Rating:  Summary: Valid points Review: As much as I hate to admit it, many aspects of this book ring true. As a man with average dating success I feel I now have a new insight as to why things went wrong.Don't take this book as gospel, but be very wary of women who refute it or give you different dating advice. While women are generally well meaning creatures it has been my experience that women can't or wont admit what they really look for in a man.
Rating:  Summary: Reality Check - Let's Get To the Point! Review: As you read the other reviews for this book you will find many people who are upset with what the author has said in her book. Those people are missing the point of the book. It's just as ugly and simple as this: everyone has standards and the people who have the most to offer (in terms of looks, financial assets, personality, etc.) are in a position to demand more than others. Whether you like it or not that is the way things are. Yes, I know you talked to lots of cute women (7's & 8's) who claim they are not as materialistic as the book suggests. I just have two things to say about that. First, if you lower your standards enough (not quite as cute or whatever) you can ALWAYS find someone to date. The rest will reject you based on exactly the criteria listed in this book. (Although you may be short selling yourself or sabataging yourself by not setting your standards high enough.) Second, if you read the letters in women's magazines and their posts on the internet you will find women have two basic complaints about men: a) Too many men act like doormats. Women aren't looking for guys who bend over backwards to please them, they want men with some spine! b) The guys that they sleep with (ie. the good looking guys with plenty of money to flash around) usually turn out to be jerks. Notice I said these are the guys they are SLEEPING WITH! As their looks begin to fade and they get a little older they will eventually settle for someone a little safer, a little nicer, a little... boring. The question is, which end of this deal do you want in on? Do you want to be the nice safe guy who gets the left overs or the guy who gets the action? If you want to be the one getting the action then you need to be aware of the criteria women use (consciously or subconsciously) in selecting the guys they will sleep with or bond with, and those things are spelled out very well in this book. I'm not saying you have to like it, I am saying this is the way things are. The information in this book can help you do a LOT better with the ladies.
Rating:  Summary: book is based on research and does not denegrate women Review: Dear Reader: Consider the context of reviews which say that "Jama Clark says ______". That is like editing an Email, and then sending it. For example, in my book I stated that "most women OVER 35 don't pay so much attention to your hair". Yes, women are serious about mating - but they also want what they want - like you guys like sex."What does she look like -what does he do?" I always suspect sweeping statements when there appears to be a sales angle behind it. You might be a proud member of "The exceptional Few" - the title of my first chapter - men who don't fit into typical patterns. I do NOT endorse any other author's book which are referred to in the "also read" section of this page but one - and that for humor only (maleton) Some authors use this section as a ploy to sell their books. Clever. Now check out their book pages,is my book listed?P.S.: At my last seminar - the men who had black underwear ALL received tham as gifts from their girlfriends. No matter - wear what works. "Only the humble can command" I remind myself. (Lao T.) If I can handle Howard Stern (Oct 19th) - I can get used to cheap shots. If you would like to contact any of my clients (I am a licensed therapist)you are welcome. My primary work in California is a clinician who works directly with men w/ dating questions. Clothes and dress are merely the doorway to more complex communication issues like childhood problems, parental criticism and even spiritual transitions you may be experiencing - but first, you must lead the horse to water with your appearance and attitude. The press likes to concentrate on the more simplistic elements of my work - dress. My field is evolutionary psychology - based on Darwian theory,but the book is easy to read and endorsed by the top of the field - Dr.Buss of the University of Texas. So, friends, absorb the book first, and decide for yourself. If you don't agree that it has helped you considerably,let's talk. Sincerely, Jama Clark,Ph.D and happy trails
Rating:  Summary: DR. JAMA CLARK IS THE HIGH PRIESTESS OF SOCIOBIOLOGY! Review: DR. JAMA CLARK IS THE HIGH PRIESTESS OF SOCIOBIOLOGY! WHAT THE HELL DO WOMEN REALLY WANT? is the best book written on the psychology of Sociobiology, or why women want what they want in men! If you're looking for a book to make you feel good, DON'T READ THIS BOOK! Jama Clark starts off with a bang--her foreward is better than most books!--and she goes through virtually every variable of dating and mate choice, and even discusses some things most writers are afraid to discuss--like race and ethnicity--as she charts the winnowing process that women use in selecting mates. WHAT THE HELL DO WOMEN REALLY WANT? doesn't spend much time with the usual magazine article attributes such as personality or sense of humor, but instead focuses on what Jama calls "bargaining chips," such as race, height, physique, hair, income, and assets. I've never seen a sociobiology book that tackles as many variables as this one does, and the only weak point is that the book is a little hard to follow in the middle, but PAGES 74 AND 75 ARE A MUST READ FOR ANY MAN!!! And Dr. Jama Clark is a PhD, and is the first PhD to write in plain English about the real factors that influence dating and mate choice. She offers consultations at the end of her book, and once you've gotten to the last page, you know that DR. JAMA CLARK IS THE HIGH PRIESTESS OF SOCIOBIOLOGY!!! RESEARCHKING TANGO2200@HOTMAIL.COM
Rating:  Summary: DR. JAMA CLARK IS THE HIGH PRIESTESS OF SOCIOBIOLOGY! Review: DR. JAMA CLARK IS THE HIGH PRIESTESS OF SOCIOBIOLOGY! WHAT THE HELL DO WOMEN REALLY WANT? is the best book written on the psychology of Sociobiology, or why women want what they want in men! If you're looking for a book to make you feel good, DON'T READ THIS BOOK! Jama Clark starts off with a bang--her foreward is better than most books!--and she goes through virtually every variable of dating and mate choice, and even discusses some things most writers are afraid to discuss--like race and ethnicity--as she charts the winnowing process that women use in selecting mates. WHAT THE HELL DO WOMEN REALLY WANT? doesn't spend much time with the usual magazine article attributes such as personality or sense of humor, but instead focuses on what Jama calls "bargaining chips," such as race, height, physique, hair, income, and assets. I've never seen a sociobiology book that tackles as many variables as this one does, and the only weak point is that the book is a little hard to follow in the middle, but PAGES 74 AND 75 ARE A MUST READ FOR ANY MAN!!! And Dr. Jama Clark is a PhD, and is the first PhD to write in plain English about the real factors that influence dating and mate choice. She offers consultations at the end of her book, and once you've gotten to the last page, you know that DR. JAMA CLARK IS THE HIGH PRIESTESS OF SOCIOBIOLOGY!!! RESEARCHKING TANGO2200@HOTMAIL.COM
