Rating:  Summary: A good and important book under assault from the gay lobby Review: This book has awakened an unhealthy outrage among Gay-right-movement and many so called commited practicing homosexuals. It is a very interesting book where analysis of causes, etiology and remedies against same sex attractions are focused on. I would recommend it to any responsible parent, Christian or not, who is concerned about health of his/her male offspring. The time is ripe to consolidate and concentrate the efforts to dispel and contradict the ever present noisy "Gay-right-movement" propaganda machine. One of the many proofs that this book is good and worth reading is the aggression it awakes among so called committed homosexuals and their reviews of the book on amazone.com. These reviews are revealing about the nature of the problem as well as how the gay lobby organize themselves even up to the point to promote "review assault" on such a book on amazon.com. It is not conspiration, just a nature of propaganda war between world-views. I think the good scholar Nicolosi hit the important point and by it he additionally revealed the homosexual agenda and woke up the demons from the rainbow-colored hell. Thanks to him for this excellent book. I would also like to recommend his other books as additional reading on this topic. Thank You. God Bless America!
Rating:  Summary: The book's thesis refutes itself. Review: According to Nicolosi, homosexuality is all about gender confusion. Let boys bond with their fathers and play sports, and with "masculine" toys, and be sure to keep their mothers at arm's length, and they'll grow up straight (Lesbians and bisxuals don't exist in the Nicolosi universe). For "proof", Nicolosi describes a few cases where his stereotypes seem to fit and ignores the millions of healthy, happy and masculine gay men where they don't. His entire case represents a failure of scientific methodology 101- to legitimately prove something, you can't build it into your research as an a priori assumption. If you go fishing with a net that can catch only fishes at least 2" wide, your failure to find any fish that's smaller than 2" does not prove that every fish is at least 2".Nicolosi's is the same kind of slanted non-science that performed studies about homosexuality on prisoners and people in mental institutions and then found that (SURPRISE!) all gay men were criminal or mentally disturbed. It is sad that Amazon's rating system does not allow me to give this work zero stars, because that's what it deserves. It's religious prejudice dressed up as science, with no basis in fact.
Rating:  Summary: poor quality book Review: I just a few brief criticisms to make since I don't think it is necessary to write a detailed review. 1. The book does not take into consideration the pressure placed upon these individuals to be dishonest not only with others, but with themselves as well. 2. No study has done follow-up research. 3. A trait can be organic as well as environmental, or it can be varying combinations of such (Townsley, Burr, etc.). Hence, 100% "change", if possible (has never been documented), would not prove or disprove any particular view of etiology. 4. The motivation behind performing such therapies is religious, despite the fact that it has now been shown that same-gender relationships are supported by the Bible (Townsley, Townsley's response to Gagnon; Justin's Great Debate essay for GCN, etc.). 5. Clinical/ psychiatric, empirical observations (from over 5 decades of research) are ignored. Does the author think that's ethically responsible? 6. The book has some philosophical flaws as well. As was written so eloquently, "Men have a prostate gland, which in terms of pleasure-producing potential is often compared by sex experts to the woman's legendary G-spot. It is only directly stimulated via penetration of the [***]. Figure that one out using complementarily arguments." What would be the point of this if God did not intend the [***] to be used sexually? For these reasons I do not recommend this book. I believe it is not worthy is any stars but to my frustration (and the frustration of several other reviewers), 1 star is the limit. I recommend instead Burr's 1996 "A Separare Creation..." (Review last updated: 12/15/2003)
Rating:  Summary: outdated thinking Review: The American Psycological Association (APA) ruled homosexuality out as an aquired and changeable condition in 1972. Dr. Nicolosi and his group Narth (National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality) (www.narth.com) are looked upon today as outdated and reactionary, comparative to how the majority of the world views organizations like the Ku Klux Klan. According to follow up tests done from nonpartisan groups, over 70% of people who ascribed to the reparative and preventative methods used by Dr. Nicolosi and NARTH failed to change their sexual orientation, and the other 30% are believed to be "brainwashed" or bisexual. Nicolosi is merely preying on the few homophobic parents out there who will do anything to change this irreversible state of being known as gayness.
Rating:  Summary: You read what you believe Review: If you are someone who believes that homosexuality is wrong, evil, sinful, and/or a psychological disorder, you will probably find this to be a courageous and helpful book. If you believe that being gay is simply a matter of how some people are, and that gay people lead happy, loving lives, except perhaps when disowned, alienated, and harassed by others, you will probably find this to be a hateful, misguided book. If you pick up this book believing that homosexuality is wrong/sinful, you will probably find the evidence cited in this book to be compelling and irrefutable. If you pick up this book believing that being gay is not a matter of moral choice but of creation's diversity, you will probably find the evidence cited in this book to be without basis and astonishingly ignorant of reputable research. If you believe in God, and your God says homosexuality is sinful, you will welcome this book. If you believe in God, and your God creates people to be gay as well as straight and takes joy in them all, the mere existence of books like this may bring you to tears of sadness. Human beings are funny, aren't we? The greatest gifts we have been given are our capacities to love and to learn. Yet we waste them both when we love only those we like, and we read only what we already believe.
Rating:  Summary: Most important parenting book since 1973 Review: This is a ground-breaking book that explodes the myths of the culture and the void of science behind gay activism. Nicolosi is going to give a lot of hope to parents of children who early exhibit "gender confused" behaviours. Parents will quickly realize that this is not "who their child is", but rather a highly treatable and changeable disorder rooted in gender identity and relational brokenness. Bravo Nicolosi for your courage! I intend to use the wisdom within these covers both in my counseling and at home with my sensitive little guy. This book is going to be sent as a gift to every new parent I know.
Rating:  Summary: Ha ha ha Review: You people actually believe this stuff? Are you really that stupid? I'm a 15 year old lesbian and I'm much healthier and emotionly sound now that my parents accept me for who I am. Any one who says that homosexuality can be "cured" is clearly not fit to be writing books.
Rating:  Summary: one notch away from pedophilia Review: what's a great thing for any parent to do? be active in their child's life. what's a horrible thing for any parent to do? be active in their child's life out of fear that said child may stear into some perceived "deviant" life style. i'm sure that basically any follower of this book's "message" would agree that a parent projecting the goals and aspiritions of their youth onto the child is a bad thing. but isn't that exactly what this book's far more subliminal teaching is attempting to instil upon the reader? if a goal for a parent-to-be is to prolong the hatred and disgusting bigotry in our society, then by all means, purchase this wonderfully god fearing title. please, do it. now
Rating:  Summary: Gay Politics more important than Children's Wellbeing Review: I read the hateful reviews, and heard what was said in the news media, before I bought this book, I hope you will forgive me of the crime of reading this book before condemning it. Dr. Nicolosi has been unfairly attacked, there is nothing in this book harmful to children. After reading this book I have more sympathy for homosexual individuals, and no tololarance left for gay activism. I am now convinced homosexuality should be returned to the list of mental disorders. It is beyond words to describe how frightening a thing it is that political axe grinding is more important then what is best for our children.
Rating:  Summary: Don't believe it Review: Don't believe the pro-gay blather that says that people dealing with homosexuality cannot be treated and experience healing in their life. Nicolosi is right on with his studies and his work. This book is a must-read for all those working in marriage and family life.