Rating:  Summary: Facing the truth Review: If you believe humans evolved over billions of years through natural selection then each of us is the descendant of millions of unbroken generations of heterosexual unions. Preferring the same sex results in removal from the genetic history of humanity in one generation. Nothing is more strongly selected against by evolutionary pressures by definition than homosexuality.So in the evolutionary view, homosexuality is an obvious developmental disorder (OR the theory of evolution is blown to bits). If you instead believe humans were created in the image of God for the purpose of exercising the free will to accept or reject God, homosexual behavior is a rejection of God's intent. In this spiritual view, homosexuals -- created, dependent beings -- assert their personal desires (lusts) are superior to the intent of God, the Creator. They are free to do so, to sin, but thereby reject companionship with Him. They voluntarily choose eternal separation so as to fulfill urges of the moment. The consequences are momentous. Liberals talk about God as love, but ignore all else, which is accountability and God's abhorence/intolerance of sin. God is only responsible for the potential of sin (by allowing free will -- in His image). Humans make it actual. So in either biological or spiritual views, homosexuality can only be seen as a disorder or sin, and a serious one at that. The average age of death for gays is 44 years excluding AIDS. If you include AIDS, it drops to 42. Thus AIDS is not even a significant cause of mortality. Homosexual behavior is far more deadly than cigarette smoking. Homosexual behavior is an integral part of disease transmission; 73% of all sexual diseases in heterosexuals can be traced back a homo/bi sexual vector. You've got a life-altering condition, chances are you can thank you gay friends. Danish studies show that the average gay "marriage" lasts 1.5 years. Of the tiny percentage that last more than 5 years, ALL included provisions for multiple partners. Thus, gay marriage is only a legal mechanism to obtain access to social benefits such as the obviously critical health care that is the center-piece of homosexual life. The purpose of marriage is not to "declare ones' love", but to provide a legal obligation, and create the societal atmosphere of stability needed to properly raise children. Gay marriage is irrelevant to society by nature and practice. No one knows this better than gays themselves. Gays seek to create a society in which they cannot be confronted with these facts, thus no have reason to deal with and control their behavior. It also increases the ease of finding additional partners. The cause is advanced through violent reaction so as to condition a heterosexual population to never EVER question or challenge them. Note the strident, hysterical edge to the 1-star reviews. Since normal people do not spend their day-to-day life analyzing sexual behavior, they can have no response except to simply grant the people screaming what they want. In addition, energized by their compulsions, activists infiltrate and assume control of relevant social and medical institutions like the APA, etc. The chief argument of homosexuals is that it is enlightened to realize that what consenting adults do is fine as long as no one is hurt. The same logic can advance adultery and marriage/relations with animals, cadavers, etc. You cannot argue against these things without contradicting the arguments used to support homosexuality. Furthermore, one can ask, WHY is there a limit regarding no one being hurt? I mean, who are you to impose those morals on me? If I want to hurt someone, how dare you impose your Christianity-derived moral code on me? In fact, the reasoning used to support homosexual behavior is neither new nor enlightened; humans lived nasty, brutish lives under it for 10's of thousands of years and it was called "paganism". He who has the power defines what is right. We have lived the last 2000 years in a Christianized world which overturned paganism and provided the substance of what we call civilization. The more homosexual arguments and behavior are normalized, the more human societies will resemble pre-civilization ones. Pity the next generation trying to grow up in world in which hapless heterosexuals have abandoned them to let the lunatics run the asylum ...
Rating:  Summary: Profoundly dangerous book Review: It is extremely important to realize that essentially all gays, lesbians, religious liberals, mental health professionals and human sexuality researchers do not share Dr. Nicolisi's beliefs. The tiny organization that he founded (National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality; NARTH) is alone among professonal associations in their belief that sexual orientation is determined by factors in the environment. We have a motto in our office: "Anytime someone deviates from reality, others get hurt." In this case, it is NARTH who is deviating from reality, and it is gays, lesbians, bisexuals and their friends and families who are hurt. An inaccurate understanding of homosexuality can lead in some cases to death by suicide. We need to tread carefully in this area.
