Rating:  Summary: save us from stupid people Review: It is scary how quickly bad parents embrace the latest "craze" as a scapegoat for their parenting mistakes. You pay your kids no attention, keep guns in the house (unlocked, and easily accessable) and promote the "traditional" values of God, war and racism, and when your kids revlolt and start shooting you say "oh, it must be the video games. it must be the films." The bible has caused more death, hatred and racism than all the film, videosgames and televisions combined ever will, but do you want to ban it? No, you embrace its hipocrisy, and pass the buck.
Rating:  Summary: A Must Read for Parents Review: This book is a MUST read for all the parents, not only for the parents in USA but also for the parents in different countries. The growth of youth violence is a universal problem in the world. Moreover, playing video games and watching TV movies are popular entertainment among kids and teens.I am really appreciate that both authors have done a wonderful study on the impact of on-screen violence on children and brought out the truth to the public. Moreover, this book is called to action. For example, in chapter 5, both authors give wonderful suggestions to help parents dealing with this problem positively with their kids. The information given in the Resource section is also very helpful. I would highly recommend the leaders of churches and PTA to share this book with their congregations and their members. Mahn-Ling Woo, Ph. D.
Rating:  Summary: Endangered Innocence Review: In this book the authors show the correlation between the violent video games, movies and TV shows that children watch and play, and the violent crimes they commit. I was shocked to learn that some children play video games that are not only violent, but extremely sadistic, and along with violent movies and TV programs, are "desensitizing" children to violence and increasing the "potential" that they'll commit violent acts. In fact, crime among youth drastically increased between the years 1985 and 1995. Some fear that regulating video games is an infringement on 1st Amendment rights. But, as the authors point out, just as we protect children from harmful things such as guns, alcohol and pornography, we should also protect them from violent video games and shows. I agree one hundred percent. Many are standing up for the right of children to live a life free of violence. The authors site President Clinton, government officials, numerous organizations and others involved in this cause. The book ends by pointing out ways we as individuals can help halt this pollution of young minds. I hope many will read this book and support the cause.
Rating:  Summary: Lip Service Review: You can say this book will help you understand. You can read it, and feel good about being in the know. You can say "I'll keep my kids away from bad influences, thank you Grossman." Please. People are driven by instincts. They are driven by needs, desires, etc. But they are also driven by their parents. TV and Video games are a release. They are not real. Children DO know this. A shoot 'em up game is only close to reality if the child actually holds the gun and shoots at pixelated classmates. It's breathtaking how many people give this book rave reviews. It says nothing new. It's based on shoddy studies, great generalizations, and unproven speculations. Please, if you have children, don't buy this book. it tells you NOTHING worth noting. If your kid plays a violent video game, don't start fearing that he will become a homocidal maniac. Violence has been a part of human culture since its inception. Now, however, it is simulated, rather than real. Alarmist babble is no way to treat the problem of youth violence. Blame the Columbine Tragedy on awful parenting; on a difficult environment for children. Blaming it on TV, Video Games, and music is almost a witch-hunt method of addressing societal ills. Take your kid out for a walk in the park. Encourage him or her to have a friend over. Let him play his video games for a half hour each day. Watch TV with him or her, and discuss it afterwards. Give your child some credit. Talk to your kid. He or she will listen.
Rating:  Summary: Center for Aggression Management Review: My names is Dr. John Byrnes and I am the President of the Center for Aggression Management. I have followed the lessons of Lt.Col. Dave Grossman over the past several years because I have found them to be on-target and, in many ways, the root of human behavior in children. As I apply my Aggression Management Skills to children I have found it essential to understand a child's perception of "the consequence of their actions" and what is their "moral motivation for doing-the-right-thing." It is these elements that distinguish between a child who can rationalize through their anger and frustration and those who, often without understand, find themselves pulling the trigger and killing other human beings. I would like to commend Dave Grossman and Gloria DeGaetano for their well documented work and clear message. ... Dr. John D. Byrnes, President, Center for Aggression Management
Rating:  Summary: What a joke Review: <i>The FBI says that the average, experienced, qualified law enforcement officer, in the average shootout, at an average range of seven yards, hits with less than one bullet in five. How does a child acquire such killing ability? What would lead him to go out and commit such a horrific act? </i> Perhaps in an average shootout, but you come in at 7 yards firing at people who don't have any clue they are about to be attacked, without any training or experience in dealing with coming under fire, it won't be too easy to avoid getting hit. And the idea that violent games can train someone to use a firearm.. pathetic. Games with light guns can help in sighting, but recoil is a bitch. He was a screwed up kid, games and movies have nothing to do with his ability or motivation to kill. It may have directed his method, but not the intent. He got some lucky shots against defensless teens who had no warning or ability to prepare. By the way, the average shootout also prevents all sides from getting proper positioning and generally requires both sides to use cover and involves both sides shooting. All these factors would EASILY drop even a well trained shooters hit ratio below that of an untrained teen attacking unarmed and unaware teens. I'd be curious as to the FBIs stats for shootouts in the same circumstances... This books premise is a joke, plain and simple. The points in the summary, supposedly their strongest points, are laughable. Don't waste your money.
Rating:  Summary: Stop Teaching Our Kids To Kill Review: I have been studying differences in juvenile homicides in a large city over a hundred year time period. This book is timely and informative. It introduces a factor, violent media, into the equation of homicide and assault. Juveniles cannot legally possess weapons, alcohol, or drugs, yet they of had a much higher homicide rate as perpetrators in the last thirty years than they have had historically. Violent media, coupled with the breakdown of the family unit, have been countervailing forces to other positive social changes. This book never says that violent images cause homicide. It does prove that a constant barrage of violence, especially ineractive games, can reduce the inhibitions of juveniles at risk to overreact in certain social situations.
Rating:  Summary: Off the tracks? Review: Somehow, Mr. Grossman has gone off the tracks. The fact is simple: school violence is down, and has been going down for some years. True, there have been some recent high-profile incidents, but they are minor spikes in an obvious downward trend that has been continuing since the 1960s. Given this fact, what are we to make of Mr. Grossman's rant? It would seem to me that it knocks the props out from under his entire argument. This book goes a long way towards making things worse, not better, because it starts out from a wrong premise.
Rating:  Summary: Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill: A Call to Action Against TV Review: There is more common sense in one page of this book than 10 pages of the Congressional Record! As a concerned parent and grandparent I can recommend this book wholeheartedly.
Rating:  Summary: It's time to wake up fellow humans Review: After reading this book and Col. Grossman's "On Killing", as well as attending several lectures put on by Col. Grossman I can only say....Wake Up ! The authors are not trying to destroy the Constitution, they are not after the video game industry, they are trying to show us the major reason violence among an entire generation and future generations is so high. Read all the information and studies from around the planet and you will understand better what they are trying to say. For those of you who don't want to believe....well you probably think that tabacco products don't kill apx. 400,000 Americans every year via a slow, hideous death. Remember....tabacco(via second hand smoke)like media violence kills innocent bystanders as well as primary users. Many of the media's Giants have gone on record admitting their medium is a contributing factor in a major way. However certain groups have denied their games, music, or violent movies have anything to do with the problem. This sounds like the tabacco industry to me. This book tells the truth...the problem is ....some of you just can't handle the truth. Wake Up America.