Rating:  Summary: Will damage your child Review: This book is based on completely false understandings of what "homosexuality" is and how it develops or comes into existance. Almost all psychologists and doctors would be able to tell that from one glance at this book. IT WILL HARM YOUR CHILDREN if you attempt to practice what is preached in this book. It is pseudo-science and not only incorrect, but it has the potential to be very very damaging to children. I did not read the book, but rather I read parts of it at a local bookstore, and even in that short period I was able to tell how awful this book is and what a bad name it gives to all reasonable and caring Christians. Even if you hope that your children will not be gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered, this book is not for you. The best you can do for your children is to love them, encourage them to be who they develop to be, and try to teach them to be open minded and loving to all. This book encouages trying to "toughen" up boys and make girls more feminine, as if that will "prevent" homosexuality. Please don't buy this book even if you are nervous that your children could turn out to be a sexual minority; find books on how to be loving, accepting and how to raise physically and emotionally healthy children. That is the best that you can do for them.
Rating:  Summary: A 19th Century Attitude Review: Ten years ago, I adopted a little boy who had been abandoned and then abused in the foster care system. To be the kind of dad he needed, I had to do an enormous amount of research in parenting. Some of the things that we do to children "for their own good" are the psychological equivalent of dunking stools for witches. The polite word is "counter-productive." So when a close friend of mine with two young sons asked me to read this book and let her know if I thought it useful, I actually had some experience -- but academic as well as hands-on -- against which to measure it. To be blunt, I found this book horrifying. Despite the author's pretentions of compassion, his attitudes seem to hark from the dark ages. What he writes in this book is fundamentally out of touch with modern mental health studies. It's worth noting that the Freud himself, once wrote to the mother of a homosexual that there was nothing wrong with her son, and that homosexuality is "no disgrace." Nicolosi apparently believes it is. So he apparently disregards Freud's opinion, and the opinions of the APA and everyone else who has done serious research into human sexual orientation. Childhood is that time during which the child not only explores and discovers the world he lives in; it is also the time in which a child discovers himself and begins the tricky process of inventing his own identity. We know from dozens of studies that homosexuality occurs in the same percentage in all human populations, and even in animal populations as well. It is (apparently) a normal expression of human sexuality, with specific evolutionary value. Indeed, many cultures on this planet have recognzied and revered homosexuals as blessed. In our society, however, we still carry the burden of inherited superstitions which have given us a subtext of shame about almost anything connected with sex. We pass this subtext onto our children and then wonder aloud what's wrong with the kids--why are there so many teen pregnancies, abandoned babies, STD's, and so on. And one of the sadder tragedies about how we treat our young people is that we deny them the opportunity to understand their own feelings in a caring and compassionate context; as a result, gay teens are afraid to talk to their parents, their counselors, their peers -- they pretend to be what they can't be and they suffer enormously. The level of suicide among gay teens is three times higher than that of heterosexual teens. Now comes this book, a sucker punch for parents and teens alike, designed to increase the context of misunderstanding, confusion, denial, inhibition, frustration, and alienation. People who follow the advice in this book are going to wonder why their kids are so distant -- their kids haven't stopped being gay, they've just stopped trusting their parents. Parents of teenage boys need to ask themselves if they are willing to accept a gay son? Many parents wonder why their adult children have so little to do with them, not realizing that it was their own implied disapproval that drove away their offspring. It's profoundly important for parents to understand that you can't turn a gay child straight. But you can drive a gay teen away. You can even drive him to suicide by denying him your love, your understanding, and your compassion. This is a dangerous, deluded, and terribly misguided book. It's the kind of sexual propaganda that disrupts families. There are many better books for parents about dealing with childrens' sexual issues. Please check them out.
Rating:  Summary: How sad... Review: ...that in the beginning of the 21st century, someone is still able to sell a book pushing these tired, old, completely unscientific "principles." The principles he pushes have been rejected by both the American Psychoanalytic Association and the American Psychological Association...
Rating:  Summary: A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality Review: I was appalled to see the title in print. Have we stepped back in time. This book is destructive and groundless on its findings. I fear that anyone should read it, believe it, and attempt to raise their children by it. Shame on the writers, and shame on the publishing community for supporting such hatred. I fear for the children of the parents who would blindly follow this information.