Rating:  Summary: A Scholarly Work Written For The Novice - A Must Read! Review: Dr. Nicolosi's book is not comprehensive or exhaustive. However, it is a great start at removing the blinders placed on society by Homosexual activists and others dedicated to advancing the idea of "Absolute Freedom" of choice, in the sexual arena, without regard to the content of those choices. Take note that nearly every negative review of this book resorts to name calling or drawing comparisons to the most despicable people and/or ideas in the American mind. Others simply restate the pronouncements of the very same people and organizations who have kept a lid on the facts and issues related to homosexuality, simply because it passed into the area of political correctness after the sexual revolution of the 1960's. The legitimacy of the facts and issues have changed very little, but our collective "feelings" about the issue of sexuality in general have undergone a tumultuous process of change and reorganization. I would argue that most of that change has been to the detriment of the world and those who will follow us. This book should be read by everyone who is interested in the issue of homosexuality. Dr. Nicolosi does and admirable job of covering nearly every major study that has purported to give scientific support for the idea of homosexuality's alleged genetic causation. This issue is rarely covered honestly anywhere else in academia because of its politically incorrect nature. Most professors either do or are forced to simply assume its genetic causation. Dr. Nicolosi's book will certainly cast doubt on this conclusion, and he does so on the basis of good argumentation and well documented academic sources. Additionally, the book may be helpful to many parents, and it will certainly help the American people to think more critically about this issue. Before you believe that it is a hate-filled book, I would encourage you to read the book first. So long as you are open to hearing a multiple viewpoint discussion on this subject, I doubt than any fair-minded person will choose to describe this book as hate-filled or Nazi-like. Bravo Dr. Nicolosi! You are a more courageous man than I.
Rating:  Summary: Warning! This book may be dangerous Review: Read this book if you really want but be forewarned that the APA, the APsyP and all similiar mental healthcare groups have issued warnings on the damaging effects of the therapy this book encourages. I'm not saying you shouldnt' read it, but by not listing documented damages this therapy can cause, Dr. Nicolosi is in a sense, medicating without consent (were it chemical medication instead of mental it would be a serious violation of law). One statement taken directly from the Position Statement: Psychiatric Treatment and Sexual Orientation, American Psychiatric Association, 1998. states "The potential risks of "reparative therapy" are great, including depression, anxiety and self-destructive behavior, since therapist alignment with societal prejudices against homosexuality may reinforce self-hatred already experienced by the patient. Many patients who have undergone "reparative therapy" relate that they were inaccurately told that homosexuals are lonely, unhappy individuals who never achieve acceptance or satisfaction. The possibility that the person might achieve happiness and satisfying interpersonal relationships as a gay man or lesbian is not presented, nor are alternative approaches to dealing with the effects of societal stigmatization discussed."
Rating:  Summary: No Wonder NARTH has been condemned by the APA Review: This book is hate literature of the worst kind. As has been admitted by many of those who offered a positive rating, there is little empircal evidence given in this book. This book offers a view from a quack who is part of an organization that claims to be legit while the American Psychological Association refutes all of their claims and is seeking to outlaw their "therapies." If you would like to know the truth on homosexuality listen to the experts. -The American Academy of Pediatrics: "Confusion about sexual orientation is not unusual during adolescence. Counseling may be helpful for young people who are uncertain about their sexual orientation or for those who are uncertain about how to express their sexuality and might profit from an attempt at clarification through a counseling or psychotherapeutic initiative. Therapy directed specifically at changing sexual orientation is contraindicated, since it can provoke guilt and anxiety while having little or no potential for achieving changes in orientation." -The American Counseling Association: "opposes portrayals of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth and adults as mentally ill due to their sexual orientation; and supports the dissemination of accurate information about sexual orientation, mental health, and appropriate interventions in order to counteract bias that is based on ignorance or unfounded beliefs about same-gender sexual orientation" -The American Psychiatric Association:"The potential risks of "reparative therapy" are great, including depression, anxiety and self-destructive behavior, since therapist alignment with societal prejudices against homosexuality may reinforce self-hatred already experienced by the patient. Many patients who have undergone "reparative therapy" relate that they were inaccurately told that homosexuals are lonely, unhappy individuals who never achieve acceptance or satisfaction. The possibility that the person might achieve happiness and satisfying interpersonal relationships as a gay man or lesbian is not presented, nor are alternative approaches to dealing with the effects of societal stigmatization discussed." -The American Psychological Association:"That the American Psychological Association opposes portrayals of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth and adults as mentally ill due to their sexual orientation and supports the dissemination of accurate information about sexual orientation, and mental health, and appropriate interventions in order to counteract bias that is based in ignorance or unfounded beliefs about sexual orientation." Currently the APA has encourages legal action against groups such as NARTH and Dr. Nicolosi under "personal injury" laws which include the emotional injury that occurs during the so called "conversion therapy" that is encouraged by these groups. In other words, according to the largest and most respected healthcare organizations in existance, reading and acting on this book may mentally and emotionally injure your child.
