Rating:  Summary: Incredible!! Review: Electrifying and Brilliant! RENEW is the most important book of our generation. It will dramatically and immediately increase the quality of life of every American. If you care about America and our future, you need RENEW to understand how to simplify problems, make better choices and be more responsible. An absolute must read.
Rating:  Summary: INSPIRING!! Review: I am not a book reviewer and I don't consider myself as being very politically savvy. All I know is that for the first time in my life a book has really inspired me. After I read it I realized that my children needed to hear this message too. It's easy reading a book to your kids when they are very young but just try sitting them down for any length of time as teenagers. Since none of them really read the newspaper or watch the news on television, they were amazed at the statistics in chapter 4 of this book. Not many things can really motivate them to want to find out about current events but this book truly made an extraordinary difference. And, afterward my son said to me, "Dad, I feel better prepared about life and now I am going to look at things much differently." Boy, isn't that what we dream about as parents? RENEW WILL open your eyes to ideas that you probably haven't even considered. And, it will prepare you and your family to make positive changes. You WILL be inspired.
Rating:  Summary: A Gem!! Review: I have an interest in learning more about the social ills that face our country so I was very excited to read the book. If you are full of illogical political correctness however, this isn't your book. RENEW is about starting over again, about looking at things fairly and morally in ways that you would never realize. Whether it is about how we should raise our children, or giving to the right charity, or thinking about taking a marriage test, or completing parent education, or just becoming better role models, RENEW is right on the money in every way. It is literally the answer that most of us have been waiting for.Go out and buy this book. Then after you read it take action with some issue that you are passionate about. Maybe it will be to change the marriage, adoption or child care laws. Whatever it is, start in your own state by working with key people. This is the way we make changes best even though the political process can be tough. Overall, a wonderful and positive way to make vital changes.
Rating:  Summary: The Next Revolution Review: I have never felt more passion for a book. This in part is interesting because it comes from a new small press named Serendipity. If you remember the movie of the same name, one of the main characters said - "The Greeks never wrote obituaries. All they cared about when a person died was if they had passion in life." RENEW reminds me of that quote. There are hundreds of self help books out there but few offer any real and meaningful help. They make you search for it and then in the end you are once again disappointed and left without true direction. I guess the key to this book is that it has passion and direction. And, with these two things comes the need for all of us to take notice, stop, think, organize, plan and move forward in the right way. The fact is we need a new revolution. I thought about that word revolution and what it must have felt like for Paul Revere and many others to stand up and want to make changes. RENEW comes closer to anything in making a statement for a change for the better. Better means for all of us, not one class or one race, but everyone. E. R. Marks' ideas, thoughts and programs are clearly visionary and all I can hope for is that enough people start to read this so that we can all band together and create action plans that work. If you care about marriage, divorce, parenting, crime, drugs, or any other issue that makes life difficult, it is time to look at these ideas and then get involved. Pick one and call your local State Representative. Work with them in getting America back on track. If enough people get involved, the next revolution will surely be something that the founding fathers of this country would have been very proud of. This is a winner!!
Rating:  Summary: The Next Revolution Review: I have never felt more passion for a book. This in part is interesting because it comes from a new small press named Serendipity. If you remember the movie of the same name, one of the main characters said - "The Greeks never wrote obituaries. All they cared about when a person died was if they had passion in life." RENEW reminds me of that quote. There are hundreds of self help books out there but few offer any real and meaningful help. They make you search for it and then in the end you are once again disappointed and left without true direction. I guess the key to this book is that it has passion and direction. And, with these two things comes the need for all of us to take notice, stop, think, organize, plan and move forward in the right way. The fact is we need a new revolution. I thought about that word revolution and what it must have felt like for Paul Revere and many others to stand up and want to make changes. RENEW comes closer to anything in making a statement for a change for the better. Better means for all of us, not one class or one race, but everyone. E. R. Marks' ideas, thoughts and programs are clearly visionary and all I can hope for is that enough people start to read this so that we can all band together and create action plans that work. If you care about marriage, divorce, parenting, crime, drugs, or any other issue that makes life difficult, it is time to look at these ideas and then get involved. Pick one and call your local State Representative. Work with them in getting America back on track. If enough people get involved, the next revolution will surely be something that the founding fathers of this country would have been very proud of. This is a winner!!