Rating:  Summary: A Bad & Dangerous Book Review: Poor Joseph Nicolosi. Despite years of attempting to stigmatize homosexuality as a defect, he has failed utterly. The substance of his contentions rejected by the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, the National Association of Social Workers and every other responsible clinical body in the USA, he has to continue placing his unfounded clincal opinions above the mental health of gay and lesbian kids and their parents. Avoid this book. It's like the Christian books of the 19th century that stigmatized left-handedness. Sadly, Nicolosi has lost sight of the difference between clinical thinking and theology. Just because he wishes it were so, it ain't. ...
Rating:  Summary: Puh-leeze! Review: I did not buy this book, but read through it at my local "Christian" bookstore. All I can say is that if you like this book, you'll probably love Mein Kampf. What drivel.
Rating:  Summary: Time Warp!! Great "Museum of the Damned" piece! Review: The couple who wrote this have culled the past for all the old recomendations and "treatments" used to control gender and sexuality from the past ........ all of which were worthless, ineffectual, and even harmful back then as they are today. We now have learned a great deal about the human body and the changes that occure while a child is growing in the woumb. There is a great deal of evidence, a store of which is growing day by day, that leads us to understand that the hormonal "wash" that the child's brain gets prior to birth has a MUCH greater weight on the outcome of gender identity and sexual orientation than does the socialization given to a child after it is born. My own experience: I was Rasied to be a MAN'S MAN! Daddy was a Marine Drill Instructor and I had every "kill the enemy" toy on the market! Weakness was not acceptable! Well, it worked for my older Brother..... He turned out totally Male, though more than a little BENT... a Drug-indulged Hell's Angel Member, and more. I, on the other hand, grew up to be shy and with one hell of a temper.......until I reconciled my reality with the faulty beliefs I had been programed with. In short, I corrected my gender and am living a fulfilling life with the support of my Ex and my daughter, as the woman I truly am! Those that are FORCED into a role by the methods of this book will, a high number of cases, wind up as angry, substance-abusing (cigarettes, booze, drugs, and illicit sex.... in order to attempt to try and "self-medicate the emotional pain away) unhappy and disfunctional members of our future society. Invest in this title only as a reminder of the BAD OLD DAYS and what NOT to do to your children! By the way, This is not just my own opinion, I hold an AAS and BHS in Human Services and Psych as well as having studied as a youth detention counselor, and am in a graduate program in psych counseling.... I know from both training and EXPERIENCE.
Rating:  Summary: Recycled Junk 'Science' Review: I can't believe that NARTH continues attempting to push its unproven theories upon the unsuspecting public. The NARTH theories were rejected by professionals 30 years ago for lack of valid scientific evidence. After all that time, there's still no credible data supporting their theories. Small wonder that this work was not published by a reputable organization.
Rating:  Summary: A Guide to Raising Neurotic and Suicidal Children Review: Actually -5 stars. This book belongs on the shelf beside Dobson's book on raising boys as possibly the worst, most damaging books on child-rearing ever foisted on an unsuspecting public. This book has as its foundation completely debunked psychiatric nonsense about gender roles and the worst sort of stereotypes about what constitutes 'masculine' or 'feminine' behavior and counsels unsuspecting parents to watch out for 'tendencies' in their children. Such 'worrisome' tendencies include not playing enough with children of the same sex or not showing enough interest in "gender specific" toys, games, or sports. What does that mean in this day and age? Girls can grow up to be doctors, police officers, or fighter pilots. We consider that progress. What about a gentle boy who dislikes sports but loves to play the violin or chess or even likes to help out in the kitchen? The authors would be concerned and would discourage those 'tendencies'. If you want to raise well-rounded, mentally healthy children, avoid this book (and Dobson's) like the plague. If you want to raise neurotic and suicidal children then this is the book for you.
Rating:  Summary: Another vanity press release by the Reich Review: Another book that makes one wish for a "no stars" rating. InterVasrity Press is a vanity publishing house run by the InterVaristy Christian Fellowship, whose own self-stated mission in life is : In response to God's love, grace and truth: The Purpose of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is to establish and advance at colleges and universities witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord: growing in love for God, God's Word, God's people of every ethnicity and culture and God's purposes in the world." No, there's no bias present in this "scientific" and "well-researched" book. Everyone needs to realize that homosexuality is a natural part of the human condition and there is no "cure" or way to "raise your kids to be heterosexual". They will be who they are. Whether they grow up to be good people can be influenced. Sexuality cannot.