Imagine a cheeky, less starchy Mary Poppins in the trenches with you and your toddler. British trained nurse and childcare consultant Tracy Hogg draws upon the key ideas in her bestselling, Secrets of the Baby Whisperer and applies them to those magical and challenging years between infancy and preschool. Hogg offers parents of toddlers clear theory and techniques described in a supportive, crisp tone, often addressing parents as "luv" or "ducky." Before trying any techniques, she urges parents to "love the toddler you have" by understanding his or her unique temperament, gifts, and special needs. That said, Hogg introduces specific tools for engaging and managing toddlers. These include "H.E.L.P." (hold back, explain, limit, praise); "R&R" (routines and rituals to create structure and celebration), and "behavior rehearsals" (a plan to prepare toddlers for new experiences). Other chapters focus on "respectful intervention" to avoid acting out and plans to protect parents' private time. By seasoning her advice with anecdotes, sidebars, quizzes, and abundant good humor, Hogg offers companionship and common sense for parents during the toddler years. --Barbara Mackoff