Rating:  Summary: All Opinions Have a Right to Expression Review: The authors believe (as do many mental health professionals) that homosexuality is due to a variety of factors -- biological, psychological and social -- that shape a human being. They do not see it as an innate condition. Psychologically, they believe that (male) homosexuality often has its roots in a lack of closeness between a boy and his father -- in other words, something was missing in this relationship. Homosexuality therefore (in their opinions) often has its roots in unfulfilled emotional needs. They believe that if a father makes an effort to be close to his son, the son is less likely to become homosexual. Also, the feeling is that a boy should not be his mother's "best friend." To them, homosexuality is also rooted in gender identity, so it's not a great idea for the son to identify too closely with the mother.These are classic psychological theories about homosexuality that have, to some degree, gone out of fashion in recent years, more due to political correctness than to anything else. (Even the term "gay," as people use it today, is really a deconstruction of "homosexual," which traditionally was usually understood to refer to people who engaged in a specific behavior.) The authors' perspective is not based on hatred or intolerance, but on trying to objectively get to the roots of homosexuality.While I understand that some people may find the premise of this book offensive, the authors mean no offense. But many parents, especially of traditional or religious bent, would prefer that their children live a more traditional lifestyle. All opinions have a right to expression.
Rating:  Summary: 'Wonderful and Timely" Review: I am some what amazed at the hypocrisy of some of the gay reviewers of this book. I think the book is great, but if you are a gay activist you may not like it becasue it questions the validity of most gay claims. I am very open minded and found the book to be very well written and well researched. I am so sure that the critics of this book never ever read it. They find books dealing with books about former homosexuals and then they vehemnt there hate by writing silly commnets. But never anything about the facts of the book.This is a great book for parent, and freinds. I can not beleive that some gay activsit would want to "silence" intelectual dialouge about this issue. The gay activist are already lobbying to end such therapies. I find these gay activist to be more concerned about people validating there lifestyle than research. They are silencing psychiatrist from studying this subject openly. I am ashamed at the American Psychiatric Association for bending the knee to the gay ativist for fear gay pressure. This is a book well worth the read
Rating:  Summary: Disgraceful!!! Review: This review is actually below-zero stars, but this is not a field option. ... This is an appalling, outdated concept, which has no place in 2002. Homosexuality is no longer erroneously viewed as an illness or problem to be solved, at least by educated people. I don't believe Amazon should be selling this garbage.
Rating:  Summary: An Expert's Guide to Preventing Homophobia Review: The Nicolosis argue that parents can prevent homosexuality by enhancing children's identification with same-sex parents. They reason that childhood gender nonconformity (cross-gender behavior) is associated with adult homosexuality and increasing gender conforming behavior increases likelihood of being heterosexual. However, their argument is flawed. There is no relation between cross-gender behavior and sexual identity. In my work with Frederick L. Whitam and in the work of Richard Green and many others, we have found that gender nonconforming children know their sex and their gender. All but a few who grow up to be transsexuals are thrilled to be the sex they are. Further, a substantial portion of children who engage in cross-gender behavior as children grow up to be heterosexual, and about half of adult gay men and lesbian women did not engage in cross-gender behavior as children. The only thing trying to prevent homosexuality will do is increase the likelihood that your child will become suicidal, homeless, and drug using as an adolescent or young adult. My professional advice is that you love your child unconditionally and save your money for some worthwhile reading.
Rating:  Summary: interesting Review: It's about time that homosexuals actually accepted that they ARE sufferring an illness. I am against discrimination and oppression, but homosexuals must admit to themselves that there is a problem deep down inside. Subconciously they all know it, they just don't recognise it. This book does not promote hate. It's a theory of homosexuality being unnatural and ill. By saying to future generations that it is natural, we will only make things worse, as they have already become (gays now have more rights than heterosexuals, for example, they can't loose their jobs so easily). If you are gay, try reading it open-mindedly. You might learn something. (...).
Rating:  Summary: Prevent Hateful books like this, not homosexuality Review: This book is the best example of the veiled abuse and negativity toward gay and lesbian children! First, the authors skirt the American Psychological Association's stand that "trying to change one's orientation can lead to a lifetime of depression". So they chose to go the "prevention" route. In reading this book, the abuse toward these children is profound calling them children with "low gender esteem" for not being the right types of males and females. The sexism of this type of statement is outrageous especially as if anything but a traditional male or female is adequate. Gender abuse, attacking one's maleness or femaleness, is widely known today as part of covert sexual abuse which is what this book is; a book on how to covertly sexually abuse and shame your child. These authors have gotten wise to the criticism of their approach and so have disguised it by softening their terminology, as in telling parents to correct children but not shame them for playing with opposite-gender toys. If your son plays with a doll, they advise to take it away. Playing with dolls in childhood makes little girls and boys good parents as they practice parenting skills. It does not make a child gay. What they advise in the book is still very shaming to the child. The only good thing they advise is for fathers to get more involved. I couldn't agree more: Fathers have abandoned their sons, gay and straight alike, causing much of the anxiety and depression in men today. More involved fathers can help their sons become more mature men, but not make them straight or gay. This book is a recipe to making a gay or lesbian child a depressed and suicidal teen and adult. It is an illustration of what is really wrong. It is not the gay and lesbian child, it is the assaults on gay and lesbian children.
Rating:  Summary: Valuable information Review: Dr. Nicolosi, with compassion and firm conviction, looks at the facts and rebuts many of the claims that homosexuals use to validate their lifestyle. Dr. Nicolosi has studied and counseled thousands of people who were either gay or had a gay-leaning...so he's as much as expert on the subject as anyone else in this country.Of course, the homosexual community would be outraged by his book as they would with any material that has the courage to stand up to the homosexual agenda (which is part of the hypocracy that exists...gays can demand their right to be heard but when others exercise their right to offer an dissenting opinion, they are viewed as closed minded and bigoted). 99.9% of parents would never choose for their children to become homosexual. And yes it is a choice. This book provides valuable information and insight into preventing homosexuality. And the book is written without bashing the individual but rather dispells the myths of homosexuality. A must-read for any parent.
Rating:  Summary: SICK BOOK! Review: Simply put: If you're a parent thinking of getting this book in hopes of 'straightening out' your child.... the problem is not with your child at all. YOU have a problem.
Rating:  Summary: In all fairness.... Review: Don't you hate it when some idiot with a personal agenda writes a reveiw who hasn't read the book. Obviously nobody who wrote a review about this book has actually read the book, only the propaganda against 'reparative theraphy'. I wouldn't put much faith in the psychiatric profession or the social workers union---these idiots screw up more kids then they help, so them being against the reparative theraphy is almost an endorsement to read the book! Look if some guy or gal is unhappy and uncomfortable with being in the gay lifestyle, then they have just as much right to try to change themselves as gays do in being 'gay'. The only people these gay advocates hate worse then gays who want to be straight are guys like me who claim that I'm bisexual. I say these reviewers are full of it! Give the book and it's ideas a chance. And tell these gay zeolots to .... themselves!
Rating:  Summary: Read the reviews, not the book Review: Explaining to people the fallaciousness of a book like this is futile. First convince them that the Grand Canyon wasn't carved by the flood that carried Noah and his every living being on earth and then that men and dinosaurs didn't coexist. Maybe then it'll start to matter whether or not these people hate gays.