Rating:  Summary: A Book Worth Reading! Review: This book tracks the journey one family made after discovering their child had autism. It was the very first book I read after my own child was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder or PDD-NOS for short. The book is my absolute favorite resource and it has totally changed my child's developmental life. Karyn Seroussi, a mother and freelance writer, teams up with her husband, who is a scientist, in their own quest to answer some key questions about their son's autism. The discover many things, including answers to their child's unusual symptoms and autistic-like behaviors. We all wonder why our autistic children "stim" and behave so strangly. This book explains why dietary intervention may be key to the reversal of the progression of autism for some children. The book is full of pertinent information for any parent who wants to truly "attack" the main causes of autism at their core. According to the author, and backed by the reputable Bernard Rimland (specializes in autism and autism research), research shows that many (if not all) autistic children behave abnormally due to a digestive-system defect. I won't go into the details...but I urge readers to purchase or borrow this book and make their own conclusions. On a personal note, I would like to thank Karyn Seroussi and Bernard Rimland for their dedication and information. My child has been on the dietary intervention described in this book for a year. It was tough at first, but it has now become a way of life for our family. Our son is very particular about what he eats...it has to be the right consistency and texture...so this was no easy task. But without this diet, my child would still be "stimming" every moment of every day. Within four weeks of starting this diet, my child had his first solid bowel movements...ever. His eye-contact increased by 45%, he started making regular facial expressions (smiling, etc.), he LOOKED at me (not through me) regularly, and he became social. After eight weeks, he was a totally different child! We also chose to do Applied Behavioral Analysis (behavior modification therapy) with him. I credit his ability to focus and learn to this diet! Did I forget to mention that his behavior changed as well? He "self-regulates" now only after he has eaten a forbidden food. All of the behaviors, i.e: hand-flapping, finger motions, head motions, eye fixations, head-banging, tantruming, etc. disappeared!!!!! He began talking as well. The diet worked for our son, and now he is no longer considered autistic. Like I said before, I highly recommend this book for anyone who is truly and honestly dedicated to the recovery of their son.
Rating:  Summary: Autism Will Never Be the Same Review: As a QMRP and qualified Behavior Specialist, I have worked with autistic people for many years. I've always wondered why kids with autism get so many ear infections that nine out of ten seem to have ear tubes, and adult women are plagued by yeast infections. When I first entered this field, the stock answers were always that their hygiene was poor, or they couldn't tell us when they were just becoming sick, so we wouldn't find out until an infection was raging. Those didn't seem like promising answers, but a lot of hygiene and "tell us when it hurts" therapy went in to trying to prevent infections, to no use. So when Seroussi suggests in this book that intestinal yeast overgrowth can produce symptoms of autism, it made so much sense. This is only one example of the groundbreaking information in this book. This is not a book about therapy or habilitation; if you need a book to give you tips on teaching your child to bathe himself, or stay out of traffic, this book won't help. It's a completely different kind of book. This book addresses causes of autism-- not genetic causes that can't be changed, but environmental, mostly dietary causes that can be changed. Seroussi details, day by day, the changes that came over her austistic son when dairy and gluten were removed from his diet. He still needed some therapy to catch up on what he had missed during his "autistic days," but for the most part he became a typical little boy. The process was much more cumbersome and complicated than my simple summary. Seruossi's son took certain medications that had never been used for autism before. He was subjected to numerous (necessary) tests. But in the end, he was no longer labeled autistic, or developmentally disabled at all. Seroussi deserves numerous plaudits for her persistence and her own intelligence; what she managed for her son is no less than another Lorenzo's Oil. She is also a good story-teller. Even people without a personal interest in autism would find this book fascinating.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book and Worth a Read if your child has autism or PDD Review: This is an excellent book and would be very useful for parents who want to try the GFCF diet. It also helped me understand the factors that lead to my son's diagnosis of PDD. I have applied the gluten-free, casein free diet and additional interventions such as craniosacral therapy, supplements, homeopathic remedies, homoepathic nosods (so far just MMR). My son has made remarkable progress. This book has been very beneficial as reference for my husband and I on our journey to help my son. Most of all it gave me hope when I felt very overwhelmed with the biological treatments for PDD. As the book suggests, strictly adhering to the diet without a trace or gluten or casein is a must if you are to see results. It took us a month or so to notice a big difference.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest Thanks to Karyn Seroussi, Bernard Rimland Review: This book helped guide me through the process of eliminating foods from my childs diet that were HURTING him. More than this it helped me understand better the resources available to my son, and where to start looking for ways to help. I strongly recommend this book to anyone recently diagnosed and needing information. This may not be the cure all for Autism, but it sure gives us the chance to TRY to DO something to fight it.
