Rating:  Summary: COMMON SENSE!! Review: In our high-tech,highly sexualized society that seeks to constantly sell you something you don't need, it does take a very down to earth simple reminder sometimes. Many critics who blast Hinckley and this book would nay-say no matter what kind of book it was except maybe something like "I Admit It, The Whole Thing's a Lie" but don't expect that one any time soon! One of my favourite things about Hinckley is his statement to the effect of "either this church is true(critics worst fear)or it's the biggest lie ever pulled on humanity" (and boy is it growing!). Well believers and non-beleivers aside the morals expressed in this book are written for a lay audience in a way that everyone with a 6th grade education (most of the world hasn't gone to college) can understand. I think this is exactly what one should expect from a man who honestly wants to help human kind. Highly educated, self important liberal types who would like to see all of human kind dependent on centralized government, run by those same liberals, hate anything that seeks to empower and make poeple self relaint. Leaders who truly love those they serve want them to be accountable for the choices they make (it's what makes us stronger) and Hinckley is just demonstrating timeless priciples, which if society continues to ignore are going to be our fall (see Roman history). No one has a monopoly true priciples but, a man representing an organization full of them is really just doing his job. I hope my obviously biased (who isn't?) statements ruffle many feathers. I'm tired of seeing the same tired arguments and negative tripe from anti-mormons and religious biggots for every single book written in a good light about the church, or by an LDS author, ecspecialy Hinckely. Yes this book is not written about the church or in defence of it but these same principles are alot of the meat of LDS life. I'm sure I'm venting for alot of us.....
Rating:  Summary: Where Society Should Find Itself Review: Was is it that the world needs today? Abstract thinking with complicated ideals, or simple and concise instruction? I loved reading this book from the introduction to the last word. Why so? Because President Hinckley not only describes our social ills, some of which are as timeless as mankind iteself, but he also teaches us not as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but as members of the human race, that we need to unite together for the common good of all. Some pessimists, (or, as they prefer to be called, "realists") don't think that our society can attain the virtues set forth in this book. Did God think of man's capacities for obedience when he gave the 10 commandments? Or did Christ hold back in rewriting the law of eye for an eye with turn the other cheeck because the Jews were virtually incapable of recieving such instruction at the time? No, man was told what he needs to do in order to attain peace and happiness. And that is precisely what we are given in this book. Society begins with the individual, and after reading his book, I have a stronger sense of appreciation for this country that I live in; the freedom endowed to us; and I have recommited myself to being a better person. If all in the world and our society could change in such a manner, then we wouldn't have 1/1000 of the social ills now made manifest. It is up to us as individuals to "Stand for Something". We can do it, and it starts with recognizing what we need to do, finding out how to do it, and doing it. It's a shame that some refuse to look beyond the doctrines of the Church (if they are against its teachings) and look to the genuine and pure wisdom given to us.
Rating:  Summary: 'Good stuff' from a known liar... Review: This book contains a lot of nice advice and positive messages. There's something for everyone. And it works fine until you take into account that Gordon B Hinckley has flat-out lied to the public and the members of the LDS Church and continues to do so to this day (e.g. April Conference). (Not pleasant discoveries at all, but true nevertheless.) Unfortunately, he himself, the Prophet, Seer, Revelator of our Church (yes, I am currently a Member in good standing, for now), has contradicted a lot of his own advice, and there is no place in my life for advice from a hypocrite--nevermind one 'ordained as the mouthpiece of God on this earth.' Anybody want my copy?
Rating:  Summary: A good book, if not a shade simplistic. Review: It would be safe to assume that most 5 star reviews for this book come from Mormons, and most 1 star reviews come from anti-Mormons, possibly turning GBH into the unwilling L.Ron Hubbard of Mormonism (see: Battlefield Earth). Oddly enough, several previous reviews seem more concerned with what wasn't included, instead of what is; the book is solidly unassailable in its own right. Who's going to claim we *don't* need any of these virtues? On its own merits, I found this book to be a good summary of basic moral values everyone should brush up on. Nothing new or groundbreaking, just a refresher course. I did find the frequent anecdotes a tad folksy, but overall, the writing is clear and unambiguous. Just a note: Has the person who set list price at $24.00 read the chapter on "Thrift and Industry"? Is that irony or what?
