Rating:  Summary: This book changed my kids' lives Review: This book has been a lifesaver for my family. I highly recommend it to any parent who has a child who has been diagnosed ADD/ADHD - especially parents who have been bullied into accepting the diagnosis from schools.I have 2 children - 8 and 11. I have fought battles with the schools since Kinder and 1st grades for both my children, but mostly for my son, the 8 year old. The schools wanted to label my children ADD, but I knew they were not. The teachers basically wrote my son off because we wouldn't go down the ADD path with them and have him labelled and drugged. I was growing desparate for a solution. I hit the books. I found this one and it has literally changed our entire family. My son has gone from constant problems at school to A & B work - all because of this book. This book tells it like it is. Don't expect a white-washed book. Expect to learn a system that works. You will, while reading this book, have an AHA moment that will change your life forever. I wish this book were required reading in every school in the country. I wish I had found this book 5 years ago. Not only has it helped with school and grades, but our family life is totally different as well. The stresses that we had while we were fighting this battle and loosing are gone. We are happier, we have more fun as a family, we get along better. This is an amazing book.
Rating:  Summary: Helped within a month... Review: This book was referred by an article by a psychiatrist in our local newspaper. What a God send! The method changed our son within weeks - an immediate change was noticed at home with school change being somewhat slower since we couldn't provide them with a copy. Time out at school has gone from two or three per day to one or two per week - in only a month. Do yourself and your child a favor and try this method first - what can you lose but a couple of bucks and a little more time? Think before you decide to medicate your child. What person - adult or child - could not enhance performance and concentration on speed? Why do you think atheletes are banned from using performance enhancing drugs? I am so thankful that we weren't pressured into medicating before we read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Don't listen to the so called professionals Review: This world is filled with parents who do not have time for their children and are looking for a quick fix. There is no proof that there is something biologically wrong with these wonderful children (see Dr. Breggins book Talking back to Ritalin). They are crying out for attention and are placed into chemical straight jackets because our society and schools do not have the time to give them what they need, our love and undivided attention. If you follow Dr. Stein's program, you will be giving your child a great gift. All it takes is precious time, patience and love.
Rating:  Summary: Not well-researched Review: Those who believe this book is helpful should do some *real* research- which seems to be Dr. Stein's downfall. He writes in condescending tones to parents/caregivers, and clearly has a "bone to pick" with medications to help children. He stated that 10% of children are on meds, but research shows that number to be lower, closer to 3-9%-- this after several years have gone by since the book was written. Is that due to meds being LESS often prescribed? I believe it was reported at the higher number due to faulty research and/or further "evidence" for his "case." No one that I know of wants their child to be on any type of medications for a lifetime. It doesn't have to be a lifetime, it could be 6 months to a year, or somewhat longer-- depending. Are there too many kids on Ritalin, etc.? Maybe-- who knows? Stein would do well to read and study the available research that is available within his professional community. Those who think this book is thoroughly researched should research STEIN'S facts, allegations and assertions. His allegation that Ritalin, etc. stunts the growth of children is absurd. It has not affected the growth of my child or of the children whom I know are using medication for their situation. Is "terrible" parenting the "cause" of ADD? My four children all are raised with the same expectations, rules, discipline and love, yet only 1 child needs medication. We've seen great improvement since beginning medication (it is not used on weekends, holidays or during summer, and he has NO side effects from NOT taking the meds- he is not "addicted") and hope to discontinue it as he makes further improvements. He has not had side effects from taking the medication that Stein lists as a possibility. If a child is having side effects, then an intelligent parent knows to bring it to the doctor's attention and work for the correct medication or dosage. Meds, combined with love and structure and discipline is the right way for our child, to say that medication is NEVER an alternative is a grave disservice to parents, but most especially to the children who need the help of medication.
Rating:  Summary: Lop-sided book Review: We all realize there are children on medication for ADHD/ADD who shouldn't be. This is not a revelation. This book rehashes the same old song! Treating ADHD is not an all-or-nothing proposition. Our children are made of mind, body and spirit and all these areas must be addressed in treating inattention and hyperactivity. Behavior modification and dietary changes help train the body, loving discipling and religious training helps the spirit, but it may take meds to help the mind be able to concentrate long enough make permanent changes in behavior and attitude. Why would we deny giving our children a chance to succeed? A major problem in ADHD children is low self esteem because they see themselves as failures. Meds may be the one final key to helping them unlock their successes. I agree with other reviewers that careful monitoring by parents and doctors will assure the right medicine and the correct dose to keep a child healthy and free from side-effects. A much better book is Healing ADD by Daniel Amen.
Rating:  Summary: This book isn't the answer either. Review: While this book gives some good ideas on dealing with almost any child, anyone with a ADHD child knows that these teqniques do not FIX,ALTER,or make it any easier to deal with the problem in real life. This book didn't tell me anything I didn't already know, made some wild accusations about Ritalin and basically left me in the same boat I have been rowing for 7 years. Do your homework parents. Get a good clinical psychologist and keep READING!!!