Rating:  Summary: This is utter BS Review: A quote from a reviewThe FBI says that the average, experienced, qualified law enforcement officer, in the average shootout, at an average range of seven yards, hits with less than one bullet in five. How does a child acquire such killing ability? What would lead him to go out and commit such a horrific act? Well it certanily isin't from Video games. Moving a mouse and cliking where you want to fire is not how one learns to shoot. In order to learn to shoot, you have to shoot. Video games cannont realistically simulate the actuall situation. Many things are taken into accout: The fact that this is real, the fact that a gun recoils, and the fact taht the targets are more than jut polygons.
Rating:  Summary: I dont get it... Review: If games and movies make kids violent then why is it only areall problem in the America? Here in holland its (almost, taps a woodblock...) impossible for a kid to start a shooting in a school, why? We got gun control, getting a gun for a kid is pretty hard. We got a diffrent attitude then the americans, im not how to explain this but if it wasnt then we would have the same problems as in the states. And wasnt playing "cowboy and indian" in your youth violent as well? Or was that "diffrent" and if it was "diffrent" why would it be "diffrent"? Both are based on killing other poeple, both arent reall, both are done by kids. So please poeple stop blaming videogames, movies and god knows what else.
Rating:  Summary: Insight and Incite Review: The authors do an outstanding job of providing insight into one of the critical issues of our time. They present research and documentation proving the relationship between media violence and the huge increase in real violence. ...The more controversial portion of the book may be the statements about "point and shoot" video games. No, simply playing these games will not cause a child to become a killer, BUT it may help that child or adult be more successful if they choose to commit an aggresive act...this book should incite all parents, teachers and community leaders to begin taking the necessary action to turn this trend around. Bravo to the authors for this very important book.
Rating:  Summary: This book is right, and the facts support it... Review: As a School Resource officer in Arizona I had the privlege of hearing Lt Col Grossman speak. He is more dynamic than his book, but the information is still in there. ...while it is true that your child may not become a killer because of games, studies show they will be more aggresive. Did you know that the US Marine Corps uses a modified version of the video game DOOM to train marines? Grossman knows this, and more...read the book and hear the man if you ever get a chance...
Rating:  Summary: Voice of Reason Review: It's a well known fact that many of today's youth are troubled and face complexities that earlier generations did not have to deal with. The causes are numerous and the solutions are few. Many voices claim to have an answer while others tend to minimize the problem. I found the book, "Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill," by Lt. Col. Grossman and Ms. DeGaetano to be a voice of sanity in a wilderness of rational thought. I believe the book makes a significant contribution to defining the problem and recognizing solutions. I highly recommend this book to all who are seriously concerned about our youth and violence -causes and solutions.
Rating:  Summary: This book is right. Review: I'm a 24 year veteran police officer. For many years I'vewondered at the rage and violence I've seen in kids who supposedly"had everything." I found a valid reason for the problem in Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill. The authors put together research which brings new focus to the problem of violent video and games. In my opinion, this research and preventive measures could save lives. Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill should be must reading for any parent!
Rating:  Summary: A timely analysis Review: This book is essential reading for everyone. The authors offer two unique perspectives on media violence and the causes of crime in America. True, not everyone who plays Doom or Quake will murder students at school, but the effects of violent videogames are still hurting many individuals that are unable to discern fanasty from reality. The reading serves as a well written and timely analysis of today's culture.
Rating:  Summary: Exactly! Review: I play these games, and they've got it all right! I can't tellyou how many times I've been tempted to kill my classmates. Oh, wait,I can. Zero. But I'm an exception. As I write this, there are 11920people playing Half-Life, 32123 playing Quake 3, 2441 playing Unreal Tournament, and 4830 playing other popular games. This is far from peak times for these games, yet there are 51314 people on at the moment. Somehow, there will be no shootings today, tomorrow, or even this week. ... Ask yourself, if these games truly do make normal, well-adjusted kids kill, why is anyone even alive to debate the point? Instead, spend time with your own kids, and if they are unbalanced enough to kill, don't ignore them, get them help.
Rating:  Summary: Wake up call Review: This book is a startling wake up call for parents. I found my mouth dropping open on more than one occasion when I read about the accuracy and proficiency with which our young people can shoot to kill. Anyone who works or lives with chidren witnesses the agressive behavior described in this book on a daily basis. Despite what the TV, movie, and video game makers assert, the evidence given here is compelling, carefully researched and well documented. The authors quote many other studies and provide complete notes for anyone who wishes to look further. The chapter titled "Where to Voice Your Concerns" is also very useful. This book is a must read for parents, teachers, and anyone else who is in a position to influence the daily activities of children.
Rating:  Summary: Timely and Important! Worth reading. Review: My only complaint about this book is that it is too short. Another 100 pages of evidence and argument would turn it from a solid and compelling analysis into a truly definitive study. Having said this, I really can't fault the book. It is well researched, logically argued and attractively written. In fact, it is so well constructed that I read it pretty much over a single evening. And the book is compelling. I read it both as a scholar and as a father to young children. As a scholar I looked for consistency of argument and reliability of evidence. The book is strong on both counts. As a dad I looked for advice on ways to keep my children's environment safe. The authors - both of them experts and authors of important peer reviewed scholarship - provide timely and sage advice. Yes, this is a "dramatic," "sensational" book, as some critics note, but I certainly don't believe the authors set out to persuade readers through shock. They lay out a clear, sensible argument and reinforce it with evidence. That's what scholars should do, right? This book is not the last word on the subject, of course, but it is a timely and important book, and will doubtless spark debate and get people thinking. That's a valuable contribution. Highly recommended.