Rating: ![5 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-5-0.gif) Summary: ...FREEDOM's Enemy, still = The CLINTONS... Review: NEVER FORGET... The last Century showed us that FREEDOM's Enemies always seek to divide and then conquer the FREE...!!! ..What better way to do this now ...than to seperate our youth from their Parents' and our Nation's Values..? ...Upon my return from the 1st Major Battles of the Vietnam War, as depicted in MEL GIBSON's .."WE WERE SOLDIERS".., I was devastated to see Anti-U.S. Activists like HILLARY RODHAM and BILL CLINTON aiding, and acting just like, our Communist Terrorist Enemy HO CHI MINH that I had just returned from fighting. ...In a new -Century of FREEDOM- with an Enemy that is now just around the corner and up your street, isn't it important for your own FREEDOM's survival to have all your threatening Enemies clearly defined for you..? ...JASON D. FODEMAN does this perfectly in ..'HOW TO DESTROY A VILLAGE: What The CLINTONS Taught A Seventeen Year Old.' ...With our own FREEDOM now at risk, CLARITY from our Media is a MUST. ...In this ...JASON D. FODEMAN is serving his still Free Nation in the finest FREEDOM-Fighter Tradition in a new -Time of War- = a MUST Read. ...Signed: ALOHA RONNIE Guyer / Vet-U.S. 7th Cavalry's Opening Days of the Vietnam War ...NEVER FORGET
Rating: ![1 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-1-0.gif) Summary: Passion & Ignorance Review: People like Jason Fodeman should be refused publication. His political bias (to which he is certainly entitled) is only exceeded by his lack of evidence and perspective and his ignorance of history. Anyone who knows any American history or has lived more than 10 years more than this kid will consider his writings the rants of an ignoramus.
Rating: ![1 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-1-0.gif) Summary: Self Published Review: Self Published for a reason. Enough Said. In an interview, Fodemon said every publisher rejected it, I wonder why?
Rating: ![1 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-1-0.gif) Summary: I Fear the Future Review: The author (obviously a House Manager-In-Training) needs to grow up and think for himself. Hopefully REAL life experience, a healthy dose of reality and much-needed maturity will knock him down a few notches.
Rating: ![1 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-1-0.gif) Summary: Oh, Please! Review: The author came across to me as simply one of those Republican hangers-on who is "riding the coat-tails" of the Clintons in order to seek some sort of recognition - in his case, I'm sure it relates to financial gain. All I can say is, get over it! If your life's a mess, it has nothing whatsoever to do with what the Clintons did or did not do. Ask any psychologist!
Rating: ![5 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-5-0.gif) Summary: The truth about the immoral coward Klinton. Review: This book details how many of us in 'fly over' country saw the Klinton years. It details his shameless immorality, his impressive ability to lie and dupe the sheep-like American public, and the complicit liberal media that helped cover it all up. The author has shown great insight into this eight year nightmare and has detailed Klinton's destructive influence on America's youth. Only now is Klinton's legacy being revealed. Only now can the thinking person see that Bill Klinton was the key figure of the 90's that led America down the road to immorality. I feel ashamed that this bottom-feeder ever became President of this great country. - Read this book and you'll realize the lasting impact this degenerate is having on today's youth.
