Rating:  Summary: Filled with KNOWLEDGE Review: Most relationship books describe how to move towards the lofty goals of greater intimacy, effective communication, etc. That's all fine and good, but what if you want to know how things actually work TODAY, before the dating public has achieved those lofty goals? What if your problem is in getting a date? What if you want to enhance your relationship, for both of you, in ways that the politically correct books won't describe?Well, then this is the book for you. Jama Clark has no problems ignoring politically correct advice and telling it like it is, drawing on much scientific material from the field of evoluntionary psychology. (Those with a scientific bent should also read The Evolution of Desire by Buss). The book has helped me greatly. If you've ever wondered why women say they want nice guys but date jerks instead, then this is the book for you. If you are a women that has ever dated a jerk and didn't like it, you should get this book so you can see why you are selecting the wrong men.
Rating:  Summary: Recommended with reservations Review: Portions of this book are just laughable, especially the statement that women "don't notice" if men have lost all their hair. Any woman who can't see that is brain damaged or comatose or worse. The truth is, women are extremely conscious of hair, and will not date any man who does not have it. Chrome domes of the world may take comfort from this author's silly bloopers but they shouldn't. Jama Clark's position is that women are in business, plain and simple, and that they will be "attracted" to the man who offers them the most profit potential. There certainly are women like that out there, and if you are looking for a bought-and-paid-for concubine, this book is for you. If you have some other idea of a relationship, it may be of less value. Still, it is the best of a bad genre. If you have hair and can't get a date, give this one a try.
Rating:  Summary: Not All Women Are The Same Review: The author seems to think that all women judge men by his profession and what he drives. She's not even close. I too wrote a book on how to be more successful with women, and what they want, but I asked the down-to-earth, very cute women instead of the beautiful materialistic and shallow women. If men think all women are like the ones explained in this book, you might as well hang it up. NOT ALL WOMEN ARE SHALLOW AND MATERIALISTIC! It's books like these that brain washes a good many men. I have talked with I don't know how many women on what they want, and nearly all don't fit what is found in this book. The author's thinking is just that...HER THINKING! I have heard it all while doing the research for my book, and one thing I know for sure, and so should you, is that not all women are like the ones portrayed in this book. The only thing I agree with is chapter six; How To Talk To Women. This is a good chapter. Perry Rose, author of Women, Sex And Dating, For The Single Man.
Rating:  Summary: What the hell would anyone want with this book? Review: The message of this book is extremely simple. If you are short, bald, or broke, or some combination of those three, no woman will ever want you. Period. There is no question that the author is right, but that is all there is to the subject. If you like that statement so well that you want it somehow padded and puffed and fluffed into book length, then this book is for you. If not, then you know as much as a result of reading this review as the author knows. One problem is that short, bald, and broke are all incurable conditions. Reading this book is not going to make you taller and it is not going to grow hair on a doorknob. I thought the author could add some words on how the undatable of the world could serenely accept their solitary fate and move on. But when I suggested this to her it was made clear this is an emotional issue with her BIG TIME. I can understand why she could not write about a subject which gets her so horribly upset. But the bottom line is, that important section is missing. No other author is honest enough to admit that there are men in the world no woman wants. This one admits there are men no woman wants but has nothing to say about how to feel wonderful about abysmal failure in such an important area of life. The title should be What the Hell Do Women Emphatically NOT Want? More important, Why the Hell Would Anybody Want This Book? My suggestion is, forget the book and buy a bottle of booze instead. It will do more for you. But it won't make you taller or more hirsute.
Rating:  Summary: It really does explain it all. Review: The only true test for any theory is, how well does it explain behavior? I first read Jama Clark's book four years ago and revisit it periodically because it passes the test quite handily. And, more importantly, based on *empirical* testing, it works... even (I could say, especially) with women who say that it's baloney. Sorry, but it's true. Jama Clark's use of evolutionary psychology *really does* reconcile all the seeming inconsistencies of female behavior. Invariably, when I hear someone pan the book, it's someone who is uncomfortable with the thought that humans are, after all, animals. The book simply recognizes that fact and lays out a practical framework for working with that circumstance... it's a fundamentally necessary work.
