Rating:  Summary: Confusion of Religion and Science Review: A quick examination of references will show that the "research" that supports the view taken in this book stems from a religiously biased source. Even the publisher, Intervarsity Press, is a Christian publishing house.Science occurs within a complicated web of credibility and peer review---this book was not produced within that environment. The Nicolosis do not have the support of a community of respected scientists, nor *credible*. *verified*, research to back their claims. Homosexuality was removed from the APA because of just such a web of credible science in which it was found that there is no secular, scientific argument that can be brought to bear against the naturalness of the existence of homosexuality. If you are interested in studying a certain Christian perspective on homosexuality, then this would be a great book. But the authors' attempt to use science to support their world view is deceitful and manipulative, doing a disservice to their readers and to the cultural and biological diversity of our species.
Rating:  Summary: A FANTASTIC tool for any parent..regardless of religion! Review: This book is the best thing I have ever read. Even if you're not as much interested in preventing homosexuality as you are being a good parent, this is a must read. Chilren NEED strong relationships with BOTH PARENTS. That is the cornerstone of this book. Anyone who thinks that having a child that is loved and cared for by BOTH parents is abuse is off their rocker. There is absolutely NOTHING in this book that is anything but good sound parenting advice! It is HIGH TIME THAT WE REALIZE the value of BOTH FATHERS AND MOTHERS in shaping a child's moral and emotional development. I contend that not giving a child a male and female to look up to and learn from is in itself abusive and leads to many problems down the road... homosexuality being one of MANY things that can happen when those kind of roles are absent. READ THIS BOOK for your child's sake regardless of what you believe about homosexuality.
Rating:  Summary: AKA: A Parent's Guide to Emotional Abuse Review: Many of the ideas promoted by the authors of this book have been renounced by the scientific community. The recommendations have little scientific merit and may, in fact, be detrimental to the emotional wellbeing of your child. Many of the teachings are nothing short of right-wing, homophobic propaganda. I feel sorry for the children whose parents follow these recommendations, which include discouraging boys from playing with dolls and discouraging girls from traditionally masculine activities and interests. It blames male homosexuality on "emotional alienation" from the father. Please! This argument was soundly rejected 30 years ago by leading experts and researchers. Not to mention there are millions of heterosexual men who were emotionally alienated from their fathers (wasn't this called the 1950's ?). The author even goes so far as to urge mothers to "get out of the way" and "let" fathers bond with their sons (once again blaming mothers for the shortcomings of fathers). He urges mothers to avoid over involving themselves in the lives of their sons (whatever that means). In short, at best this book advocates ideas from the dark ages and at worst encourages emotionally abusive practices. All thumbs down on this loser of a parenting guide.
Rating:  Summary: disgusting (and pointless) idea for a book Review: Wanna screw up your kid? Buy this book.
Rating:  Summary: ALL MUSLIMS SHOULD READ Review: ArAbs who are dealing with the gay issue should read this. All Psychiatrist who are in arab states disagree with the usa APA.
Rating:  Summary: Former Homosexual and its a great book Review: I am 25 yrs old and jewish, I am a student at Cornell University. I found this book to be great advise for those who choose to be "non gay". The gay community see's books like this as a threat and thats why they tried to boycott Psychology Today for promoting it. They have forced the APA and many other groups to bend the knee to there demands. The magazine Psychology Today did not budge and they got [upset].... I am a former homosexual who was told ounce gay always gay, yeah right what a joke what a lie. I am now engaged and am very happy for the choice I made. i stand as a slap in the face to the gay activsit who use intimidation to push gay science. The truth goes beyond ones sexual politics. I worked for human rights campaign the largest gay rights group. They are only interested in there own special agenda and calling names to people who dont comply. I and many others are demandinga choice. Already the Psychiatry community is tring hard to divert hundreds of lawsuits in this regard and guess what more are expected to come.The truth is any person who wants to change for homosexuality to hetreosexuality there is a chice, I A M VERY PRO CHOICE all around. We demand the right to be ourselves no matter where that leaves us.
Rating:  Summary: Eye-opening book; should be read by open-mindedly Review: This excellent book by psychiatrist Joseph Nicolosi and Linda Ames Nicolosi is informative and scientifically informed and should actually be read before one pronounces judgment on it. The negative "reviews" of the book, emotionally charged as they are, prove Dr. Nicolosi's point that the APA and the homosexual rights community have declared a moratorium on rational, scientific debate on homosexuality, even though so many people are dissatisfied with their homosexual orientation.
Rating:  Summary: Too bad you can't rate it a zero, or less!! Review: Once more Joseph Nicolosi puts his foot in a place where only a bigot would go. In a time when understanding and tolerance is needed more than ever he perpetuates the kind of dangerous myths that have lead to the deaths of far too many people.
Rating:  Summary: No Imperical Evidence to support, a great deal to reject. Review: This Book has already be rejected and repudiated by the American Psychological Association! It takes religious dogma of the "Focus on the Family" movement, which is Anti-diversity at its core, and dresses it up to appear as documented FACT! However, there is NO imperical evidence to support any concept presented in this text, and a great deal of evidence, both imperical and ancedotial, that demonstrates that such attitudes in child raising are harmful to the well-being of the child and family as a whole. Such a child will grow to become dysfunctional and introverted and may well finish their young lives in a successful suicide. Is it really worth it, just for the appearance of being "normal"? L.E.O. AAS/HS
Rating:  Summary: Shameful Review: Is this a joke? This book can't be credible when evidence proves to the contrary. With this kind of nonsense being published, it makes you wonder when these two "authors" will pump out a sequel ... Can these people really have the medical and psychological expertise to write such a book? Apparently, they'll let anyone with a pen write a book these days. I'm all for free speech, ... We ban things that express graphic sexual experimentation (a natural human drive we somehow would like to pretend doesn't exist) but we let suggestions of hate flourish? Hmm... humantiy made a big mistake somewhere. As for the argument that gay activists refuse to believe that ... this is possible... we are talking about "gay" activists. Who knows what it's like to to be a giraffe? A zookeeper? .. or the actual giraffe? Does this book go into the psychological details of each and every gay person on the planet to unravel what "made them what they are"? Their suggestion that playing with proper toys is complete bull considering there are gay people out there who grew up completely wrapped in their "proper gender lifestyle". This book *assumes* that every gay person is a flaming queen or a butch dyke. So we're back to judging people on stereotypes now, are we? Perhaps I'll write a book called "A Child's Guide on Preventing Their Parents from Teaching Them Unresearched, Preachy Bigotry."