Rating: Summary: The 10-Step Program That Can Save Your Life Review: A highly informative book written most interestingly is what I would say about the work of Dr Thomas Yannios. You may be surprised to note that many people with normal cholesterol level have heart diseases. Only a lipoprotein test will bring out the hidden chances of a heart attack on an otherwise healthy person. This book is well researched and presented in an extremely easy to follow style.
The author really struck a chord with me and these days that's not too difficult. It's been my third week off coffee and I've feeling fantastic. The headaches are gone and no more acid stomach thanks to a coffee replacement I found called s o y f e e. Made from soya and I bought it online at www.s oycoffe e.com. Simply marvelous, just like this book.
Rating: Summary: Best Heart Book Ever Review: After having a heart attack about six years ago at a young age, I resolved to put the disease into remission. I read everything I could find regarding heart disease, books on diet, exercise, cardiac rehabilitation, stress reduction, and cholesterol reduction...It was less than a year ago that I read The Heart Disease Breakthrough by Dr Yannios. The book is a terrific summary of almost everything that I have gleaned from years of reading and consultation. Significant are the descriptions of a number of new important blood tests which go unmentioned in even the current literature and are vital in determining the course of action necessary to combat heart disease in each individual. After reading this book I made an appointment and traveled some distance to have Dr. Yannios review my blood test results and diet and exercise program. He’s tough. I have purchased copies of the book for my children, for my family physician, my cardiologist, and our local hospital’s cardiac rehabilitation library. This book is a must read for anyone with heart disease or a history of heart disease in their family. It’s also a should read for everyone else. Often the first symptom of heart disease is death.
Rating: Summary: Best Heart Book Ever Review: After having a heart attack about six years ago at a young age, I resolved to put the disease into remission. I read everything I could find regarding heart disease, books on diet, exercise, cardiac rehabilitation, stress reduction, and cholesterol reduction...It was less than a year ago that I read The Heart Disease Breakthrough by Dr Yannios. The book is a terrific summary of almost everything that I have gleaned from years of reading and consultation. Significant are the descriptions of a number of new important blood tests which go unmentioned in even the current literature and are vital in determining the course of action necessary to combat heart disease in each individual. After reading this book I made an appointment and traveled some distance to have Dr. Yannios review my blood test results and diet and exercise program. He’s tough. I have purchased copies of the book for my children, for my family physician, my cardiologist, and our local hospital’s cardiac rehabilitation library. This book is a must read for anyone with heart disease or a history of heart disease in their family. It’s also a should read for everyone else. Often the first symptom of heart disease is death.
Rating: Summary: There's Not Just One Form Of Heart Disease Review: As a medical writer (author of EAT FAT, BE HEALTHY: When A Low-Fat Diet Can Kill You), I found Dr. Yannios's book highly informative. For decades, the medical profession has treated heart disease as one disease, when in fact it is caused by many different factors. Recently, the huge role that inheritance plays in heart disease has begun to change both diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Yannios's book offers specific steps for diagnosis and treatment of these various flavors of heart disease.I have found his book to be very helpful in working with my cardiologist to treat my own genetically-caused heart disease. I often give Dr. Yannios's book to doctors as a companion to my own book in order to present both the viewpoint of a patient/survivor and of a cutting edge clinician. Dr. Yannios delves into many of the genetically-caused forms of heart disease and offers a compendium of information that doctors not familiar with this area should read. Dr. Yannios deals comprehensively with the roughly 25% of the population that carries genes that cause a tripling of heart attack risk. The normal lipid panel is highly innaccurate in diagnosing these serious conditions. A more accurate form of blood test called cholesterol subclass testing is absolutely essential in diagnosing these lipid anomalies. For information on laboratories that provide advanced cholesterol testing, visit www.matthewbayan.com
