A pill that strengthens your heart, sharpens your mind, keeps your body young, extends your life, prevents cancer, and keeps your skin wrinkle-free? Sounds like a joke or a dream, doesn't it? According to molecular cell biologist Lester Packer, these pills exist--they are antioxidants. "Literally thousands of studies have confirmed that antioxidants can help prevent numerous diseases and will not only enhance life, but in all probability extend life," he writes. In The Antioxidant Miracle, he describes breakthroughs in antioxidant research and prescribes the Packer Plan: his "state-of-the-art antioxidant supplement, diet, and skin-care regimen." According to Packer, five antioxidants "network" in our bodies with "special powers" that slow aging and fight disease: Vitamins C and E, glutathione, lipoic acid, and Coenzyme Q10. The first two are obtained through food, the others are produced by the body, but these levels decline as we age, so we need to supplement. Packer describes the benefits and actions of these special antioxidants and also recommends flavonoids such as ginkgo biloba and pycnogenol (made from the bark of pine trees), a number of carotenoids, selenium, and a variety of foods high in antioxidants. He spells out exactly what supplements you need and how much, with special modifications for smokers, diabetics, menopausal women, athletes, and people at high risk of cancer or cardiovascular disease. The book is not easy reading: lots of scientific explanations and study descriptions.