Rating:  Summary: The most important book you will ever read Review: After years of fighting off weight (mostly unsuccessfully), I found this book. While not a "diet" book per se, by following its advice I've dropped 21 pounds (now back in normal range for my height) and I've been able to, with the consent of my doctor, discontinue statin drugs I had been taking for high cholesterol. The evidence is mounting that the "miracle" of statin drugs comes at a very high price, as risks of side effects such as muscle aches, exercise intolerance, lowered libido, and peripheral neuropathy increase over time--not to mention the more commonly known effect of liver disfunction.My cholesterol is now normal and I feel so much better and stronger than I did in my 8 years of taking statins.
Rating:  Summary: I'm glad I bought this one Review: Lots of good, practical information in here. The author offers an alternate to the USDA food pyramid, one that emphasizes whole-grain foods, healthy oils, lots of veggies; and de-emphasizes the convenience foods we've come to love -- refined and processed carbs, hydrogenated oils, etc. He also stresses daily exercise and weight control, of course. I enjoyed learning about the differences between the types of oils and how they affect the body. After reading the book, I felt challenged to do better (NOT guilt-ridden into the false solace found in snack food). I've switched over to brown rice, which is sooo much healthier, and whole-grain breads. That last one is tricky, by the way: the book points out that we need to carefully read labels to be sure the first ingredient is whole-grain flour (wheat, rye, whatever). A lot of the wheat breads out there are not as healthful as they'd like us to believe... The book is a wealth of information and also offers sample menus and recipes, as well as suggestions for further reading. Some of the charts were eye-openers and can help for when planning future grocery lists. At 185 pages (not counting recipes and other extras), this was a fast and easy read, but I took my time because there was so much ground covered. I highly recommend this book!
Rating:  Summary: The best book on nutrition I have ever read Review: If you are confused at all about healthy eating, do yourself a favor and buy this book. I read about it when I was reading reviews for a popular diet book. Several people mentioned this book in their reviews. This is not a diet book - what it will do for you is clear up any confusion you have about what is and is not healthy to eat. The author is the chairman of the department of nutrition at Harvard. He makes no recommendations on any particular diet - he just passes on information about food. I thought I couldn't learn any additional information about nutrition from another book - but I was clearly wrong. As you will see from all the various reviews of this book, everyone learned from it.
Rating:  Summary: You need this book - everybody does! Review: Summary Willett has written an outstanding book summarizing and interpreting over 30 years of research in nutrition and its relationship to health. Everybody needs to read this book because there has been so many scientifically "weak" studies and such "poor" interpretation over the years that most of what you know about nutrition is likely to be wrong. Few people are as qualified and able to interpret the accumulated data as the eminent Dr. Willett. The strength of this book is in the presentation of very simple principles of exercise and nutrition. The reader will have a good understanding of what to eat and especially what not to eat. The scientific justification will appeal especially to those people in the fields of exercise, health, and medicine; however readers without any background in health science might find the material dry. The weakness in this book lies in the number of pages devoted to making an individual functional with this "new" approach; more tips, tricks, and how to's should be presented in the next edition. Follow the White Rabbit: Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 What Can You Believe About Diet Chapter 3 Healthy Weight The truth is Neo - you have been a slave. The USDA and the food industry have kept you locked up in a dietary prison where you have been subjected to TRANS FATS - the dietary equivalent of smoking - as well as high levels of SUGAR in the food products all around you. These two substances are killers - and Dr. Morpheus pulls no punches. It did not matter that there was a misguided scientific foundation for what they told you. Ah.... the power of money. What's the matter? You don't believe in fate because you don't like the feeling that your not in control? Take the red pill and see just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Exercise right, exercise right, eat right, and drink right - you will lose weight and live longer. Chapter 4 Surprising News About Fat You should not be on a low fat diet - it will kill you. Learn to avoid TRANS FATS - they will make you suffer and then kill you. Learn to eat HEALTHY FATS. Let the NebuchadWillett pluck you from the cold water and warm you up with a meal including high quality fat. You will need these to rebuild your mucles Neo. Chapter 5 Carbohydrates For Better And Worse This stuff will make you fat and then kill you. Really bad carbs: Cake, cookies, ice cream, doughnuts, white bread, "classic" pasta, Agent Smith....you get the picture? "They don't have anything the body needs" said Mouse. Good carbs: fruits, vegtetables, whole grain cereals ..... read this chapter or just hit "load". Chapter 6 Choose Better Sources of Protein Who knew that there was so much tasty food and cool stuff to eat? "I know Kung Fu". Chapter 7 Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables Your body is probably dependent on all sorts of stuff in fruits and vegetables; but they have not been discovered yet; don't eat less than five a day. Your mother knew the Wachowski brothers - it was Platonic of course. Chapter 8 You Are What You Drink Chapter 9 Calcium: No Emergency Chapter 10 Take a Multivitamin for Insurance By the time you get this far in the book you'll be ready to tell Dr. Morpheus to shove that little red pill up his mass. The rabbit hole is deep; but at least it's consistent - learn to exercise and eat right. Chapter 11 Summary Chapter 12 Recipes I don't like his recipes - but you will be able to choose all sorts of recipes from the recipe books you already own - most of which you will modify ever so slightly to fit into the new paradigms of nutrition. Closing comments Do you struggle with being overweight or are simply confused with all the information on how to eat? Do you feel that something is wrong in this world but don't know what it is? Unfortunately no one can really be told what the new food pyramid is; you have to see it for yourself. Are you red or blue on this? (Remember - all Dr. Morpheus is offering is the truth). Apologies To all the Matrix fans that I have tortured in this review. What do think Laurence Fishburn would look like with bad hair and a mustache? And to Dr. Willett, if he is offended by my approach - I have nothing but the highest respect for the man.