Rating: Summary: There's Not Just One Form Of Heart Disease Review: As a medical writer (author of EAT FAT, BE HEALTHY: When A Low-Fat Diet Can Kill You), I found Dr. Yannios's book highly informative. For decades, the medical profession has treated heart disease as one disease, when in fact it is caused by many different factors. Recently, the huge role that inheritance plays in heart disease has begun to change both diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Yannios's book offers specific steps for diagnosis and treatment of these various flavors of heart disease. I have found his book to be very helpful in working with my cardiologist to treat my own genetically-caused heart disease. I often give Dr. Yannios's book to doctors as a companion to my own book in order to present both the viewpoint of a patient/survivor and of a cutting edge clinician. Dr. Yannios delves into many of the genetically-caused forms of heart disease and offers a compendium of information that doctors not familiar with this area should read. Dr. Yannios deals comprehensively with the roughly 25% of the population that carries genes that cause a tripling of heart attack risk. The normal lipid panel is highly innaccurate in diagnosing these serious conditions. A more accurate form of blood test called cholesterol subclass testing is absolutely essential in diagnosing these lipid anomalies. For information on laboratories that provide advanced cholesterol testing, visit www.matthewbayan.com
Rating: Summary: Superp presentation of vanguard preventitive cardiology Review: As a physician who limits his practice to hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis prevention and as one who has given hundreds of talks on atherosclerosis thoughout the country, I was blown away by the most succinct, accurate and down to earth discussion of moderm lipidology that I have ever seen. Dr Yannios has taken a very complex topic and made it eminently understandable. It is exactly the way I have been approaching my patients over the last year or two. Unfortunately very few practicing primary care physicians or even cardiologists are aware of the basics he discusses. That means the overwhelming majority of patients in high risk categories or those with existing atherosclerosis are either not treated or inadequately treated. Since I accidently discovered this book while speaking in West Virginia I have made it a point to recommend it to all of my patients and to every physician and physician group that I speak to. It should be must reading for all medical professionals advising patients about atherosclerosis. It is not overkill for me to say this is by far the best the best source of information available on this topic. A physician would have to read dozens of journal articles to gather all of the vital information which is covered so beautifully by Dr Yannios. For those patients and physicians out there who still think that statin drugs are all one needs to useto prevent atheroscleosis, this book will be a mind boggling relevation.
Rating: Summary: The first book to tell the lipoprotein story Review: Despite the broad awareness of cholesterol issues in the U.S., heart disease is rampant. A good part of the reason is that many people have causes for heart disease beyond cholesterol. Dr. Yannios has written the first book for the public that makes the complex issue of lipoprotein testing understandable for the average person. Lipoprotein testing fills in the huge gaps left by cholesterol, identifying risk for heart disease even in people with low or normal cholesterols. Dr Yannios talks about how shockingly often people who've suffered heart attacks (an often fatal event!) are told by their doctors that no cause can be identified, or that the causes are genetic and therefore untreatable. Absolute nonsense! Dr. Yannios tells us why.
Rating: Summary: The Heart Disease Breakthrough Review: Finally, a comprehensive, well researched explanation of a multifactorial and very complicated disease process. This is, in every way, a life saver for those who are serious about their health and willing to do the work necessary to achieve it. Dr. Yannios' book is not just another superficial "feel good" bestseller. As a dietitian, I am very aware that one pill or one fad diet is not the answer to good health. Not only is this book filled with comprehensive guidelines for assessing risk and taking appropriate action, it is also beautifully written. I was absolutely riveted by the heartwrenching case studies which so eloquently put a human face on a very insidious disease process. I heartily recommend Dr. Yannios' book to all who are serious about preventing or reversing heart disease.
Rating: Summary: The Heart Disease Breakthrough Review: Finally, a comprehensive, well researched explanation of a multifactorial and very complicated disease process. This is, in every way, a life saver for those who are serious about their health and willing to do the work necessary to achieve it. Dr. Yannios' book is not just another superficial "feel good" bestseller. As a dietitian, I am very aware that one pill or one fad diet is not the answer to good health. Not only is this book filled with comprehensive guidelines for assessing risk and taking appropriate action, it is also beautifully written. I was absolutely riveted by the heartwrenching case studies which so eloquently put a human face on a very insidious disease process. I heartily recommend Dr. Yannios' book to all who are serious about preventing or reversing heart disease.
