For a decade, the nonprofit organization Mothers and Others for a Living Planet has been an advocate for raising children in natural, nontoxic, and environmentally friendly environments. Now, the editors of the Mothers and Others newsletter The Green Guide, Mindy Pennybacker and Aisha Ikramuddin, have compiled hundreds of suggestions into a comprehensive guidebook ideal for all parents concerned with providing their children with safe, "green" surroundings. Pennybacker and Ikramuddin provide details and suggestions for preparing baby's room, taking care of yourself during pregnancy, diapering the natural way, feeding your child, avoiding PVC in toys, avoiding the dangers of installing new carpets in baby's room (nonnatural carpets "offgas" VOCs--volatile organic compounds--and all carpets can become a trap for allergens and dust mites), and much more. It's not all warnings and cautions, though; the "Raising (and Protecting) Your Naturalist Child" chapter discusses the importance of exposing your child to the natural world, including ways to encourage empathy for animals. A thorough listing of "green" resources, information, and Web sites rounds off this highly useful guide. --Ericka Lutz