Rating:  Summary: Throw away your "diet" books and change your life with this! Review: Since I read and re-read this book I continue to see Dr. Willett's name associated with extensive studying of the information stated in this book. He is working to help develop a better (more scientifically based) USDA food pyramid, not one influenced by politics and capitalism. Whenever you see studies showing solid breakthrough evidence in this field you will see his name associated with it. Query his name on MEDLINE and you will see hundreds of entries as author or co-author of these studies. I urge you to read his book and then you will see why you need no other "diet" books. For more information about the information in his book you can also look at http://www.oldwayspt.org which promotes the Mediterranean Diet (and has for 10 years now).
Rating:  Summary: Solid Critique of the current Food Guide Pyramid Review: I think Dr. Willett's book poses several valid scientific critiques to the current food guide pyramid as it has a potential for being misleading particularly in its current fat and grain recommendations. The current pyramid fails to distinguish between the different types of fats (i.e. trans, saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated(ex -- omega 6's and omega 3s) and is potentially misleading by putting FAT as a general category at the top of the pyramid, and I think Dr. Willet does a good job at discussing this issue. The current pyramid's recommendation for grain intake is 6-11 servings, but doesn't distinguish between low gi carbs & high gi carbs. Low GI carbs don't have as much of a significant impact on blood glucose levels which don't tend to trigger the fat producing and storing hormone called insulin which is produced by the pancreas. High GI carbs have more of a significant impact on blood glucose levels and trigger a higher insulin response. The current pyramid can be misleading by giving the impression that all complex carbs(cho) are good when we should consider refined foods as the more important issue (i.e. white rice and white bread are considered complex carbs but are highly refined and many nutrients are removed due to the refinement such as fiber, certain vitamins,etc). Dr. Willett does a good job at creating a more sensible food pyramid which includes alcohol recommendations as well as exercise which the current pyramid doesn't comment on at all. It seems like it's highly influenced by the Mediterranean food pyramid, but that's fine since they have a lower incidence and prevalence of obesity,cvd than we do in the U.S.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent and vocused advice Review: The writer is knowledgeable and backs up his advice with actual research. Even if you don't go as far as he does in meal planning and recipe ingredients, reading this book will easily improve your eating and cooking habits.
Rating:  Summary: Life changing! Review: Far and away the best book ever written on the subject of nutrition by probably the world's pre-eminent authority on the subject. Almost every page revealed some new astonishing facts about nutrition I was not aware of, fully supported by totally convincing evidence. It made me feel horrified at how much misinformation we had been fed by the mishmash of diet books, tv, governments and articles in papers and magazines. No wonder so many people are overweight and unhealthy. This book is a beacon! I can only hope it is read by everyone and updated frequently.
Rating:  Summary: OUTSTANDING Review: Nutrition advice based on actual scientific and medical studies. Repeat: NUTRITION ADVICE BASED ON ACTUAL MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC STUDIES, not untested or unproved theories. It's not the final word on nutrition and health, but it's a worthwhile read and a good book for everyone's nutrition/health/diet library
Rating:  Summary: Extremely informative - MUST READ Review: Fantastic book. Uses science to give sound advice on nutrition, and dispels the old wives' tales many of us live our lives by. Not any more! After reading this book, I guarantee you won't think the same way about food again. If this book doesn't make you change your eating habits, nothing will.