Rating:  Summary: Very sad... Review: Our sexual identity is a gift from God. Trying to change that sexual identity is unnecessary and causes parents and children untold heartache (while lining the pockets of the Nicolosis). If you truly love your children, you should not waste your time reading this book. For those children whose true adult sexual identity is predestined heterosexual, reading this book will only cause you to place unnecessary burdens of conformity on your loved ones as they try to develop into an individual. And that extra burden you place on your child now will likely come back in adulthood in the form of a strained relationship between you and your kids. For those children whose true adult sexual identity is predestined homosexual, following Nicolosi's text is condemning your child to a lifetime of personal anguish as an adult. It is also condemning you to a lifetime devoid of a truly loving relationship with your child.
Rating:  Summary: Genocidal Neo-Nazism! Review: I'm not sure which of the following options is the most horrific: (a) This item's Amazon sales rank, (b) The item's Neo-Nazi genocidal tendencies, (c) The item's promotion of emotional child abuse, (d) The item's inescapable promotion of child suicide, (e) The item's inescapable promotion of child homelessness, (f) The perverse view of religion that grounds the item, (g) The pseudo- and anti-science that ground the item, (h) The fact that we share the planet with those who are inclined to write such a waste of otherwise valuable resources, (i) The fact that Amazon would even think of selling such an item, (j) The fact that a publisher was willing to accept the item for publication, (k) Or the mere fact that anyone would be willing to buy it. Hopefully, the sales rank is more indicative of historians' and scholars' interest in the modern dynamics of homophobia than it is of parents' interest in the book. SO HELP US "GOD"!!
Rating:  Summary: Demented, Hypocritical Conservative Review: This man has absolutely no idea of what a homosexual is! He needs to come out of the middle ages and read up on current science and psychology!! Too bad you don't allow NO STAR, Amazon!
Rating:  Summary: Dangerous, UnChristian, and Destructive Review: The author capitalizes on the fears and insecurities of parents who want to help and support their children. He profits from the fears of well-meaning parents, and in my opinion causes harm. Instead of this diatribe, which blames parents for something that in fact is inborn and God-Given, a good parent will read this: Steps to Recovery from Bible Abuse by Rembert Truluck. Pastor Truluck is one of the foremost Bible scholars writing on this subject today. Learn what the actual Bible really says, (the word Homosexual never appeared in the original scriptures--it was added in the 1700's) and, how to answer your children's questions with love and truth. Don't alienate your children. Don't add to their adolescent confusion. Don't harm someone else or their children thru ignorance or repeating nonsense, and don't waste your money enriching any more fearmongers. You can't change sexuality; you can only make someone miserable, or give them love and peace within your family and community. Don't be suckered by a conartist. Do take a look at reality, and God's beautiful creation. Use your head. I am a physician, and a Christian. My life work includes trying to repair the harm done to families by unloving, misguided, phoney Christians who profit and thrive by taking advantage of well-meaning parents who don't yet understand this simple and obvious fact: there is a wide range of human sexuality, emotional and/or physical expressions, that may include hetero, celibate, transgendered, bi, gay, or what-have-you. Being a good parent has a great deal to do with the happiness of children, but not with their sexuality.
Rating:  Summary: stupid Review: This is one of the most stupid books I have ever read. For the record, evangelicals can believe whatever they want to believe and find "scientific" studies to reinforce their beliefs, and I suppose that the authors honestly believe that what they're doing is a good thing. But this book is harmful for three reasons: 1) it is so ideologically self-serving that it fails to refute arguments, 2) it focuses too much on male homosexuality and barely addresses bisexual or transgendered individuals, and 3) it fails to address the prevalence of clinical depression among gay and lesbian individuals.