Rating:  Summary: Amazing!!! Review: I was blown away by the ideas in this book. After listening to all the political pundits and talk show gurus I finally figured out something. And, that is, they don't help us. Oh sure they make us aware of the issues, and sometimes even give us both sides of a topic. I've come to realize however that Rush, Dr. Laura, Hannity, O'Reilly, Savage and the others really just talk about ideas. Maybe that is all America can handle. Maybe that is what we are use to. But, maybe we have never thought about the idea of taking it one step further. There is talk and then there is truly solving the problems. All these wiz kids really don't have a clue. E. R. Marks truly understands the issues, truly understands the process of solving problems and truly understands the action plans to get us there. We all know the issues, we have all heard the topics a million times. Don't you think it is time for America to want to do more than just survive. RENEW can help everyone succeed, and it has everything we need to get us there. Simply Amazing!!
Rating:  Summary: The Right Way To Parent!! Review: I wish I had this book 10 years ago. I married the wrong guy with multiple issues and to this day he still torments me. I didn't think of any consequences of divorce or abuse because I was in love. How wrong I was. The only benefit to our marriage is my two great children. They are the most important things in my life. But, RENEW has shown me that I should have been more responsible back then and even more responsible now. The 105 ways to be a great parent (The Parent's Responsibility Creed) is so invaluable that I am going to show them to every parent I know. RENEW is giving me the courage to look at my life differently. Parenting is the most important job in the world and there are so many great solutions in this book. I can't wait to begin my life again and if you are about to get married or become a parent, RENEW is the most important investment you will ever make.
Rating:  Summary: The Real Solution To Life Review: Once in a generation comes a book so powerful as to offer profound wisdom. RENEW should be considered the next Bible. It's certainly not a book on religion. But, it offers a new human spirituality that just isn't written about anymore. It's not like the original Bible where the good guy dies in the end. In this book everyone that is logical and responsible literally has an opportunity to get Renewed and life as we know it changes for the better. Can we ask of anything more in the written word? RENEW explores life in a big way. Each and every issue is thrust upon us waiting for us to grasp and behold. Let's look at one example. We all know the affects of smoking, or at least we all think we do. We are bombarded by advertising by either the evils of smoking, or specific ways to stop smoking altogether. But, consider smoking on a different level. What if we viewed smokers as killers? In recent news, we make it illegal to pull the plug on a comatose woman dying in Florida. The government has determined that if we pull the plug and she loses just one day of her life, we are literally killing her. But, the average smoker loses 11 years on their lives and we don't care about that. If we care about this woman's one day why don't we care about the 40 million smokers? We also don't care that they are taking time off other people's lives with second hand smoke. Doesn't this make them a serial killer? And, last year we had a few national consumer product recalls. A few products like beef, car seats, toys and baby carriages were made incorrectly. An immediate national recall alerted the public that a few people either died or were injured. Yet 400,000 people die of cigarettes every year and there is no national recall. Why is that? Until we look at issues differently, we will never find the real solutions to life. RENEW is ready to provide America with the answers that will make life richer and fuller. Highly recommended!!
Rating:  Summary: Can I give it 10 STARS? Review: RENEW is provacative, original and fresh and is the most exciting and controversial book that I have ever read. We all know that there are lots of problems out there and things seem to be getting worse. But, E. R. Marks has come up with a simple solution (I won't give it away) that brings more hope and happiness than any political program has ever created. We hear so much talk from the big radio and TV hosts but we never get to the heart of the matter. RENEW takes us there in a logical and moral way. Like all of us, Marks is tired of paying for everyone's problems, mistakes and accidents and his quote "To err is human, to be responsible for that err is divine," should be our new national mantra. His actions are bold and his solutions are perfect. And, not only does he create fair solutions, he prepares us to create new legislation so that each one of us can play an active role in making a huge difference for the betterment of society. If you want a better life for your family, I urge you to get this book today.
