and teachers for the mess we are in today. Discipline has become a dirty word. Challenging teachers in the classroom has become the norm. Parents teaching children their "rights", and demanding that teachers not discipline their children is all too common. Parents refusing to let teachers keep their misbehaving and/or failing students after school, or not allowing them to come to Saturday school, then blaming the teachers for their child's failure.
I have several of Dr. Dobson's books. This is the kind of discipline and training we've abandoned in this country. If you like smart alec, uncooperative, reluctant, and sometimes dangerous students, then you'll love Blazak's alternative style to Dr. Dobson.
Our society is a result of people like Blazak who forced the rules and laws of society upon a questioning academic community. It wasn't conservatives like Dr. Dobsom. I know I watched it happen. Millions of older, probably retired, teachers will also attest to that. To make matters worse, young teachers have been taught this garbage and many of them live by the liberal philosophy, perpetuating the problem. Now schools are wondering how to handle these children of society's creation.
My advice is to read Dr. Dobson. Forget the religious part,if you wish, but use your common sense. Discipline is needed in every walk of life--athletics, music, academics,military, and much more. So, where is this discipline going to be taught, if not in the home?
Today's parents dump their children off at school, and expect us to feed them, wipe their nose, check their eyes, keep them safe, and, if we have time, teach. Then they blame the schools for all the behavior problems,academic problems, and societal problems that result from them handing over their responsibilites to other entities, and too often without support. I once had a parent tell me it was our job as teachers to teach the child how to behave--without discipline, of course.
This is the new American way; let the children run wild, express their worst feelings so we don't hurt their self esteem, then blame the bad results on society. Of course it's society's fault because we listened to liberals like Balzak for several decades, and look where it's got us. He would say we didn't intend that. Well, maybe not, but that's where you got us.
Just read the book and decide for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: The "Dr." is not in Review: This guy is a complete hack. I work with children, and I see more confused, abused, and abusing children (drugs, rape, fights) from fundamentalist families than any other source. This type of parenting is a lie, and if you raise your kids this way please do it somewhere other than Schenectady, NY so I can live in relative peace.
Rating:  Summary: An answer to all your child discipline questions. Review: We have three beautiful children 2,4, and 6. My wife and I always ask the questions: Are we raising are children correctly? How come it takes screaming to get the kids to do something? Why does the simplest task seem like a production? Dr. Dobson has the answers, we've been using his approach for over 2 month now and are family has become closer. It doesn't take 30 minutes to get them to bed anymore, we setup bedtime rules and the kids follow those rules. Why, because we follow through with our threats, you must follow through. We have set up lots of rules in the past but know are rules are followed. Simple rules: No Hitting, No name calling, listen to your mother and father, bedtime is 8pm. Its a great book with great stories and the stories hit home.