Rating:  Summary: Of course! This is the answer... or is it? Review: Why didn't we see this earlier? This must be the answer! Why didn't we see it before? Why couldn't we figure out that John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln because he had been playing so much Quake? Or that Cain got the idea of killing Abel after logging so many hours playing Doom? And of course Hitler decided to kill so many people after playing Soldier of Fourtune too much.Now, those of you reading this review may be wondering, "What the heck is this guy talking about? Those games didn't come out until after those killings!" (of course, the rest of you already know where I'm going with this). My point is that violence has been around since soon after the creation of Mankind (see Cain and Abel). Several people have said already that violence has actually been declining since these games have come out, even further disproving the theories set forth in this book...
Rating:  Summary: Media in a violent culture. Review: While it's very difficult to show absolute evidence that media violence has an influence on violent behavior, this work at least helps us think about the role of media violence in an essentially violent culture. There's enough research out there to show that poverty, greed, emotional insecurity, and family instability have dominate influence on violent behavior, but the role of media violence should not be dismissed or taken lightly. While not everyone responds to media images in the same way, there are children and adults who will be influenced by media violence mainly because a culture of violence may already exist in their immediate surroundings or that the pervasiness of media violence provides viewers with little or no other options for resolving human conflict. We must ask oursleves what does it mean when our youth simply see very few or no images or examples of people resolving conflict in non-violent ways? What does this teach them about the human condition? At the same time, how well do youth understand that media violence is mostly an expedient means of writing a movie and exploiting the emotions of viewers? In order to write stories that don't make use of gratutious violence would mean a greater investment on the part of the media industry--an investment they obviously seem to think is too expensive. Thus, in Grossman and DeGaetano's view, "Television and movie violence overstimulate our children and overstress their brains. The faster and the more salient the violent imagery, the more likely it is that our kids will be in states of emotional arousal. It is the fast action and the quick cuts of today's programming that keep the young brain on alert, in a way very similarly to the soildier who is on alert in the battlefield, or an abused child who is on alert for the next slap." The authors can't back up such views with evidence, but their arguments give us something to think about, and it should give the media industry to think about and act upon as well.
Rating:  Summary: Clearing up the media violence issue once and for all Review: Ever heard the expression"Don't knock it till you've tryed it"? Well that should apply here. All the people who love this book: Have you played a lot of videogames? No, you say? Many people have this idea that most videogames are"Run around and shoot anything that moves" type of games. First off, there are many genres other then action: Racing, Sports, Adventure, Puzzles, RPGs,etc. Second off, even most action games involve more then shooting everyone and everything. Most involve tactical planning and such. Also, using the computer does not make you a better user of firearms. I tryed laser tag once, and although I play tons of games, sucked. Because moving your wrist and clicking a mouse is much different then actually aiming in real life. As for the Columbine issue: Those kids were A. Screwed up in the first place, and B. Were shaped by their surroundings. They were outcasts, hated by all. This situation does stuff to a kid, I would know. But oddly enough, although I play many games, I don't have the urge to run out and start mowing down people with machine guns. Now isn't that odd?
Rating:  Summary: Propaganda Review: This book is nothing more than foolish propaganda. How could anyone believe that playing a game such as Doom is anything like firing a real weapon? Also, kids have been playing violent games since long before computers came around, even such things as pointing a finger and saying "BANG! You're dead!" Some people are always looking for something to blame for any trouble, when the real culprit is the fact that people are inherently unstable and violent.
Rating:  Summary: Media Violence Cause and Effect Review: As a military veteran and police officer of over 25 years tenure I understand and have seen what a lasting and terrible effect violence has on individual people's lives. The cost of violence to society as a whole is huge. Lt. Col. Grossman and Gloria DeGaetano came to the forefront with this book. They warned us of the root cause for some of the most destructive and least explainable actions of our times. The book shows precise reasoning and has plenty of foundation studies backing its findings. Now we just have to get the violence peddling video industry and "legal pundits" to see it and help in stopping it. The rock-solid proof of the author's theory about rampage killing is literally no further away than this week's headlines. In short...Stop Teaching Our Kids To Kill...