Rating:  Summary: A Presciption of Hope for America Review: In this book, Gordon Hinckely draws on his 90 years of life here in America and clearly provides a prescription for a brighter future. His prescription should appeal to anyone of any religion or persuasion who is concerned about the problems our society faces. By today's standards, Hinckley would be considered "conservative." Undoubtedly, the medicine he gently prescribes will be hard to swallow for a few--but I believe the prescription is divinely inspired. The first ten chapters discuss ten virtues that leaders in all circles (i.e., family, business, church, community, government, etc.) must cultivate if America is to remain strong. The last few chapters discuss the vital role "family" plays out in this prescription. Although Hinckley is a religious leader, his style is not one of "preachy" hell-fire and damnation. Although he does draw from the past, he doesn't do it in close-minded "I remember the good ole' days" style. He understands the inherit "good" that all people of the world possess. This book appeals to that inherit "good." Positive, enlightening, timely, and inspired. Those are the words I'd sum this book up with. Its hard to believe that this book is written by a man that will be 90 years old in June. He has his pulse on the finger of society. He unquestionably understands society's illnesses and he has offered an inspired prescription.
Rating:  Summary: This is a con. Review: We all can see through the pretty wrapping and there is no surprise at the bottom of the crackerjack box, except our stupidity. buy this book and laugh, because you will not be the one laughing all the way to the bank.
Rating:  Summary: Focusing on what what is important in a complex world Review: This book makes its points clearly and concisely. Mr. Hinckley illustrates his points with many stories from his own experience and some borrowed anecdotes. He has organized the chapters into two parts. Each of the 10 virtues he discusses is given its own chapter in the first part. The second part has two essays: one on marriage and the other on the family. He has an epilogue that discusses the lonely position of moral leadership. It is in this epilogue that the seemingly simple virtues discussed in the book are revealed for the difficult principles they actually are. People who say this book is simplistic or naïve can make that point somewhat persuasively untilthey understand that the author is fully aware of the massive difficulties we frail humans have in living up to these ideals in a complex and constantly changing world. We are so easily dissuaded from persisting in virtue and adopting an easier go-with-the-flow approach to life. We need the kind of reminder this book offers and I am glad to have read it and to refer to it in order to clear my vision and to refocus myself on doing what I should rather than what is easy. The book has some notes that supply references for some of the information in the book and a helpful index.
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring Review: I have two copies of this book, one at work and one at home, so that I can always feel inspired by the words of the Prophet.
Rating:  Summary: Chivalry is not dead Review: For all of those in this world that have the dreadful and hopeless belief that chivalry is dead, for all of those that lead a quiet search in their lives for supposedly lost honor, for all of those that lack the basic and fundamental needs in their lives, and, many more; Standing For Something by Gordon B. Hinckley is the book to read. Some may choose not to read this material because they may think that it is just a book written to promote the L.D.S religion. But this book does nothing to say anything about the superiority of any religion, but instead promotes several virtues that can do nothing but 'heal our hearts and homes' as Hinckley would put it. Each chapter is on a different value, and a lot of emphasis is put into each value. The book is filled with many inspirational and powerful poems and sayings of the ancients and the modern, but all of them wise. If all men and women in the world could read this text, it could only be for the good of the world, no matter what belief someone is, reading this will give many reasons to stand for something.
Rating:  Summary: A "life instruction manual for the masses" Review: I received this book to review for the "Good Steward." It is one of the most life altering books on the market. Hinckley writes with skill but his wording is plain and simple enough for anyone to comprehend. He has produced a "life instruction manual for the masses." Hinckley manages to take all the chaos of the entire world and break it down into something manageable with only ten basic virtues. And once you read this book, you will readily agree that if these ten virtues were applied universally by all people, the world would instantly change. Now, granted, that will never happen. But each of us has the power to alter our own micro-world by applying these virtues. The thing that amazed me most about this book is that this leader of the Mormon Church manages to present teachings from the Bible without once becoming "preachy" or "Bible thumping." There are so few church leaders in any denomination that can manage to do that. This book should be in the hands of every person in the world. What a difference it could make!