Rating:  Summary: A Brave New World Review: I loved everything about this book. There are so many new areas that it is hard to know where to start. One idea that is very current and personal for me is how people view accidents. I know no one means to get into an accident but it always takes a physical, emotional and financial toll on others. Just because there is no intent should not mean that the person is not responsible. I was recently in a major traffic jam along with thousands of other motorists. It wasted 3 hours of my time. I mean it was just stolen from me. I knew the cop that was at the scene and he told me that a guy crashed with an oil truck because he was eating a sandwich and lost control of the wheel. The reason I was really mad was because I was a bridesmaid at my sister's wedding. It was a wedding that I helped plan for a year and now I couldn't even attend. If you multiply my loss with everyone, even at $10 an hour, the total loss would be over $100,000. And, this doesn't even cover the emotional trauma I went through. But, the driver would receive just a $50 fine. Is this fair? Do we not care about others so much that nothing really matters anymore? If the driver knew beforehand that he would be responsible for all our financial damage, do you think he would have been more careful? Absolutely!! We put people in jail for stealing $20, yet this person stole $100,000 and nothing is done. We now have to go after the irresponsible. RENEW is long overdue and it delivers more than anything I have ever read. If you are brave enough, and want change, you will love this book too.
Rating:  Summary: A Brave New World Review: I loved everything about this book. There are so many new areas that it is hard to know where to start. One idea that is very current and personal for me is how people view accidents. I know no one means to get into an accident but it always takes a physical, emotional and financial toll on others. Just because there is no intent should not mean that the person is not responsible. I was recently in a major traffic jam along with thousands of other motorists. It wasted 3 hours of my time. I mean it was just stolen from me. I knew the cop that was at the scene and he told me that a guy crashed with an oil truck because he was eating a sandwich and lost control of the wheel. The reason I was really mad was because I was a bridesmaid at my sister's wedding. It was a wedding that I helped plan for a year and now I couldn't even attend. If you multiply my loss with everyone, even at $10 an hour, the total loss would be over $100,000. And, this doesn't even cover the emotional trauma I went through. But, the driver would receive just a $50 fine. Is this fair? Do we not care about others so much that nothing really matters anymore? If the driver knew beforehand that he would be responsible for all our financial damage, do you think he would have been more careful? Absolutely!! We put people in jail for stealing $20, yet this person stole $100,000 and nothing is done. We now have to go after the irresponsible. RENEW is long overdue and it delivers more than anything I have ever read. If you are brave enough, and want change, you will love this book too.
Rating:  Summary: The New Benchmark for Human Success Review: I never thought a book could be this enlightening and it has moved me in a way that I never thought possible. Besides being a reviewer I am a 12th grade English teacher. I asked my 110 students (over 5 block classes) if they could solve a simple problem similar to the one described in the book. Not one of them had an idea on the process of solving this problem. Next, I asked them to describe the attributes of a successful manager, and then, if they thought their parents were successful managers. The end result was that they didn't think there was a correlation between managing teams of people at the workplace and managing the family team. So, if the future generation can't solve problems, and doesn't understand that parents need to be successful managers of people, how will we survive? RENEW should be mandatory in every high school in America. It will give children a benchmark for what is really important in life. Isn't that why we become parents in the first place?
Rating:  Summary: The Right Stuff! Review: I think the big question to this book is "why didn't someone think of this before?" It certainly would have saved us billions of dollars and America would be better off for it. Take immigration for example. We spend our money in the wrong places, we protect many of the wrong countries and we don't do anything to people who stay here illegally. If we don't care about the 8 million illegal felons that are costing us billions of dollars each year, why not just let 8 million more in? Why should we have borders at all? These felons are breaking our laws, not paying taxes, and demand that we speak their language. If nothing happens America will be just another third world country. This has to be stopped and Marks has a great solution. Every issue is put in simple terms which I really liked. The book kept me at the edge of my seat with numerous insights that completely surprised me. As the author states, "Today, we need to take responsibility." RENEW is the right stuff with a story that needs to be read.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing!!! Review: I was blown away by the ideas in this book. After listening to all the political pundits and talk show gurus I finally figured out something. And, that is, they don't help us. Oh sure they make us aware of the issues, and sometimes even give us both sides of a topic. I've come to realize however that Rush, Dr. Laura, Hannity, O'Reilly, Savage and the others really just talk about ideas. Maybe that is all America can handle. Maybe that is what we are use to. But, maybe we have never thought about the idea of taking it one step further. There is talk and then there is truly solving the problems. All these wiz kids really don't have a clue. E. R. Marks truly understands the issues, truly understands the process of solving problems and truly understands the action plans to get us there. We all know the issues, we have all heard the topics a million times. Don't you think it is time for America to want to do more than just survive. RENEW can help everyone succeed, and it has everything we need to get us there. Simply Amazing!!