Rating:  Summary: You are what you are & you ain't what you ain't Review: The singles business has become an industry and I can think of few things more disgraceful than making money by giving worthless advice to lonely people. That said, Jama's book is as close to the real deal as any book/tape/seminar/Learning Annex thing you will find. It is not important that she is a real doctor and not a "love doctor". Nor does it matter that women will deny all this and find it offensive. What matters is that this is the way things are. Guess what--women are attracted to certain things (perhaps without being conciously aware) just as men are. I'm not gonna say blondes have more fun--but your can bet SLIM blondes have more fun. And so do tall guys with full heads of hair. That's the good news. The bad is that it will do you no good to sit at home, waiting to get taller. And here is where this book with all of its superb explanations and clarity, breaks down: what good is knowledge if you can't act on it? You are what you are and you ain't what you ain't. To put it another way, to be more successful with women, do the following: (1) be positive (even when you are feeling absolute despair, (2) appear supremely confident (even when your knees are shaking), (3) be aggressive (even if that's simply not your personality), (4) be tall, (5) don't leave the house without a full head of hair, (6) dress expensively and well, (7) never appear needy (even if the women is a knockout and you haven't had a date in 4 years), (8) be lucky (perhaps you can will yourself to win the lottery, (9) Be yourself, so long as the previous points describe you., (10) Smile--get hold of some material from Eric Weber or Tony Robbins which is too hillarious to parody and take a step back and laugh! I could go on but your success or lack of it will depend on your ability to adhere to the above points. BTW, I met with Jama. Didn't like her much but she had my number. Took me a long time to grasp this but if you go to a therapist and its a pleasant experience you're in the wrong place. But that's another story....
Rating:  Summary: A book for men who want to win. Review: This book is the sole resource for understanding why women do the things they do and make the choices they make. Did you ever wonder why a woman will go home with a grungy biker type when you're standing right in front of her in a $400.00 suit? The answer is in here. Dr. Clark has studied this subject in great detail. As an attendee of her seminars and a reader of this book, I find that her theories are accuate most of the time. This book explains how to appeal to a woman's "subconscious hard-wired biological needs" in order to establish a rapport with her. It works! Generally, women who read this book are compelled to deny it's validity because they see it as a tool of exploitation. I suppose that's one way to look at it. The men I know who read it just want to find a mate worth keeping and live happily ever after; which is a much better tenet to operate under than that described in books like "The Rules" (AKA "How to Find a Hen-pecked Yes-man for a Mate")
Rating:  Summary: Practical advice for men who want to date successfully Review: This book tells you HOW TO ATTRACT WOMEN! Dr. Clark's advice is straight forward and practical.What better way to learn about women than from a woman? Men who read this book thoroughly and take heed of her advice will find women attracted to them.There is advice on what to avoid doing on a date,behavior that attracts women,how to talk to a woman,and how to dress for a date.This advice alone will improve most men's social life!This book is definitely worth buying.
Rating:  Summary: The sad realities about most women are finally revealed! Review: This has got to be the best book I have read on the psychology of women and how they choose the men in their lives. Its as real as it gets and to sum it up, it will do one of three things: 1)Make you want to stay single 2)Think about joining the priesthood or at its worst...3)Make you wish you were gay. The book offers good advice, but it does point out the sad reality and unfairness to the way women select their mates and the type of abuse we must endure to approach them, date them and keep them. Overall I highly recomend this book and feel it may open some eyes.
Rating:  Summary: Oh, please like none of us knew of this information? Review: What a circus and what a show, another book on dating for the undateable if they need to read a book about it. The book is a composite of her views, likes and dislikes and guess what, simple manners, self styling and poof you are ready to date! Anyone buying this bull is in deep trouble and anyone selling it is a Witch Doctor of the Third Kind! There are already several books on the subject available and you need not buy this one. Try being polite, attentive and persistence and guess what....you will date sooner or later. The book won't help anyone except those who think they need it and if they need it why read a book whereby you already lack the confidence to be on your own? No one needs to be told how to date, just date, it is like life, there is just life so live it