There's a huge difference between "natural" and "easy"--just ask a woman who chose natural childbirth! Breastfeeding is certainly the most natural option for feeding your little one, and repeated studies have shown its nutritive value. But that doesn't make it easy, and not all medical practitioners are trained to answer questions about the process. In The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers, authors Jack Newman and Teresa Pitman have assembled a mass of real-life stories from their clinical experience, and with their straightforward, helpful advice, you'll be breastfeeding successfully in no time. Divided into three main sections, the book provides new information about why breastfeeding really is the healthiest option and where you can find good, hands-on help locally. Later chapters deal with feeding-related issues like sleeping patterns, babysitters, and when to wean your baby--the authors strongly believe in long-term (through toddlerhood) breastfeeding, a slightly different approach than many working moms may prefer. The majority of the book falls under the section "Common Problems and Solutions," and this is where to turn for advice on everything from breast refusal to slow weight gain. Special topics like illness or medication in mom's system are dealt with in detail, as are sore breasts, colic, and premature or low-weight babies. The chapter covering unusual situations, such as breast surgery and adoption, emphasizes the possibilities rather than the difficulties, and offers advice on the use of hormones and finding a breast-milk bank. Ending with four pages of resources on everything from Web sites to hospitals, you'll find the answers you've been looking for in this unique guide. --Jill Lightner