Rating:  Summary: the truth Review: A description of how bad it can be for a father, depressing. Not helpful. I can see why so many women endorse this book - I'm sure they would like their children's fathers to give up with out a fight.I would recommend: "Live-Away Dads: Staying a Part of Your Children's Lives When They Aren't a Part of Your Home" by William Klatte if you are looking for advice on how to make the best of a bad situation. Hang in there dad, don't walk away.
Rating:  Summary: AN OUTSTANDING RESOURCE Review: For the men who have trashed this book here, I ask them if they're "four year custody" battles have benefitted or hurt their children? I concede that such legal actions are extremely damaging to children, putting them in the middle of the two people they love the most in this world. Still a Dad is an invaluable resource teaching Dads in this tough situation that while there is much injustice to the legal system, and so much of a feeling of powerlessness during the entire divorce process, that their children are still their children and NEED THEIR FATHER, just as THEY NEED THEIR CHILDREN. It requires the death of the OLD dream of how we always envisioned being a father, and truly developing a new vision to accommodate the new situation. THIS IS THE WAY TO BEST HELP YOUR CHILDREN through this process. It means letting go of you previous notions, and YES - ending that battle with the ex-spouse. It means, learning to live life again, and learning to be happy again, for yourself and for your children. There are so many blessings in this book, I couldn't read the pans of it without sharing how much it helped me through my situation. I was divorced 5 years ago, and this book was pivotal in getting me in touch with ALL of the crazy emotions and pain I was dealing with, and getting it under control so that I could TRULY determine what was BEST for my children. And for the reader who posted, "For those who truly love their children...get a different book...." you don't begin to have a clue of what this book is truly about, and my guess is you are damaging your children by continuing a nasty court battle that's undermining their security for years to come. THIS BOOK IS A MUST READ FOR DIVORCING DADS. Yes, it is brutally honest about the emotion...but that is its strength, and it will be yours, too. Your kids will thank you for it someday.
Rating:  Summary: Good advice, but a lot of "Grin and Bear It." Review: I enjoyed reading "Still a Dad," as I'm currently going through a divorce. Although I related with almost all of the feelings and tribulations outlined in the book, I was disappointed in the perspective of surrendering described in the last few chapters. The book communicates in no uncertain terms that divorce isn't fair, but it seems to suggest that fathers should realize that they can't change the system because of all of the biases. Therefore, the book suggests, fathers should be happy with what they've got, instead of fretting over what they don't have -- significant time with their children. For any father who is going through a divorce and is missing his children, this advice isn't sufficient and certainly doesn't wipe away the tears. The author seems to suggest that fathers should be satisfied with mailing cookies or spending every other weekend with their children, because that's all they're going to get -- if that's what the mother wants. Any father who thinks he is the better parent, should use the court system, no matter how biased it is, to become the primary custodian. This book did not expend a single word telling fathers -- caring fathers -- how to do this.
Rating:  Summary: Good advice, but a lot of "Grin and Bear It." Review: I enjoyed reading "Still a Dad," as I'm currently going through a divorce. Although I related with almost all of the feelings and tribulations outlined in the book, I was disappointed in the perspective of surrendering described in the last few chapters. The book communicates in no uncertain terms that divorce isn't fair, but it seems to suggest that fathers should realize that they can't change the system because of all of the biases. Therefore, the book suggests, fathers should be happy with what they've got, instead of fretting over what they don't have -- significant time with their children. For any father who is going through a divorce and is missing his children, this advice isn't sufficient and certainly doesn't wipe away the tears. The author seems to suggest that fathers should be satisfied with mailing cookies or spending every other weekend with their children, because that's all they're going to get -- if that's what the mother wants. Any father who thinks he is the better parent, should use the court system, no matter how biased it is, to become the primary custodian. This book did not expend a single word telling fathers -- caring fathers -- how to do this.
Rating:  Summary: Good advice, but a lot of "Grin and Bear It." Review: I enjoyed reading "Still a Dad," as I'm currently going through a divorce. Although I related with almost all of the feelings and tribulations outlined in the book, I was disappointed in the perspective of surrendering described in the last few chapters. The book communicates in no uncertain terms that divorce isn't fair, but it seems to suggest that fathers should realize that they can't change the system because of all of the biases. Therefore, the book suggests, fathers should be happy with what they've got, instead of fretting over what they don't have -- significant time with their children. For any father who is going through a divorce and is missing his children, this advice isn't sufficient and certainly doesn't wipe away the tears. The author seems to suggest that fathers should be satisfied with mailing cookies or spending every other weekend with their children, because that's all they're going to get -- if that's what the mother wants. Any father who thinks he is the better parent, should use the court system, no matter how biased it is, to become the primary custodian. This book did not expend a single word telling fathers -- caring fathers -- how to do this.
