Rating:  Summary: My kids' personal doctor Review: Dr. Denmark is an absolutely amazing doctor. She has been in invaluable help to my family. There have been medical situations that other doctor's were baffled by. Dr. Denmark had the answer. She has been quick to answer any question. We could call her any time of the day or night and she would gladly help us. She looks at our children as "little angels" as she calls them. When we brought our children home from the hospital she told us exactly what we needed to know. All of this information is in the book. Everything from what to feed them and when to feed them, as well as home remedies for medical problems. I am so glad that we have Dr. Denmark's ideas, beliefs and remedies to look at and to pass on to our children and grandchildren.
Rating:  Summary: Worst and most dangerous childcare book I've ever read! Review: Dr. Denmark was my mother's baby doctor in the 1940's, and I have taken our children to her for 18 years. She developed the whooping cough vaccine, and did alot of research on child nutrition and immunizations. Dr. Denmark discovered that babies cannot build immunity from immunizations until they are 5 months old, thus, every immunization administered before baby reaches 5 months old is utterly useless. Dr. Denmark also researched milk in the diet; she learned first-hand that giving milk after the nursing period is detrimental to the health-it does more harm than good! Back to this book-in it you will learn how to deal with fever, insect bites, tummy aches-when to seek a doctor's help, and what to do till morning! Madia Bowman, the authoress, is a mother whose children benefitted from the excellent teaching of Dr. Denmark. Dr. D taught the mothers who came to her to care properly for their children, thus eliminating many health problems and even our need for Dr. Denmark's services! Dr. Denmark retired in February, 2001, around her 103 birthday. She doctored more children than anybody on the face of this earth (would anyone like to dispute that?) and knows more about baby/child care than anyone else. If you aren't one of the priviledged families who personally know Dr. Denmark, then you must read this book! Dr. Leila Daughtry-Denmark herself wrote a book "Every Child Should have a Chance," but unless you live in Atlanta, you'll never be able to find a copy. October 9, 2002
Rating:  Summary: If you have children, you need this book! Review: Dr. Denmark was my mother's baby doctor in the 1940's, and I have taken our children to her for 18 years. She developed the whooping cough vaccine, and did alot of research on child nutrition and immunizations. Dr. Denmark discovered that babies cannot build immunity from immunizations until they are 5 months old, thus, every immunization administered before baby reaches 5 months old is utterly useless. Dr. Denmark also researched milk in the diet; she learned first-hand that giving milk after the nursing period is detrimental to the health-it does more harm than good! Back to this book-in it you will learn how to deal with fever, insect bites, tummy aches-when to seek a doctor's help, and what to do till morning! Madia Bowman, the authoress, is a mother whose children benefitted from the excellent teaching of Dr. Denmark. Dr. D taught the mothers who came to her to care properly for their children, thus eliminating many health problems and even our need for Dr. Denmark's services! Dr. Denmark retired in February, 2001, around her 103 birthday. She doctored more children than anybody on the face of this earth (would anyone like to dispute that?) and knows more about baby/child care than anyone else. If you aren't one of the priviledged families who personally know Dr. Denmark, then you must read this book! Dr. Leila Daughtry-Denmark herself wrote a book "Every Child Should have a Chance," but unless you live in Atlanta, you'll never be able to find a copy. October 9, 2002
Rating:  Summary: A Voice of Sanity in a Politically Correct World Review: First, the disclaimer: I am the husband of the author and the father of our 11 children, all patients of Dr. Denmark since 1980. I also publish and distribute this book. Dr. Denmark, longest practicing doctor in the United States, has been honored by Emory University (2000), awarded high honors by the Medical College of Georgia (1987) and other universities where she studied. Profiled on Time/CNN, 48 Hours, in many other media outlets, funny that they never mentioned that her advice was dangerous!
She was the pioneer researcher who developed the vaccine for the whooping cough, effective in protecting millions of children from this deadly disease since the 1930's.
