Rating:  Summary: A courageous and timely book Review: It is appalling and truly frightening how gay activists and their supporters have succeeded in suppressing the medical evidence that homosexuals can change. Not content to demonize their opponents, such activists seek to silence them as well, and to prevent YOU the reader from being exposed to any other point of view other than their own. So much for free speech and "letting all voices be heard"! Joseph and Linda Nicolosi are to be commended for presenting irrefutable evidence that those trapped in the degrading gay lifestyle can find deliverance. All those who have been led to believe that there is no hope, and that they must forever remain "gay," are encouraged to read this book: "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
Rating:  Summary: You've GOT To Be Kidding! Review: Don't waste your money! Your child will be in therapy (or suicidal) at a really young age if you try and follow the "advice" in this book. They state parents should toughen up "girlish" boys, "feminize" rough-and-tumble girls, and make sure their children only have toys, activities, and mannerisms traditionally aligned with their gender. It's a throwback to the 1950's - except there were homosexuals around then, too. Raised in exactly the types of families the authors describe in their book. As I said - Don't waste your money.
Rating:  Summary: A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality Review: This book provides interesting information that I found valuable in looking at both sides of my son's gender identity confusion. Dr. Nicolosi presents a perspective that offends some, yet has helped hundreds. Those gay/cross-gender individuals wouldn't have sought his professional care if they were "OK" with their sexual preferences. I am certain, through my own friendships with gay men (I am female), that it is rare to find a homosexual (male) who really wants to be homosexual or a transgender individual who would have selected that preference or lifestyle. There is great pain for these individuals. Hopefully, information in this book helps me direct my young son, lovingly towards what is a life that will be free of that particular pain. If he follows a gay lifestyle later, then I will love him and know I tried to provide balance and opportunity for him to enjoy his God-given gender. Serious bullying is part of a child's life with transgender issues. Pure and simple...culture dictates comfort in the area of gender and sexuality. Dr. Nicolosi helps those who want out of that life. So, what's wrong with that? That's personal freedom. This particular approach proves effective, at least for a great number, or Dr. Nicolosi wouldn't have a thriving practice.
Rating:  Summary: Harmful Review: The author keeps repeating the same stereotypes throughout the years. Here is his proof that your child might be becoming gay: he talks to his mother a lot, he shows emotions, he doesn't want to play with other boys, he is depressed and isolated, other kids tease him. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Then, he says if fathers play sports with their kids and take them out for ice cream and talk about male bonding issues, they will be fine. Come on, the kid will simply become a sports-loving gay guy. This is harmful because it misguides parents. It gives them false hope, and the author has seemed to suggest in the past that he has alternate reasons for his "psychology." When I was a kid, my kindergarton teacher told my parents I was showing gay tendencies, and my parents went on a compaign to change me, like forcing me to play cowboys and indians for an hour. It was ridiculous. Ignore this book.
Rating:  Summary: Truth at last! Truth at last! Review: Three cheers for Joe Nicolosi! One of the few therapists with the guts to admit the truth: homosexuality is not inborn, homosexuality is not benign (the average gay man dies more than 20 years earlier than his straight counterpart), and homosexuality is treatable. It's much easier to prevent a disorder than to heal it, so this book provides an invaluable resource for confused parents who have only heard the untruths from gay activists.
Rating:  Summary: Grandmother, nurse Review: Thank you, courageous authors, for the common sense discussion of this subject. Too long we have been presented with dangerous, misleading information. I have cared for people dying with AIDS. I believe this disorder also involves obsessive-compulsive behavior, besides the gender identity. Parents should advocate to get books like this in the colleges, schools, to balance the pro-homosexuality that is 'taught'.
Rating:  Summary: A group of gay bashers at work Review: I can't believe this book was actually written and published. It uses every homosexual stereotype in the book. Wrapping your prejudices in disproved scienfific theory doesn't make them any more valid. On a personal note, my sister was the feminine daughter, and I was the tomboy. So how come she's the lesbian? I was ashamed to see an article on the book in my local newspaper. Nobody should be encouraging it.
Rating:  Summary: Disgraceful and Appalling Review: If you are the parent of a GLBT teenager, and if you want to make your child feel depressed and suicidal, then go ahead and get this book. The suicide rate for GLBT teens is already twice that of heterosexual teens. Books like this, filled with bias, hate, and outright LIES masquerading as "science," will in all probability make the situation much worse. Wake-up call: you CANNOT "prevent" homosexuality. This book is loaded with a bunch of pseudo-freudian psychobabble that went out-of-date some thirty years ago when the APA declared that homosexuality was NOT an illness, or a disorder, or anything WRONG. There is not a single REPUTABLE medical, psychiatric, or psychological association that endorses the garbage you will find in this book. I don't know what is worse; the fact that in the year 2002, the kind of garbage contained in this book is still being published and disseminated, or the fact that books like these are still being sold, and worse, purchased. I have been a Gay rights advocate for more than twenty years, and an AIDS activist and educator for almost as long. I know what I am talking about. On a personal note...yes, I am gay, and FYI...I was much closer to my father than I was to my mother. The stereotypes in this book are not only old and out-of-date, they are vicious, mean-spirited, and hateful. If the possible ramifications of the existence of such a book were not so frightening, I would find this funny. However, there is nothing funny about the high rate of suicide among GLBT youth. You want to push that rate higher? This is the book for you. This book is an outrage, pure and simple.
Rating:  Summary: Not worth the glue and paper Review: If Joseph Nicolosi had at least a toe-hold in reality, this book may have some residual value, but he doesn't. Instead of approaching his topic from a scientific standpoint; supporting his positions with hard, empirical facts; following a logical premiss to a conclusion; and arriving at an understanding based in reality, he instead resorts to dredging up smelly old stereotypes that have long been refuted. Additionally, Mr. Nicolosi fails to hold his own ideals up to anywhere near the same level of scrutiny as those ideals he attacks. It's a shame that anyone of any intellectual capacity could consider this an attempt at "intellectual integrity." The net effect of following the advice of this book is to further marginalize your child--regardless of their sexual orientation--and creating an oppressive and restrictive view of reality based on Puritan ideals and rigid religious ideology. The belief that sexual orientation or gender identity (or any combination of the two) can be shaped by some simple stereotypical conformist behaviors has been refuted more times than can possibly be counted. If you want a view of the reality of the implementation of Mr. Nicolosi's purported method of curing homosexuals, check out the movie "But I'm a Cheerleader"--that should answer any questions.
Rating:  Summary: Someone with education wrote this? Review: I almost laughed when I read the title. Why? Think about this: Do you like chocolcate? Why or why not. If you can't answer this question with anything other than, "I just do," then you see how preposterous it is to even THINK that behavior modification can be used to change a person's preference for ANYTHING, sexual or otherwise. The fact that this book even got published makes me shake my head.