Rating:  Summary: This is a book of great value re: Autism Review: The book was hard to put down. I was also able to attend a conferance thru our local Autism Society and met many of the people who are mentioned in the book. As an RN and mother of two Autistic sons I can not begin to tell you how this book has impacted our lives. My sons are 13 and 11 1/2 and when my youngest son was diagnosed in 1994 there were no resources. This book has so much info. Many of the pieces of our lives were similar and it seemed written about my sons. It is a book that "listens" to you as it confirms that what you believed to be true was and is. Anectotal is a word I'm beginning to dislike very much.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting but unproven theory Review: The link this book makes between autism and diet is facinating and should be explored further. The link between MMR and autism has been researched endlessly and found to be untrue. As a parent of an autistic child I will try the diet recomendations. I have friends who tried the diet and while it did not help the autism it did greatly reduce the temper tantrums. It's certainly worth a try, but I don't hold out much hope.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Give Up Until You Read This!!! Review: A year ago, when my son was diagnosed, I read William Shaw's book about biological interventions. It scared me to death. I decided to bag the whole idea of changing my little one's diet. I thought this was a bunch of junk. Fortunately, I decided to investigate this intervention again with Ms. Seroussi's book. I am so thankful that I did. Not only is Karyn Seroussi a great writer, she completely sold me on the idea of trying the diet. She is so passionate, and gives wonderful, heartfelt advice. And my son is responding. It is hard to get started, but once you become used to the idea, it becomes second nature. If you have been skeptical, or worse, your child's doctor advises that this doesn't work- as mine did- give this book a chance. It is so worth it. I'm just sorry I lost a year in the process. We, as parents, would do ANYTHING to help our kids, so why not this? Try it, and READ THIS BOOK!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: exciting and chilling information Review: This book was the most exciting yet chilling, that I have read recently about autism. To think that autism is an autoimmune dysfunction that may be treated successfully with dietary modifications is profound. As a speech/lang. pathologist working with elementary aged students with autism, I was especially interested in the behavioral, social and language changes when diet interventions were successful. I have shared this information with my staff as well as parents of my students. It's easily readable, relateable and realistic. Thanks!
Rating:  Summary: Ignore the Nay-Sayers! Review: Every parent of an autistic child needs to read this book. It is not just about trying dietary intervention - it is about examining various biological factors in what was wrongly thought to be an untreatable disorder. I would like to comment on one review of Ms. Seroussi's book. One reviewer said, "The sad truth is, if diet were the cure, there would be no autism." In her book, the author states that she estimates at least 30% of all cases of autism are caused by the improper breakdown of gluten and casein. The other cases clearly have different causes, and therefore diet would be ineffective for those cases. My child was a diet responder and I agree with the sentiments in the book - that every parent should give it a try. The reason I am so frustrated with parents who are unwilling to try the diet is that until we have good diagnostic peptide testing, it is absurd not to give the so-called "tedious" diet a 3-month trial. When it applies, it can be quite miraculous. What kind of parent wouldn't do this harmless intervention for their child, asap? I just don't understand such an attitude. Read all of the reviews of this book before deciding whether to read it. Most are raves, and rightly so. There is a note of sour-grapes bitterness in a couple of them. If these peoples' children were not diet responders, I am sorry to hear it. However, it is not only inaccurate to make a statement like "if diet were the cure, there would be no autism," it is potentially quite disastrous if it dissuades parents from giving it a try. One of the most outspoken advocates of biological intervention I've met is a mom whose kid did not respond, but who helped several other local children (including mine) get on the diet, two of whom recovered. I greatly admire her generosity of spirit. Until the medical studies are in, and the doctors understand which kids need the diet, this book can be a lifesaver. It was for my precious little boy, who has come back to me and is a constant source of pride and pleasure. If you are the parent of a newly-diagnosed child with autism, "Unraveling" should be the first book you read. Period.
Rating:  Summary: Karen Seroussi is my hero... Review: Karen Seroussi is not only a wonderful writer but she is also my hero. I was very upset when my 3 year old son was diagnosed with PDD. I felt hopeless and the minor therapies my son was recieving weren't helping him. After ordering Karen's book, I was a different person...a mother on a mission! Seroussi takes you through her son's story which really hit home with me. By the time you reach the end you are so excited to try this diet you can't think. Luckily, Karen also explains step by step how to get started on this new diet and how to shop. It's so hard at first but what isn't about autism. My son has been on the diet for 5 months now and is a different child! This book is a must read for all parents! This is the best book out there to help your child. Thank you Karen...so much!