Of course, even vaccinations are controversial today! The book has a question and answer on vaccinations with the doctor.
Many health care professionals use this book today (doctors, pharmacists, nurses), and many trained under the good doctor, and honor her as their inspiration. More importantly, thousands of mothers use this book and attest to the help they have received from its pages. Dr. Denmark- during 75 years practice- maintains she never had a SIDS death using the tummy sleeping position. She insists that a properly prepared bed will not put the child at risk, and that the baby's bodily functions all work better in the tummy down position. Each parent has to decide who to believe on this one. But Dr. Denmark has earned the right to promote her long experience and success with baby care. Among other things, what makes America a wonderful place is that we can study and decide what route to take with our children. If you think about it, the reason Dr. Denmark had a successful 75-year career with a full patient load MIGHT be related to the success her patients had over the long years. No one doctor has all the answers, even she admits that "I would never claim that my methods are the only correct ones, nor presume to tell another physician that his advice was all wrong. In the final analysis parents much decide for themselves what they think is best for their child...I have found that these methods have worked for me and my patients..." If you as a parent decide not to give aspirin to a child under age 6, so be it! Dr. Denmark has used the drug for her patients with no ill effects (except if someone is allergic to it). In a day where Vioxx and other drugs are being recalled- after FDA approval- a drug like aspirin, 100 years in use, may be safer than some of the new ones. Again, you decide as a parent. I had to laugh at the comment that enemas were dangerous! We have used them for many years and they can really help save a child from dehydration and clear up stomach upsets, used sparingly. Colon cleansing is not exactly an unknown practice. Read the literature on these issues and be informed, and responsibly engaged. But don't let others dissuade you from voices of experience like that of Dr. Denmark, who has literally saved the lives of hundreds, if not thousands of children. This is time-tested advice.
Rating:  Summary: DANGEROUS Review: I am a pediatrician. I found this book in the exam room at my own doctor's office and was naturally interested in this pediatric book. As I glanced through it, however, my intrigue quickly turned to horror-- the first thing I came to was advise to always put babies to sleep on their stomach. This is flat-out wrong and DANGEROUS. I couldn't believe that anyone would publish such advice! At the end of the section though was a reference to another part of the book about SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). I quickly turned to it, assuming there would be an update or disclaimer that would reverse this advice, and would let parents know that sleeping on the stomach is no longer recommended. Instead, I found the same misguided insistence that babies should sleep on their stomachs. Dr. Denmark defends this recommendation by pointing out that the original studies involved babies sleeping on sheepskin. This WAS a valid criticism, and when the "back to sleep" movement first started (about ten years ago), many professionals were similarly skeptical. However, we now have ten more years of data, and since instituting the "back to sleep" campaign the SIDS rate has plummeted to half its former incidence. This dramatic improvement has proved beyond doubt that sleeping on the back is the safest position for any normal infant (there are some exceptions for infants with certain illnesses). I can't comment on the rest of the book-- I didn't have time to read more, and have no interest in acquiring a copy of my own. SIDS is a horrible tragedy that scars families for life. Other reviewers rave about Dr. Denmark's "schedule" for babies, but I have a hard time accepting that any degree of lifestyle improvement from "scheduling" is worth a higher death rate.
Rating:  Summary: Thank God someone knows how to take care of our children! Review: I am a young mother whose pediatrician was Dr. Denmark. I am healthy and my sister is too. I now have a one year old and I've had her on Dr. Denmarks schedule since birth. Thank God someone knows how to take care of our children. All of the pediatricians I've taken my daughter to have been no help at all. Everything they tell you to do with your baby is doing nothing but harming them. I know mothers who do everything like their pediatrician says and their children are always sick. Ear infections,colds,fevers..... My child has only had one ear infection her whole life and that was after she was exposed to a child that had one in our family. My daughter is making her pediatrician scratch his head. He said, "this method is not what we have been tought, although she's doing better then most babies. I can't tell you to stop because she's doing so wonderfully" I smile and thank God that Mrs. Bowman and Dr. Denmark were put on this earth to help mothers have a great life being a Mommy.
