Rating:  Summary: A MUST read for new parents, especially Christains Review: A very informative book that provides various views yet makes you a part of the process. In a day in which the world says do it this way, Sears provides answers and backs it up with why. This has made the preparation for our first child a very enjoyable and exciting period.
Rating:  Summary: an encouraging and refresihng approach to child rearing. Review: As a new mother, this book inspired me to try a more caring, thoughtful approach to loving my child. It assures me that I am the mama. With this confidence I can raise my girl the way God wants me to.
Rating:  Summary: Not what I expected Review: I am a big fan of the Sears' books and am feeling a bit guilty for giving this book a low rating! I own The Baby Book and The Breastfeeding Book and cannot write enough good things about both publications.I purchased this book recently and was disappointed. I was hoping for a book that would help guide my husband and I in raising our son in a Christian manner. However, the majority of this book is dedicated to pregnancy and childbirth. Since my son is already 5 months old, I didn't really need this information. Very little of the book is dedicated to infancy, toddlerhood and the issues that come about during these stages. The book is well written, but much of the information regarding nutrition, health, discipline, as well as many other questions/concerns/issues is better covered in The Baby Book.
Rating:  Summary: This book is a real blessing! Review: I am so thankful I discovered this book! After being given the "Babywise" books before I had my first child, I quickly realized, especially after he was born, that there must be another way, something that was right for our family and for my child. So often as I've read this book, I find myself saying "That is so true," as the Sears' statements echo my own heart in raising my children., i.e., that we have a responsibility to be "God with skin on" to our children so that eventually they will seek the God that we reflect to them. I think what I appreciate most about this book, aside from the Sears' obvious love for God and for children, is that they are not dogmatic about their advice. Yes, they advocate certain parenting practices, but they never claim that theirs is the only way, or even "God's way." They acknowledge that others may be led to do things differently and that while they may not agree (e.g. about spanking), that leading can be valid. They continually reaffirm parents' abilities to discover what's right for their own children by learning their children and by following the leading the Lord gives them, regardless of what "everyone else" seems to be doing. Reading this book will remind you of why you became a parent -- I recommend it before your children are even born, if possible!
Rating:  Summary: This book is a real blessing! Review: I am so thankful I discovered this book! After being given the "Babywise" books before I had my first child, I quickly realized, especially after he was born, that there must be another way, something that was right for our family and for my child. So often as I've read this book, I find myself saying "That is so true," as the Sears' statements echo my own heart in raising my children., i.e., that we have a responsibility to be "God with skin on" to our children so that eventually they will seek the God that we reflect to them. I think what I appreciate most about this book, aside from the Sears' obvious love for God and for children, is that they are not dogmatic about their advice. Yes, they advocate certain parenting practices, but they never claim that theirs is the only way, or even "God's way." They acknowledge that others may be led to do things differently and that while they may not agree (e.g. about spanking), that leading can be valid. They continually reaffirm parents' abilities to discover what's right for their own children by learning their children and by following the leading the Lord gives them, regardless of what "everyone else" seems to be doing. Reading this book will remind you of why you became a parent -- I recommend it before your children are even born, if possible!
Rating:  Summary: Consider other opinions first Review: I bought this book because my sister-in-law recommended it. She is using it to the letter. After reading this book, I am very concerned with their concept that science and Scripture have an equal level of authority. Scripture always has a higher level of authority for Christians. Their support for attachment parenting as stated by them is that based on their experience and research, they came to the conclusion that this is God's design. The problem is that they do not accurately interpret the Scriptures in their effort to make it seem like a Biblical approach. They misuse, and misinterpret Scripture. If they would leave God and the Scriptures out of it, I wouldn't be so highly concerned. This is a book about a scientific theory called attachment parenting, not God's design for parenting. Although I don't believe attachment parenting is a good idea and it certainly is not if you want to sleep at night, if they left God and the Scriptures out of it, it would be less offensive. I am also offended by their repeated statements that the readers should not listen to advice by anyone who disagrees with the book. The Bible commands us to be teachable and discerning and listen to advice and honestly evaluate whether it is wise to adopt it based on what the Bible says. That's out of the question if you adopt this method of parenting. Please consider carefully other Christian books-Shepherding a Child's Heart is a great one on discipline and instruction. Also, for babycare, Babywise, and the Secrets of the Baby Whisperer are great books, especially if you want sleep at night.
Rating:  Summary: A voice of dissention Review: I received this book as a gift from someone whose parenting style I don't agree with, and will try to return it for something that is more suitable for my instinctual parenting style. After reading the first 2 chapters, I am convinced that attachment parenting is not for me, nor my husband. I don't agree with the opinion it states that the mother is more responsible for the baby's care than the father in the first few years, and that the father's instincts can't be relied on as much as the mother's. This method of child-rearing takes control out of the father's hands and rests it solely on the mother's shoulders. Apparently, if two parents have differing opinions on something, the mother's opinion, accordng to this book, is always right! The story of Barry and Susan in the beginning was especially troubling to me. It gave the impression that anyone who doesn't follow the advice of the book is a drone looking for the easy way out of parenting. It tells the story of an expectant couple, trying to discern the best child-rearing method. In the story, anyone who does not follow the attachment parenting method is painted as cold and DETACHED from their child. They discuss everything with their obstetrician/pediatrician, "Dr. Joan" (I don't refer to either of my doctors by first name.) This is definitely not the style for me, and I'm a little resentful of the implication that if I don't follow this method, I am detached from my child. I would not reccommend this book for anyone who is not a proponent of attachment parenting. Do some more research, and buy a book more suited to your instincts.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent resource for expectant & new Christian parents Review: In this age of "Do it this way or you are sinning" the Sears offer a common-sense yet Scriptural approach to pregnancy and parenting. As always, it is clear that they don't think their's is the only way to do things, and encourage you to adapt to your own baby and circumstances. I found their strong Biblical, yet non-judgmental approach inspired and refreshing. I love it that they tell the truth about what God actually said to Eve in Genesis 3:16, where the original text has been distorted and affected our whole birth culture. What freedom there is to know that Eve was NOT cursed to pain in childbirth, but was told that she would have to work hard to give birth, the same as Adam would have to work hard to get food from the ground. As a Christian childbirth educator and labor support specialist, I recommend this book before all others except the Bible. Even if you are reading other Christian parenting books, please read this one to get a different point-of-view.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent resource for expectant & new Christian parents Review: In this age of "Do it this way or you are sinning" the Sears offer a common-sense yet Scriptural approach to pregnancy and parenting. As always, it is clear that they don't think their's is the only way to do things, and encourage you to adapt to your own baby and circumstances. I found their strong Biblical, yet non-judgmental approach inspired and refreshing. I love it that they tell the truth about what God actually said to Eve in Genesis 3:16, where the original text has been distorted and affected our whole birth culture. What freedom there is to know that Eve was NOT cursed to pain in childbirth, but was told that she would have to work hard to give birth, the same as Adam would have to work hard to get food from the ground. As a Christian childbirth educator and labor support specialist, I recommend this book before all others except the Bible. Even if you are reading other Christian parenting books, please read this one to get a different point-of-view.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Guide for Christian Parents Review: Our family enjoyed this book for several reasons. It is a biblically based book that speaks not only how to raise children to know and love Christ, but also spells out the spiritual role for both mom and dad. It discusses in length the importance of attachment parenting and the benefits of the nursing relationship with mother and child. It was so helpful for us to read this book because we focused on getting to know our son instead of applying a list of do's and don'ts to his sleeping and eating patterns. Dr. Sears also offers great suggestions, but I love that he recognizes there every baby is different and there is not "one" right way to raise children