Rating:  Summary: Speaking from experience Review: It really sounds as if some of the other reviewers are media employees. Even a simpleton can easily see that the basis for the information in the book is well researched. Even many of the highest ranking media moguls agree that the most dangerous factor relating to the increase in violence in America among youth is the media itself. That statement was made by Ted Turner and by the President of CBS TV. Why are the video game manufacturers fighting in Indiana to keep a law from being passed that forces them to actually enforce their own video game rating system and not sell violent games to underage kids. This country is unfortunately driven by the almighty dollar and the consequences be damned. There is no compassion for our youth from the money grabbing media. The media will not dare broadcast any thing that might be harmful to their market share and money intake, no matter how true it might be. Their priorities are stuck in one place and that is at the money tree. They are completely aware of the addictive properties of the violence they produce and like any addiction once your hooked you must have more so the media moguls with their drug dealer mentality push the violence down the throats of our youth knowing that they are facilitating an addiction, but that addiction fills their pockets and that's all they are worried about. I believe that Grossman has hit the nail on the head and is driving it deeper into the media. We in America do not have a free press or free media. If we truly did then they would be willing to give credence to the ideas of David Grossman and let the people decide for themselves, but instead they censor that information and keep it off the airwaves. How in God's name can you call that a free press. That my friend is a press controlled by the almighty dollar and censored for you. Keep up the good work Mr. Grossman. This book hits home and is great.
Rating:  Summary: Thought provoking observations Review: Many of the reviewers already offered several excellent reasons why this book is a serious read for teachers, parents, policy makers, and for anyone who cares about children. The fact that this book exists is heart-breaking and a profound indictment of where we are as a society and possibly where we are heading. In the wake of Columbine and other tragedies, this book is a timely alarm. In our rush for immediate answers, we are dismayed to find the cause is our collective reflection in the mirror. This book is that mirror, and the image and its shadow are us and our children. The authors offer some very insightful analyses for the causes of indoctrinating violence in children. While hesitant to say there are "quick answers" I see the authors offering us 'connect the dots and think it through' scenarios. One reviewer is correct: one must think critcally and analytically with this book. The authors suggest that violence in video games creates a trivialization of life and imparts a mindless purpose to the violent skills kids learn from games. Where the military, for example, uses video simulations to impart technical skills, the context has a purpose. Violent video games and media have only one purpose: revenue. Kids uses these games like mind candy. Another reviewer, Harry Humphries makes a painful and poignant observation from his own military experience: you need to desensitize yourself to kill others. In his context he is at least implicitly acknowledging a conscience. The authors of this book go one step further and imply that conscience is almost gone or threatened with exposure to violent media. It sounds like a far reach to say this about tv, and other forms of media since society is far more complex. Yes media has good purposes, but the authors are essentially saying with respect to kids:garbage in, garbage out. In a culture where accountability is often lost and violence is entertainment, the lack of conscious awareness of what we ingest is a statement of our collective despair and thoughtlessness: that we believe in nothing in ourselves, our world, and in our future. Politically this is nihilism. Spiritually this is suicide. When we reach that point of not caring or believing, we have already killed ourselves. The author's thesis implicates all of us: we buy the games, we allow kids to view questionable material haphazardly. While I do not condone censorship, we can teach our kids to look at the world around us and think about it critically. Parents can not hide the world from their children. We can teach them, however, that they have control over what they think and feel, that they are not passive, and that they have a purpose. Simply, they mean something and they count.We can teach them what is right and wrong according to our respective faiths and values. If we have lost the capacity to care and believe for each other and our children then the seeds we sow today will yield a bitter harvest in the future.
