"The key to successful weight loss doesn't require magic, grit and determination, or the moral character of a saint. It's much simpler," asserts Jane Kirby, R.D., in Dieting for Dummies, a fact-filled, fad-free dieting resource. The author represents the American Dietetic Association, a trustworthy source of scientifically sound nutrition and food information. You'll learn basic, reliable facts about all facets of weight loss, including helpful information about eating disorders, overweight children, dietary guidelines, fat replacers, calorie-shaving substitutions, a comparison of weight-loss programs, and an exposé of diet fads and scams (including some bestselling diet books). The book is organized into sections on your healthy weight; developing a healthy relationship with food; a plan for healthful living (including exercise); shopping, cooking, and dining out; and enlisting outside help. An excellent chapter on eating out spells out exactly what you should and shouldn't eat at restaurants of different kinds. As you'd expect from a For Dummies book, the writing is lively, friendly, and down-to-earth. The content is reliable and organized into accessible, easily skimmed chunks, with plenty of bulleted lists and charts making the information easy to grasp. If you've been confused by controversial diets or seduced by weight-loss fads-of-the-moment, read this book cover to cover. --Joan Price