Rating:  Summary: Truth is an absolute regardless of where it comes from Review: I read Gordon. Hinkley's book and I found that he only espouses true principles of morality, virtue, integrity and honesty. His words only reiterate what most Judeo-Christian leaders and leaders of other religious faiths have taught for thousands of years. I find it interesting that so many people bicker about who has the truth. What difference does it make where truth comes from? If however we must attack the messenger let us hold him to the same standards that he advocates in his book. Does this 90-year old man live by the principles that he writes about? In nearly a century of this mans lifetime are there any accusers, who have a case against Mr. Hinkley's own personal values, morals or ethics? And if we apply these standards to the author of this book we must also apply the same standards to the authors of any books that advocate principles of morality, virtue, integrity and honesty. How do other religious authors in our day hold up to the same standards? Undoubtedly, there would be many books of this type disregarded if we simply turned from the message and instead looked at the messenger. Mr. Hinkley on the other hand, has no accusers and his book is simple and straight to the point. Standing for Something truly reminds us of 10 neglected virtues that will heal our hearts and homes regardless of our own religious persuasion.
Rating:  Summary: Finally, a true leader! Review: This book fills a serious need in today's society. We have come to accept a total absence of moral leadership from those people in the public eye that the media has deemed "role models". Can we deny that today we suffer from a total lack of moral leadership? Gordon Hinkley has proven through his life and his actions that he knows how to be a strong moral leader. Everyone can benefit from the wisdom Gordon Hinkley shares in this book. It strikes me that many people who have read and reviewed this book find fault with what has been written. Gordon Hinkley knew that this would happen because as he said, "In leadership, in standing for principle, there is loneliness. But men and women of integrity must live with their convictions. Unless they do so, they are miserable." President Hinkley also said, "We need people who are honest; who are willing to stand up for decency, truth, integrity, morality, and law and order; who respond to their consciences even when it is unpopular to do so - perhaps especially when it is unpopular to do so." If we all were to follow this advice, can anyone deny that we would not be better off? There are those who will say that Goron Hinkley has set expectations that are unattainable. I see the opposite. Gordon Hinkley has shown us that our potential is greater than we give ourselves credit. This book is a call to make ourselves better than we are today, and lets us know that we all have divine potential.
Rating:  Summary: Standing for an Honest Review Review: With their lack of objectivity vis-à-vis this book, many of the previous reviewers make me wonder if they've read it at all. In possible contrast to some of them, I actually did read the book this weekend at a friend's house. Readers who would praise self-improvement books of other stripes have no reason to demur at this "light read" by the president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Judge the values Hinckley espouses for yourself: love, honesty, morality, civility, learning, forgiveness and mercy, thrift and industry, order, gratitude, optimism, faith. Not only are they not exclusive to Mormons or Christians, but I would posit that even most irreligious people would find little fault with any of those attributes, save perhaps faith. Hinckley himself repeats two or three times that he is "a churchman", so finding faith on the list is no surprise. Hinckley had an extensive public relations background within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints before and after accepting leadership responsibilities so no one should doubt his capacity to author this book. That being said, it is also patently clear that Hinckley chose to write "Standing for Something" at about a Reader's Digest level--which in itself is no bad thing. Most casual readers aren't looking for Augustine or Aquinas. If they were, then Chopra and Covey wouldn't sell. It is naïve and highly myopic to suggest that this is one of the best books ever written, but it is equally dishonest to pan it as sheer pablum. The truth is that the book is an accessible and straightforward review of principles presented in a manner that is for the most part engaging, if not particularly complex. If you are looking for a more intellectual treatment of ethics or morality, then you should already be aware that you are shopping in the wrong department. If you are looking for a casual read that reinforces principles of good living, then this will meet your needs.
Rating:  Summary: Very Profound Review: As I read Gordon Hinckley's book I felt the need to read it several times over. His words are simple, yet very, very profound. I wanted to read it more than once so that I could fully absorb the subtle, simple truths he was teaching. An extraordinary book from an extraordinary man.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Book Review: I am not a foolish man. I have observed this man for many years and I have found no reason to distrust him or the church he leads(of which I am a member). I cannot understand why some people are opposed to this book being simple. It's interesting to note that society at large cannot tolerate something so plain that it stares them all in the face. Simplicity is what is needed in the world today. Trust in a higher power, even God is needed, I believe. If we rely on the wisdom of men, we will be as good as men, and we all know how that can turn out. I'm sure I'll be flamed for writing this. But I don't care. This book defends the values that have made this country what it is today, and anyone who wants to defile that is destroying this country. I did read most of this book and it is excellent; plainly written and simple enough to be applied to the rigors of daily life. Trust your heart when you read it, not these flimsy reviews...
Rating:  Summary: This book is a classic Review: I love to collect quotes that inspire. This book has several wonderful quotes that I had never heard before. The book is extremely well written and full of wonderful personal stories that cause you to think. I'm going to read it again!
Rating:  Summary: I stand for the principles Review: I will tell you right out that I am LDS and I believe this book has good value to it. You may notice that I only gave it 4 stars... that is because it was not a book that completely captured my attention. I like the type of book that you can't put down. This book is simple and basic but has pure principles that can be applied to any household. Do not pass it up because you have some concerns about the mormon religion or the man leading it, that is not what the book is about. If you read this book with an open heart, I know it will help in your life. If you are contemplating buying this book, you probably are concerned about the state that our homes and nation are in. Obviously none of us are perfect, but if we all strive to apply these good virtues in our lives, it will bring happiness to us, our homes, and each life we touch.
Rating:  Summary: A gentle reminder for all of us Review: I have loved reading every word of this book. Yes, we have heard things like this before, but I don't think it hurts anything or anyone to be reminded of these virtues time and time again. President Hinckley is a man of wisdom and a man of God who surely knows what he is talking about. We need to be kinder and more gentle people. We need not find the fault in anyone. We must work on the inner vessel in ourselves before we cast any stones at others. President Hinckley is just trying to show us how we can do that. These 10 virtues are vital and will bring about a greater good if we honestly put them into practice. Thank you President Hinckley for writing this book and for blessing our lives.
Rating:  Summary: More of the Same Review: I wasn't sure about this book, so I read all the reviews. Some folks liked the message (from the readership profile, mostly in Mormon strongholds), others appeared to object to the message because the author is a Mormon leader. I found the message to be simple and direct, sincere and uplifting. It wasn't particularly original, but I'm not sure that's really a fault...the principles were already ancient when Jesus was quoting them during his time, and they are shared by most religions. There's a great hunger for this kind of message (even presented as chicken soup for the soul). Why fight about the messenger? Besides, it seems to me that any 90 year old guy who has been in the public eye for a long time but hasn't been attached to a major scandal and is still going strong might have something to say. I think he says it alright. Reminds me of what my grandfather used to tell me. I'm approaching grandfather status myself, and I'll probably say the same things to my grandkids. Seems right to me.
Rating:  Summary: Praise from an Oregonian Review: Thanks to Gordon Hinckley for this simple yet profound volume of what this crazy world needs TODAY. It's helpful for people of any religion or no religion. How refreshing to have a book full of truths that is so readable and so timely.