Rating:  Summary: A Valuable Guide for Today's Decent Man Review: Evolutionary psychologist Clark has researched mating habits and surveyed a fair cross section of women. With this book, she conveys her findings in a men's advisory format. Several years ago, Canadian journalist Wendy Dennis wrote wittily about the contradictions of sex and dating in 90's America in her book "Hot and Bothered". She made it clear that instinctual heterosexual preferences often don't coincide with the mind's "politically correct" aspirations. Dr. Clark faces these same realities with the precision of a scientist, drawing upon research and survey data to describe the characteristics and behaviors that women find most appealing in men. Unlike the Machiavellian manipulations of "The Rules", Clark encourages men to cultivate attractive behaviors and suggests how to overcome any psychological impediments that stand in the way. She shows men how to attract women without compromising their honor, compassion, or decency. This book is a great and practical resource for nice guys who have found themselves alone more often than not.
Rating:  Summary: Beware of Illusions and falsehoods that seem 2 "make sense." Review: For all you guys out there who may be short, or not-so-attractive, or not a millionaire, please .. please .. PLEASE do NOT take this book as gospel. It seems all too easy, doesn't it. It seems all to easy to buy into the notion that you MUST be rich, MUST be extremely good looking, or MUST be extremely high status in life to bag the babes you want. After all, it seems to make perfect sense, doesn't it? I mean, all the "studies" point to the facts of what women want, right? Not so fast. First of all, let me make one thing very, VERY clear. Let's make a distinction. CAN money help you out with women? CAN being good looking help you out with women? Yes, of course they can. But are they absolutely *necessary* for you to be successful with women? The answer is a resounding NO! You are simply going to have to take the word of one who has spent 14 years in the field, "professionally" and successfully practicing seduction. ANY guy can be a success at getting women if he has but one thing: AN UNSTOPPABLE DESIRE TO LEARN WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GET THEM! Prove that to yourself. How many times have you seen guys who don't have looks or money, and yet they can hardly keep women away from them? What these guys have is not an esoteric secret, but what these guys DO have is an UNDERSTANDING. An understanding of how women work on the DEEPEST levels. Levels that are far, far deeper than that of wealth or good looks. So might the studies in the book be "technically accurate?" Yes. But if nothing else, understand this: there is a huge, HUGE difference between 'technically accurate' and REAL WORLD EVENTS. Always remember it. Do yourself a favor and do a search on any books regarding NLP and Seduction. That's your starting point. Learn everything you can about it. If you do what I say, now, and follow my advice, you'll find yourself in the future one day, say 1 or 2 years from now, and looking far back on reading this book, while you are experiencing the realization of what rubbish it really was. Trust the words of one you've not even met, but are only reading his words, now, on a page. You may not be rich. You may not be good looking. But you CAN GET WOMEN. And I challenge you to surprisingly find out the startling truth of that for yourself. What you believe, will become your reality. If you want to buy, read and believe this book, then that will BECOME your reality. Example: if scientist had never told people that the earth was round, they would still believe it was flat. Essentially, this book is doing exactly that; telling you the earth is flat. We've made a LOT of progress since then You may not understand me now, but trust me, you will. Just keep searching.
Rating:  Summary: Finally, some answers to why women behave the way they do. Review: For guys who have ever wondered why a beautiful woman would go out with "a guy like that", here's your answer. This book provides some real world answers, based on years of research, on what attracts women. A variety of topics are covered - from the obvious (your appearance) to the less obvious (the subtle psychology of body language). With a myriad of relationship books on the market (including the popular Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus), I found Dr. Clark's book to provide clear, concise advice that actually works.
Rating:  Summary: Practical principles for learning to be effective at dating. Review: I couldn't put the book down and I read it in two days. On the following Friday, at a dance club, I put to use some of her tips for meeting women. As a result of the confidence I gained from the book I was able to meet, talk to and get a woman's phone number who agreed to meet me for coffee! This is from a thirty year old male who hasn't ever been married, in a serious relationship nor dated in ten years! Why? Because I kept telling myself that I didn't know where to meet "quality" women, I didn't know how to talk to women and, quite franky, I was afraid of rejection. I discovered in the book that through posturing myself correctly and learning some fundamentals for communication with women (which she emphatically and concisely presents in her book) that I can meet and talk to women in a socially acceptable yet effective manner with practice (I always wondered why the punks and nerds got the good looking women, the answer is in here). I made the choice several months back that I no longer wanted to be lonely nor wait for a women to come knocking as they had when I was a College and High School athlete. As a result of becoming proactive, I found this book and have begun to use her principles with confidence. I would recommend the book to any single man who wants to learn how to date and talk to women.
Rating:  Summary: This woman does not speak for ALL women. Review: I have let several women read this book as well as men. They ALL say, ²Well, thats what she likes2. Everyone has an opinion and this is hers. I have yet to hear anyone say that they agree with the author.