Rating:  Summary: DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THIS BOOK! Review: I honestly felt like I was reading some propaganda devised by women to keep us as sniveling wimps that shouldn't fight for their rights. This book is full of "I FEEL YOUR PAIN" and "I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING THROUGH", and then tells us to accept the consequences and move on. Sorry, but I'm not buying it! The most ridiculous chapter talks about men starting a discussion group and suggests that we use "this book" as a reference. I'm not saying that therapy wouldn't be helpful ( I think it is). It just seems that the theme of this book is telling us to huddle together and cry together about a situation that can't be changed. They're wrong! Want some advise from a Father going through a divorce entering it's forth year? FIGHT! NEVER GIVE UP! AND OF COURSE, LOVE YOUR CHILDREN. Yes, I'm taking tremendous abuse from my estranged wife, but I keep a level head and each time we go to court, I'm awarded more and more time with my son. Reading this book will only make you angrier about the unfair situation we men are in. This book offers nothing. Instead, use your time researching and preparing, so that you will always be involved in your children's lives.
Rating:  Summary: A very helpful book in my own journey as a divorced dad Review: I just finished reading "Still a dad" for the third time in about 2 years. Each time, it helped me tremendously. Each time, it helped me in a different way. Each time, it has given me the comfort, help and encouragement I needed at that stage of my journey. So I want to write some good words about it. I want to explain to other dads how this book has been helpful to me. A couple of years ago, I was in the middle of the worst part of my divorce. I happened to hear a interview of the author in a radio program very late at night, and I got the book. It helped me feel much less alone. It helped me understand and accept my anger and confusion. It gave me the courage to stand up for my right to be a dad. I re-read the book about a year later. By then, I was getting worn down by the daily grind of divorce. The book helped me make sense of my priorities. It helped me re-focus my energy, to do my best for myself and for my kids. Now the legal battles are almost over (knock on wood). I picked up the book again last night, and didn't go to sleep until I finished it. I feel very moved. Life's starting again. And I'm still a dad!
Rating:  Summary: A very helpful book in my own journey as a divorced dad Review: I just finished reading "Still a dad" for the third time in about 2 years. Each time, it helped me tremendously. Each time, it helped me in a different way. Each time, it has given me the comfort, help and encouragement I needed at that stage of my journey. So I want to write some good words about it. I want to explain to other dads how this book has been helpful to me. A couple of years ago, I was in the middle of the worst part of my divorce. I happened to hear a interview of the author in a radio program very late at night, and I got the book. It helped me feel much less alone. It helped me understand and accept my anger and confusion. It gave me the courage to stand up for my right to be a dad. I re-read the book about a year later. By then, I was getting worn down by the daily grind of divorce. The book helped me make sense of my priorities. It helped me re-focus my energy, to do my best for myself and for my kids. Now the legal battles are almost over (knock on wood). I picked up the book again last night, and didn't go to sleep until I finished it. I feel very moved. Life's starting again. And I'm still a dad!
Rating:  Summary: AN OUTSTANDING RESOURCE Review: I ordered "Still a Dad" while going through a divorce, thinking that it would help me learn ways of becoming a better father. This book essentially advises all fathers to just give in to the biases of society and the court system -- biases which essentially turn fathers into visitors. Rather than fighting for shared custody, which is in the best interests of children, this book suggests that fathers should acquiesce to the discriminatory attitudes that keep fathers away from their children. For fathers who truly love their children, I would recommend "The Father's Emergency Guide to Divorce," which provides practical advice, as opposed to the advice provided in "Still a Dad," a book that from all indications was written by a feminist who wants to perpetuate the discriminatory attitudes of society and courts. For fathers who are satisfied with the "status quo" of having custody of their children every other weekend, this book is an affirmation of their decision to become part-time parents. But to the father who wants to continue being an active, involved part of his children's lives, this book is good bathroom material -- if you don't have toilet paper.
Rating:  Summary: Still a Dad, But Review: I ordered "Still a Dad" while going through a divorce, thinking that it would help me learn ways of becoming a better father. This book essentially advises all fathers to just give in to the biases of society and the court system -- biases which essentially turn fathers into visitors. Rather than fighting for shared custody, which is in the best interests of children, this book suggests that fathers should acquiesce to the discriminatory attitudes that keep fathers away from their children. For fathers who truly love their children, I would recommend "The Father's Emergency Guide to Divorce," which provides practical advice, as opposed to the advice provided in "Still a Dad," a book that from all indications was written by a feminist who wants to perpetuate the discriminatory attitudes of society and courts. For fathers who are satisfied with the "status quo" of having custody of their children every other weekend, this book is an affirmation of their decision to become part-time parents. But to the father who wants to continue being an active, involved part of his children's lives, this book is good bathroom material -- if you don't have toilet paper.