Rating:  Summary: Avoid the new translation!! Review: Please don't be duped into buying the dreadful new translation. The original Katherine Woods translation is poetic and graceful, full of delightful and memorable phrases. The new edition reads like a service manual for a chainsaw. [...]
Rating:  Summary: Better to read a phonebook than the new translation Review: Please, please, please seek out the original translation instead of the new, "improved" edition. Yes, an occasional line from the Katherine Woods translation may sound strange to modern readers, but the new translation is artless by comparison. I shudder to think of the generation of children who will be cheated out of the poetic beauty of the original. Few things are ever improved by being "Americanized."
Rating:  Summary: That which is essential is invisible to the eye......... Review: I never expected to be so moved by such a small tale. Read it, and share it....it contains the most beautiful life lessons to be passed along.
Rating:  Summary: Más que Príncipe, un mensajero espiritual. Review: Este pequeño niño puede causar maravillas en todo aquel que tenga la dicha de conocerlo y posee la magia divina de que por un medio o por otro todos llegan a saber de él. Y es que el mensaje que vino a traer a la Tierra es para todos sus habitantes, porque a cada uno de ellos quisiera arropar en su pecho y mantener a salvo de la falta de valores espirituales,aquellos que hacen trascender a la raza humana y nos convierten en dignos seres sencibles. El principito se afana en rescatar el sentido del amar fiel y verdaderamente, la fuerza de la amistad genuina, la belleza de una flor de geranio, la grandeza en la simplicidad ingenua de los niños; todas ellas intangibles, que pueden ser sentidas y vistas únicamente con los ojos del corazón, allí donde radica nuestra alma esperando que la dejemos expresarse en entrega y canción. Es un poema precioso a la vida. El más bello que he leído, el más dulce, tierno y filosófico. Todos llevamos un Pequeño Príncipe adentro que lucha porque lo dejen vivir y manifestarse. El es nuestra parte divina, lo que éramos antes de nacer y lo que volveremos a ser el día que no estemos en ésta. Regresaremos como él mismo a su casa eterna, y seguiremos siendo, junto a él, en su misma esencia espiritual, sólo habremos cambiado de estado, dejando atrás la envoltura física. Un libro para todas las edades, que mientras más temprano se lea es mejor; para reflexionar, superarse, evolucionar y desarrollar la consciencia, algo tan necesario en nuestros días donde a veces se ausenta el amor auténtico que él nos enseña y nos cubre el materialismo que el detesta. Mi Principito duerme o quizás sueña en la cabecera de mi cama a mis treinta y seis años. Me hizo llorar mucho y todavía me hace. Aunque muchas veces es de dicha por haberlo conocido. Fue el primer ser que descubrí que hablara mi mismo idioma cuando contaba con sólo doce años. ¡Privilegiada de mí! Se los recomiendo a todos y le darán como yo, las gracias por existir. Gracias Exupery por ser tan noble y dejarnos para siempre un amigo tan lindo por dentro y por fuera. ¡Que Dios te tenga en un lugar muy especial, en el cielo que te haya escogido, te deseo yo y todos los que te amamos a través de tu portavoz, del mensajero de tu alma. En él sigues estando siempre entre nosotros, como si nunca te hubieses ido. Gracias nuevamente, por haber servido de canal para entregar este precioso regalo a la Humanidad.
Rating:  Summary: New version is off planet! Review: I was highly disappointed with the new translation of The Little Prince. After reading the first page alone, I knew I would be shaking my head throughout. The poetic beauty Katherine Woods extracted from the original French version is missing completely from this new version. Had I never read the Woods version, I would say that this is a good book, but not really a great one. However, since I have read the original, I must say the new one is simply too mundane and easy to read. It's a watered down version of a literary masterpiece. As an elementary school teacher I buy a copy of The Little Prince every June for each of my students as a gift. We read the book together, and we embark on a journey to uncover the mysteries of the universe through the adventures of the interplanetary traveler. It is a fitting way to end a school year. My students love the original language, and they love to construct personal meaning from the text. We have some wonderful discussions about the language and the meaning of the words. Part of the beauty of The Little Prince is pausing momentarily while reading to absorb meaning. I'm afraid the new version leaves very little to the imagination, and leaves little room for juicy conversation. I hope the publisher will continue to publish Woods version, or else I'll have to find another book to give to my students at the year's end.
Rating:  Summary: A treasure Review: This wonderful story, with its profound lessons on life, is like a gentle old friend to me. I first read it as a child, despite my father's warning that some of its subtleties might have to wait until I was older. This happened in another world, another language. Later, as a teenager, I was surprised to learn that in America The Little Prince was considered to be a children's book. Out of curiosity, I read the book again ... I smiled to remember my father's comment. Over the years I have read this little gem of wisdom again and again and again. At my wedding, the judge read the passage in which the little prince returns to the rose garden, only to discover how special and unique his own rose is. As for the taming of the fox, I know of no other instance in literature which captures the true nature of friendship quite like this. This wise little fox keeps hanging around my life... Surely, no child can truly understand "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." And yet, aren't the lessons in The Little Prince precisely what most of us really want to teach our children? Perhaps these very important lessons take a whole lifetime to learn... My husband and I have read The Little Prince to our daughter on several occasions. And that cunning friend fox keeps getting into our conversations. Can it be that he is now helping me raise my own daughter? You bet.
Rating:  Summary: Read the French Version Review: I read this my freshman year in French 2 and later in English. Trust me, the french version seems much better and more poetic. So learn french and read le petit prince the way it supposed to be read!
Rating:  Summary: A classic Review: I'm in my mid-thirties, and I still pull out this book once a year or so to read and/or quote from it. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Insight on life Review: I read this book over and over when I was little, and read it still now that I am grown. I even used an excerpt from it for a speech when I was on the speech team in high school. It has so many different lessons that can be useful to all of us. A great story, and great real-life insight. One of my all-time favorite books.
Rating:  Summary: for "kids" of all ages Review: LOVED IT,(of course that may be becouse I've only read 1 book that i didn't like)it is a very good book that I've reread countlass times, it brings the inocence of a small child together with something else that I can't quite put my finger on, sorrow maby? anyway I highly recomend this book and give it the highest praise