Rating:  Summary: A Worthy Tribute To The World's Greatest Profession Review: Well, I can't claim anything near objectivity since I'm the author of this book. I will say that I'm very proud of the finished product, and know that teachers, coaches, and other mentors will be thrilled to receive it as a gift.It was a joy to assemble a collection of stories and poems about such wonderful teachers. As I collected, read, and edited these tributes from 1996 to 1998, they were a constant source of inspiration for my own teaching. Reading them again, this time in polished and beautifully-presented form, has inspired me anew. Though a veteran social studies teacher, I am still moved and motivated by accounts of excellent teaching. Some of the teachers honored in this book offered emotional support in times of need; others fostered a deep love of thinking and learning. Some taught more about life than their actual subject matter, while others pushed students to redefine their own limits and capabilities. Every strength that a great teacher can possess is found on the pages of To Honor A Teacher, making it a book that is compelling and inspirational to laypeople and professional educators alike. Here are two excerpts that are indicative of the book's quality throughout: After Mr. Payne's death, I realized that I should make the most of my life. Someone once told me that human nature may try to make me forget this promise of dedication, but I will never forget. My music and service to my community are commitments for life . Each time one of my goals is achieved I feel a form of that musical ecstasy. The victory proclaimed in Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" is my victory each time a baby is born healthy or a hungry soul is fed. Cannons explode gloriously and spirits rise; my gut reaches up to nudge my throat as I smile with pride. One song ends and I prepare for the next one to begin. ---Padmini Parthasarathy writing about H.T. Payne, her orchestra director It is strange to say that a dance professor taught me to taste wine, and cook pasta sauce with just the right amount of garlic, but these are the tools that Alice used to refine our senses and, in turn, our dance style. She would bring her awareness for beauty into the dance studio and awaken her students to their surroundings. Simply by acknowledging the scent in the air, the warmth of her coffee, or the feeling of a movement , we as students began to take notice of daily life. ---Katie Kruger writing about Alice Condidina, her college dance professor I know that you'll enjoy To Honor A Teacher tremendously. To learn more about the book,and the Teacher Appreciation Project, please visit honorateacher.org in late January, 2000.