Rating:  Summary: The Handbook For The New Millennium! Review: Simple yet profound, what Einstein's Theory of Relativity did for physics, RENEW does for the human condition. This is a book chock full of wonderful ideas. It first creates a valuable overview of all the major issues facing us today and then single-handedly solves each and every one of them. This is no small feat because it has never been done before. Of course it will ruffle the feathers of those that want free handouts all their lives. But, if we can believe in the spirit of mankind, if we can believe in better preparation in marriage and parenting, and if we can believe in making people really responsible and accountable for thier actions, life will become so much more pleasurable. RENEW deserves the highest praise.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic! Review: There are numerous self help books on the market. In fact the market is flooded with them. After reading the most recent books from Michael Savage, Rush, Hillary, Dr. Phil, Dr. Laura and others, I thought to myself, is there anything new to learn? Do they have a message that creates a message that makes changes, real changes? The answers are no. Savage wants to close the borders but does he have an actual plan for that? Rush wants to get rid of all the democrats but are the republicans talking about how to step by step solve the real problems like E. R. Marks does? They certainly are passionate about what they write but we have heard it all before as rehashes of their political pulpits. They are living past their 15 minutes of fame and all are staying controversial without solving anything. I guess if they really had any solutions we would have heard them by now, so we sit and wait till something actually positive comes from them. Marks puts all the political bickering aside and tells us to look at things in a new way, in a renewed way. I had no idea that there is was so much possibility. For example, here we are trying to fight the drug problem and yet it is not even a problem. All politicians want to do is spend more money towards drugs and magically it will go away. But money and the drugs themselves are not the problem. This is what Marks does, he makes you look at things very, very differently. We will not solve things in the traditional way anymore. We need to look at problem solving in a new light. So, if you are ready for a renewed human spirit, a renewed attitude about living and how we treat our fellow man, you need to get RENEW. It is fantastic.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic! Review: There are numerous self help books on the market. In fact the market is flooded with them. After reading the most recent books from Michael Savage, Rush, Hillary, Dr. Phil, Dr. Laura and others, I thought to myself, is there anything new to learn? Do they have a message that creates a message that makes changes, real changes? The answers are no. Savage wants to close the borders but does he have an actual plan for that? Rush wants to get rid of all the democrats but are the republicans talking about how to step by step solve the real problems like E. R. Marks does? They certainly are passionate about what they write but we have heard it all before as rehashes of their political pulpits. They are living past their 15 minutes of fame and all are staying controversial without solving anything. I guess if they really had any solutions we would have heard them by now, so we sit and wait till something actually positive comes from them. Marks puts all the political bickering aside and tells us to look at things in a new way, in a renewed way. I had no idea that there is was so much possibility. For example, here we are trying to fight the drug problem and yet it is not even a problem. All politicians want to do is spend more money towards drugs and magically it will go away. But money and the drugs themselves are not the problem. This is what Marks does, he makes you look at things very, very differently. We will not solve things in the traditional way anymore. We need to look at problem solving in a new light. So, if you are ready for a renewed human spirit, a renewed attitude about living and how we treat our fellow man, you need to get RENEW. It is fantastic.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful & Moving!! Review: This book deserves the highest praise. It has both wonderful narrative, excellent supporting research from a wide variety of sources, and simple, concise and articulate solutions to the toughest of issues. Readers will like the fact that the solutions are unique and thought-provoking, powerful and moving If you want illogical political correctness and desire to do things the same way over and over again, there are dozens of other books out there for you. If you only care to tweak old ideas, nothing will ever change. Like the author states, start with a new attitude and RENEW your mind. Believe in your heart and soul that great changes are actually possible. Do you know why? It's because, they are possible. Isn't that the human spirit that we all need?
Rating:  Summary: Powerful & Moving!! Review: This book deserves the highest praise. It has both wonderful narrative, excellent supporting research from a wide variety of sources, and simple, concise and articulate solutions to the toughest of issues. Readers will like the fact that the solutions are unique and thought-provoking, powerful and moving If you want illogical political correctness and desire to do things the same way over and over again, there are dozens of other books out there for you. If you only care to tweak old ideas, nothing will ever change. Like the author states, start with a new attitude and RENEW your mind. Believe in your heart and soul that great changes are actually possible. Do you know why? It's because, they are possible. Isn't that the human spirit that we all need?
Rating:  Summary: To Serve Man... Review: This incredible book reminded me of the old Twilight Zone story where a stranger comes into town with only a book in his hand. He seems to be a wise man because he has unique and interesting ideas. The townsfolk however become worried that the man and his book might come from some alien world. Without even wondering what the book is about, they punish him and the ending is not a good one for the stranger. In today's world, we all seem afraid of making better changes. We seem afraid of being politically incorrect. If we don't come together soon, we all will have the same fate as the stranger. This book is like a cookbook. It is filled with simple recipe solutions that will help us in our everyday world. It will allow us to be better people. It will allow us to take control and make us responsible for our actions. I can't think of a more important book...ever. Every single American needs to take a look at the moral and logical solutions that are staring us in the face, a face called RENEW.