Rating:  Summary: Book Reviews or Personal Attacks? Review: Some people posting reviews here have personal axes to grind! It seems they didn't learn anything from the book they say they read. I strongly doubt any reviewers here (positive or negative) have ever met the man personally, much less spent enough time with him to be able to make such sweeping judgements about his character.Personally, I felt that this book was well written and an easy, pleasant read. Even though it didn't present anything I didn't already know, it gently reminded me of what's really important: love, honesty, etc. Sometimes I slip, but a book like this gives me just the encouragement I need to perservere.
Rating:  Summary: Timely and important Review: With the prevalence of crime increasing, along with a flood of other social ills, this book is both timely and important. More than a list of good things to do to improve the lives of both individuals and our society as a whole, Gordon Hinckley draws on his years of experience to relate the effects our choices have, both on ourselves and those around us. While it may be true that many of these virtues are well known (honesty, integrity, and the like), what may not be so well known, in this day where all can cite social ills and yet accept no personal responsibility for them (but are always able to find someone else to blame for them), Mr. Hinckley tells us how to apply them in the modern age. It was this ability to take age-weathered virtues and breath a new life into them, aiding me to see them as vibrant, useful, and yes, needful, that has made this book so valuable to me. I recommend it to all without reservation
Rating:  Summary: Mr. Hinkley isn't realistic Review: I thought the underlying idea of this book was great. It helps being in a country with enough political and financial wealth to adapt this way of life. Hinckley has some sure ideals that each human must try to attain. I don't think Hinckley has a real good grasp of what society is capable of. There is nothing wrong with high moral teachings, but not everyone will adapt to these ideals. He has to understand that we can teach these attributes but sometimes it's not realistic in an unfair world. It seems the reader from Boston is a little disgruntled by a non-Mormon. I think this is exactly what Mr. Hinkley doesn't see. The person from Utah sees the effects of Mr. Hinckley's world and when someone objects, he turns it on the reviewer. Polygamy was abolished so Utah could join the union and become a state, Mr. Hinckely says it was from God. Mr. Utah has valid points. That's a fact.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Message! Review: I found this book to be uplifting in a very real way. It isn't a book that makes you feel good for simply reading it; it is a book that motivates you to do something to make your life and the lives of those around you better! It is full of practical advice that can be incorporated into our daily lives. Sometimes it seems easy to look at values corroding in the world around you and feel like there is nothing you can do about it. Gordon Hinckley's message is that this is not true. There is much that each of us can do! We live in a time of great blessings. We have much to be grateful for. I hope that everyone has a chance to read this book and strengthens their desire to make the world a better place.
Rating:  Summary: Template to the Nation Review: Insightful, articulate, and inspiring. A book written for the everyday life of the everyday person. It beautifully emulates what has made America great, and what we must do if we are to maintain our position of eminence. Any sincere person, both religious or not, can gain much by trying to follow the principles outlined within these pages. A book that you will want to incorporate into all facets of your and your family's life. If followed by many, this book will transform the nation.
Rating:  Summary: Hope For America Review: Gordon Hinckley offers hope for America and American families in this book. His writing style will draw you in and make you want to be a better person. His 90 years worth of wisdom should be respected and his ideas should be followed. How this country would improve if we all followed the 10 virtues that Mr. Hinckley suggests. When we say "God Bless America" we are saying "God Bless Americans" - all of us are deserving of the peace that Mr. Hinckley writes can come from following these principles.
Rating:  Summary: Truly Inspiring Review: It should surprise no one that those with an implacable hatred for the religion of the author will manage to find ways to dislike this book. There is, however, much in its pages to edify persons of good will, no matter what their religious affiliations. Far from merely listing virtues, Hinckley describes virtues he thinks are in short supply, explains how their increased practice would benefit the nation and the world, and instills the reader with hope that, in fact, things can get better. The picture he paints of a world in which virtue prevails reminds me of the depiction of Shalom in one of my other favorite books: _Not the Way It's Supposed to Be_ by Cornelius Plantinga, Jr.
Rating:  Summary: "...they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not..." Review: This book is simply amazing. President Hinckley has put into simple terms, the solution to ALL of the social problems that we face. I truly appreciate this piece of work. It is however sad to see that people who claim that this "sap for the soul" contains "values that most people practice most of the time anyway" skipped over the chapter on 'civility'. The language that President Hinckley uses is just like his style of speech, simple enough for the less educated, yet profound enough for those who practice deep thought and reflection. I for one am glad for the guidance and direction provided in this book. It is definitely a piece of work to be consumed and savored more than once, each time gaining a new appreciation for its taste.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Book, Bad Prior Review Review: This book is just what the world needs. After reading the prior review I had to post my objection. If the reviewer thinks Gordon B. Hinckley is dishonest, he should state exactly why with specifics. This book is about honesty among other virtues, so we should be clear about the facts. I can understand if the reviewer has a problem with Mormon history (Mormon poligamy was abolished over 100 years ago by the way) but don't slam the religion or its members without any facts. There are many good Mormons, just as there are many good Catholics, Jews, and Prostestants. Gordon Hinckley's message is for us all.
Rating:  Summary: Standing For Anything - Another Book of Lists Review: Mr. Hincley has been working in the public relations field since his early twenties and it appears that he will spend his last years in the same field of dreams. This book is a "sap for the soul" quick-read on values that most people practice most of the time anyway. Are we as humans so lame and ignorant that we need still another book of lists that treats us like we are moral dunces? This book is disingenuous on its face because the author claims not to be writing about the LDS Church. This book was most likely written as a subtle ploy to tweak reader's interest in the Mormon church so that they will eventually end up baptized and temple going Mormons. This book is written by a man who actively discriminated against people with black skin until 1978 and currently discriminates against gay and lesbian people. Roughly ten percent of his Mormon fold anguishes over this homophobic doctrine which causing hurt instead of the "healing" promoted by this superficial book. This man also preaches that he is called of God and Jesus to bring all kindred, tongues and people to the Mormon church or else face the wrath of God in the next life. The Lord must have released Mr. Hinckley from his prophet duties while he wrote this book. Beware the wolf in sheep's clothing and do not believe everything just because it is in print. Maybe the author has taken lessons on the fine art of dealing with the masses from other cult leaders. The book is Mormon propaganda and is also overpriced. Just get a free copy of the Book of Mormon from your friendly local LDS missionaries instead.