Rating:  Summary: Video games culpable? Review: Do violent video games, television shows and movies contribute to juvenile violence? Yes, say the authors. And the facts to that answer are backed up with an extensive body of impressive research. This book thoroughly documents their assertion that violence in media does have an impact on children. Not only do the authors document with research, but they have practical ways of showing how that research can help parents, teachers, law enforcement, society as a whole, to understand how this violence affects our children. That violence desensitizes has been proven, and is undisputed by most mental health professionals. President Clinton, in a speech on June 1, 1999, said:" [The entertainment industry] and the rest of us cannot kid ourselves. Our children are being fed a dependable daily does of violence - and it sells. Now, thirty years of studies have shown that this desensitizes our childen to violence, and to its consequences." (direct quote from the book) Whether one believes that playing violent video games, watching violence on tv or in movies leads to violent acts or not, it would be wise to consider whether these shows and games are good for children. It has been estimated that children play these games at least ninety minutes a day, and watch tv for another several hours. All this "screen time" is taking away from reading, exercising or recreating outdoors, and playing with peers. Many parents report that their children seem to have an "addiction" to these games, saying that their children would rather play the games than eat, play outdoors, or participate in activities that they previously enjoyed. Chapter Five is entitled "Don't Just Stand There... Do Something!" It is a chapter that is full of information on why these violent shows and games are damaging, and what parents can do to limit their children's exposure. They discuss the various ages and developmental stages of children, and have guidelines for what is appropriate for each. They say that, the younger the child, the more important it is to protect them from all forms of violence in entertainment. They address the question: "How do we protect our kids and at the same time empower them to to know what is going on?" Buy, beg, borrow, or steal (just kidding! ) this book to find out the answer! This book was one that helped me to reinforce my belief that very little is to be gained from children having access to these form of "entertainment," and there is much to lose. I believe all parents, teachers, etc., would benefit from this well-written, thoroughly researched, scholarly-but easy-to-understand book. I refer to it often, and recommend it heartily!
Rating:  Summary: An insightful and informative book Review: This book is direct and to the point demonstrating how our society is being taught to accept violence and killing. Those who would ignore root problems and chose to look at symtoms of the issues of violence and killing take the simplistic view of placing blame on firearms and not at the mindset of people who wield the firearms. More importantly is why people, especially young people, are so quick to turn to violent and often times lethal means to settle differences. There have always been firearms in the American society, so what has caused the increase use of these firearms in a sometimes casual and cavalier manner? The facts are clearly laid out in this book showing the change in mindset amongst our youth as they have been and are currently being programed to view lethal force as a viable option to settle differences they may encounter. In my youth during the early and mid 60's a serious encounter with someone you didn't like consisted of a fist fight at the local park after school. Following the fight, win or lose, both parties shook hands and their differences were settled. Now some kids see killing as a first option in response to even minor issues. What has caused this dramatic shift? As you read through this book and chose to identify the facts it is clear the entertainment industry, in its various forms, has played a major part in searing the concious of our children. Movies and television during the early years depicted killing but without the graphic detail of today. The killers were viewed as abnormal and evil whereas today they are touted as victims who are merely doing what is natural - therefore not necessarily wrong. Video and arcade games have gone from pinball to killing simulators where a child may become an expert marksman. I believe this book is must reading for parents and everyone who is concerned for the moral state of our society. Kudos for the authors having the courage to take on the big money industries.
Rating:  Summary: Well Done ! Review: As a person interested in martial arts/proactive personal protection, the psychological and physiological responses to critical incidents and having had the opportunity to study the research of/work with several the best masters and combat instructors in the world; one who has worked in pubs and has had to short circuit, defuse and quell many brawls; a teacher who has worked with a large number of students considered to be "at risk ", who has had to separate feuding gangs and had to disarm flailing machetes, edged weapons and the likes; one who has attempted to provide support for victims of crime and their families, as well as at other times for the perpetrators (and their families) of unfortunate crimes; a father, partner, uncle and community conscious member I ask you to seriously consider the thrusts of this book. You may have been fortunate enough that violence has not yet personally touched you, your family or friend's lives. However, when it does, it is often totally unexpected and not pretty - lives are often changed forever. From my limited experience, I would suggest it is far better to recognize a problem exists, identify key components, and do something proactive, rather than acting after the event, striving to re-establish some order back into fragmented lives. I believe this book makes an immense contribution to doing this. I commend and thank the authors greatly for their efforts.