Rating: ![1 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-1-0.gif) Summary: They're growin' radicals young these days, n'est pas? Review: This book is another attempt from the Right wing to bash the Clintons and blame them for everything that is wrong with the world. It is small minded in it's thinking, and narrow in it's focus. By saying that kids are out of control because they saw the President have sex with an intern and lie ignores the fact that other Presidents have lied while in office, some to Congress. (We won't name anyone but it sounds line Donald Dagean). When I saw the Iran-Contra hearings, "What am I a potted plant?", and "I don't recall", became catch phrases. Marital fidelity has always been a problem for the men in the White House. If young Jason wants to really place the blame somewhere, why not Grover Cleveland...yeah, he's the one we should be talking about! Our 22nd and 24th President fathered a child out of wedlock while he was between terms. Yet Jason says not a word about Grover! A muppet has the SAME FIRST NAME as HIM for crying out loud! What are we saying to our children??? What message will they get? I'm streaching this to show how utterly inane the arguments in this book are. When questioned on radio, a sharp caller beat me to the draw, (lucky for you, Jake, lucky for you), and pointed out that it's not the Clinton's, but the parents (P-A-R-E-N-T-S), responsibility to teach their children well,("your father's hell did slowly go by.")---sorry didn't mean to channel CSN. Jason responded to this statement of fact, the way one should respond to a fact, he agreed.....BUT, he added, "it's the parent's responsibility to tell their kids about Clinton." That is the point were the train left the tracks, Elvis skirted out of the building to buy back his tooth from E-Bay, and my primate brain separated from my reptilian brain. (Translation, I spazzed out.) Should parents tell their kids about Iran Contra? About Watergate? About Enron? (that news fell off the planet, didn't it). About Katherine Harris and votes in Florida? Or should they lectue their kids about Grover Cleveland, and say that the best thing to do if you lose an election is to grow a beard and teach at a college like Al Gore, or, even better, go fly fishing with Walter Mondale, rather than have a kid with someone who happens not to be your wife. Your wife will be thankful, and my reviews to books I disagree with will be a lot shorter and will not be full of jokes about your personal life. The moral of this story is that kids have to take responsibility for THEMSELVES, and stop looking for other people to validate feelings and values they need to get through life. And stop running to Clinton if the world isn't perfect, it wasn't before him, and it will not 100 years from now. Besides, if it wasn't for Clinton, we would have never gotten to see Paula Jones box Darva Conger on FOX. Wasn't that worth all the trouble of having to download the Starr report? Jake, I never had the desire to lie to congress after watching Regean during Iran-Contra. If I did, I would have started to work for the tobacco industry. "How to Destroy a Villiage" "IS" a myopic, flawed, and poorly defended book, with holes so big, you could drive the national debt through them and not have to stop to pay the toll. But look on the bright side..it all depends on what your definition of "IS" is.
Rating: ![5 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-5-0.gif) Summary: An amazing read Review: This book is for anyone 15 years to 90 - it is well written and researched. Too often people in the 'lime-light' get away with just about everything they shouldn't. This young man has brought us up to speed on the corrupting influence of a Commander in Chief and his wife, that neither the press/media, teachers nor parents would. American ethics reached such a low under the Clintons and their groupies, sort of like a cult, it will take years to climb back to a place known as American integrity, an enviable spot to be sure. I recommend this book highly, certainly over the recent Living History, there is no comparison in the context for truth or in the intelligible narration. Young Mr. Fodeman has written a remarkably honest book.
Rating: ![3 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-3-0.gif) Summary: Published Review: This book is published by Publish America, not self published as a previous reviewer mistakenly declared. Publish America is not exactly Random House. But it is a far cry from self publishing. We wonder how many books the reviewer from Westport has ever had published.
Rating: ![1 stars](http://www.reviewfocus.com/images/stars-1-0.gif) Summary: Yet Another Hatchet Job Review: This book must have been sponsored by Fox News. Yeah, lying about a tryst in the Oval Office is much worse than lying to justify a war. Yada yada yada. We've heard all this before. (There's nothing new here folks, move along. You, too, Ms. Coulter.) Even Rush Limbaugh has grown tired of flogging the Clintons and has moved on to Monday Night Football. Most Americans have decided to let Hillary deal with Bill's betrayals herself. We have other issues at the moment, thank you. Unfortunately, a few Clinton-haters keep the myth of The Evil President burning, joining the Archie Bunkers of America who still have it in for FDR's New Deal and JFK's Catholicism. I'm sorry, but the writing was too dreadful to endure, the conclusions just so pat and in line with the official Clinton mythology: haircuts on runways, "that woman", Vince Foster, Whitewater. It's too bad the author hasn't researched Watergate, Irangate or trickle-down economics. Mr. Fodeman, a writer of limited talent, would better be served by looking at himself and his parents for the root of his personal problems, rather than blaming a remote presidency for the "lessons" he supposedly learned. A little more maturity, a little less talk radio, some journalism and political science courses, and a few weeks spent helping those less fortunate might round out the author and give him a better perspective. At (now) 18 years of age, maybe he should put his money where his mouth is and enlist to serve in Iraq. Better than demonstrating against the war in London, of course. Or reading this book.