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Denmark is a gift to mothers Review: I feel very sad for the mother [...] who will never realize the benefits of following Dr. Denmark's advice & time tested remedies. Dr. Denmark believes in prevention, not simply treating the symptoms. She teaches mothers how to be their children's best doctor. So many mothers today have stopped thinking for themselves and blindly follow well meaning doctors and The Academy of Pediatrics guidelines to no avail. That is why we have more pediatricians today than ever before. Our children are being kept sick by bad advice. We are however helping the economy by keeping the doctors & drug companies very much in business. This is not to say that their aren't times that we need our pediatricians help, but this book tells you things you can do to not have to get to that point. Please, do yourself a favor and read this book & Dr. Denmark's book "Every child should have a chance". She explains the study that led to back sleeping & the incident that led to the Reye's Syndrom / Aspirin Connection. (Their is no connection!!) Dr. Denmark is a gift to this world, but especially a gift to all mothers. I thank God every day that I learned about her. I even call her on the phone from time to time when I have a problem with my child's health that I can't solve on my own. THANK YOU DR. DENMARK, FOR EVERYTHING!!! [...]
Rating:  Summary: Dr. Denmark is a gift to mothers Review: I feel very sad for the mother [...] who will never realize the benefits of following Dr. Denmark's advice & time tested remedies. Dr. Denmark believes in prevention, not simply treating the symptoms. She teaches mothers how to be their children's best doctor. So many mothers today have stopped thinking for themselves and blindly follow well meaning doctors and The Academy of Pediatrics guidelines to no avail. That is why we have more pediatricians today than ever before. Our children are being kept sick by bad advice. We are however helping the economy by keeping the doctors & drug companies very much in business. This is not to say that their aren't times that we need our pediatricians help, but this book tells you things you can do to not have to get to that point. Please, do yourself a favor and read this book & Dr. Denmark's book "Every child should have a chance". She explains the study that led to back sleeping & the incident that led to the Reye's Syndrom / Aspirin Connection. (Their is no connection!!) Dr. Denmark is a gift to this world, but especially a gift to all mothers. I thank God every day that I learned about her. I even call her on the phone from time to time when I have a problem with my child's health that I can't solve on my own. THANK YOU DR. DENMARK, FOR EVERYTHING!!! [...]
Rating:  Summary: DON'T BUY THIS BOOK Review: I have spoken to an RN Nurse Instructor about this book when it arrived in my library and she was very concerned about the incorrect advice and information in this book. Dr. Denmark constantly advises to give aspirin. It is not recommended to give aspirin in the other medical literature for viral illnesses in children. Dr. Denmark also says to give an enema for a stomach ache and this is dangerous. This book also has a comment about how a parent has learned to diagnose and treat her own children, but diagnosing should always be left up to a medical doctor after examining the child. In doubt with any illness in children, ALWAYS seek the safest actions to take to correct any problems. Your child's life or wellbeing is not worth the risk of a bad decision based on this book's advice.
Rating:  Summary: Thank goodness for this book Review: I live in the Atlanta area and have many friends and relatives who were patients of Dr. Denmark. I now have an 8-year-old, a 3-year-old and a new baby. We have struggled for years with the other popular pediatricians' advice, only to return to the advice of Dr. Denmark. Of course, there are some suggestions that you have to take considering the times--for example, we don't lay our babies down on the abdomen. However, her scheduling advice cannot be beat. Our children were good kids but pretty much out of control with their schedules, and that made everyone in the household unhappy. After two days on the schedule she recommends, they are like different people and we are all so much happier. Any parent should realize that you can't follow ANY plan to the letter, and you take from them what suits your situation. This book is excellent, however, and makes you realize that you are there to guide your children and makes you appreciate and love your responsibility as a parent. Following her advice, I don't think one could look at parenting as a chore...it is a joy.