Rating: Summary: Honestly, this book will save your life. Review: First, I'm very pleased you've visited this page.I'm writing this message just after a disturbing conversation with a friend of mine. I have been trying to get her husband to see me for months now. He's in his forties and has accelerating heart disease! "Oh but his cholesterol is down to 180 from 300, his doctors say that part of the problem is all taken care of . He's on Zocor." she says. This is exactly why I wrote this book.Medicine is forever evolving. The pace of discovery is dizzying. And especially in the realm of preventitive therapies where it literally takes decades for large scale studies to absolutely establish issues of cause and effect, medical people undisputedly focus on attacking visible disease, rather than delving into the confusing swirl of causes and their prevention.Incredible as it seems - even to the layperson - it even took decades to establish cholesterol and saturated fat as a cause of heart disease. Right now if you attend any one of the many cardiology conferences you would be introduced to a wealth of insights into how our friend with such bad heart disease could have the causes of his problem deciphered, categorized, and specifically attacked. Underneath his "acceptable" cholesterol level are no doubt hiding many malignant risk factors. The recent discoveries about the nuances of the atherosclerosis process - "hardening of the arteries", the cause of heart disease - are drastically changing the concepts of this disease's prevention. And it will no doubt take about a decade for these lessons to sink in to routine medical practice and population behavior advice. My book is an attempt to accelerate this process by allowing you the consumer of medical care to intelligently assess your own status vis a vis the disease that will "do in" more than half the readers of these words. But don't take my word for it. In the Feb.99 issue of CIRCULATION, the official journal of none other than the American Heart Association there's an ironic reference to our friend and those like him:" The combined results of...trials raise the question whether combination therapy...might provide greater benefit...Combinations of statin (a class of drugs of which Zocor is one) plus either Niacin or gemfibrozil provide additional benefits of reduced triglycerides, increased HDL..,and improved LDL particle size :...combination therapy has been shown to produce greater angiographic benefit (arrest or retardation of the atherosclerosis)." Sorry about that gobbelygook but they're saying our friend needs a lot more risk factor testing and targeted interventions than he's getting. Right now even the lifestyle information you are getting from sources like the Surgeon General reflect the "old science". What could be more sacrosanct than the low fat diet? In this month's issue of the official journal of none other than the American Society of Clinical Nutrition comes this blockbuster:"...in healthy normal (cholesterol) men...consuming average American diets (cholesterol) changes induced by further resticting dietary fat...are not indicative of reduced risk of coronary artery disease: in a subset of men...the changes are suggestive of an INCREASE in coronary risk". At least that one was in English! In THE HEART DISEASE BREAKTHROUGH the reader is taken through a thorough discussion of how to identify who should not be on a low fat diet. There's simply no other book that does that. Now, did you notice that odd phrase," LDL particle size" in that first quote?Perhaps the single most revolutionary new discovery about the causes of heart disease is the fact that the chemical risk factors are bundled into particles and that it's the behavior of these particles that is the determinator of whether your arteries are going to "harden" or not. "Old sience" measures just the amount of cholesterol all of these particles contain. "New science" also measures the number and properties of the actual particles. It's a revolution akin to classical vs (appropriate pun) particle physics. And it's a revolution that has changed just about everything you know about what you can do to prevent this disease. My book is the only place where you will find out about all these changes. You will find out that these new insights empower you as never before to hone down to your real, individual risk for heart disease. Moreover,that knowledge is power,enabeling you to undertake the changes in diet,exercise, medical therapy,etc. that will address YOUR specific qualities. Spinning classes or a long slow swim? There's actually a test that tells which is best for you! We are evolving from generic advice and practices to formulating a personal profile of disease risks that belongs only to you. THE HEART DISEASE BREAKTHROUGH will teach you simply, and step by step just how much you and your loved ones are at risk for that heart attack that looms as the fate for fully half of all of us - and even more importantly, how you can stop it from ever happening.