Rating:  Summary: this will change your life for good! Review: From the first written word, I knew that was the answer. Thank you Lynn, for putting it all together, clarifying the whole picture. To all of you out there that want to know the truth-there it is.
Rating:  Summary: Too redundant, but good concept Review: I think the major problem with the book is that it is over 300 pages long when the author could have condensed the whole concept of the book to about 50 pages or even less. You have to give her a little credit in disguising the many ways she comes up with the central idea: "focus on what you do want, not on what you don't." Granted, she gives the reader some examples of how to do that, but come on, 300 pages? I was just itching for something new to bite on well before the 100th page. By the time I finished the book, my brain was numb from the repetition. I haven't put the theory to the test yet, but I will, and I think it could very well work given an open mind and a willingness to see results.
Rating:  Summary: Manifestation 101? Depends how you look at it... Review: I've read many books on manifesting, but I consider this THE BEST one on the subject because it is an actual "how to" book. The author does not get bogged down in explanations of why it works, but clearly she's done her homework. A good book to fully explain why these techniques work is "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot. Accurately explaining how to flow energy is difficult, because it is such a subtle thing - but the author has done an excellent job! It is like trying to teach someone how to ride a bike by telling them what balancing feels like, what shifting weight on turns feels like. The book teaches how to sense energy by checking in with the attached emotion around/behind a given situation. I just finished reading this book, and am looking forward to using her techniques. I wish that I had found this book several years ago, much of what she teaches I learned through trial and error. I feel like this book has given me the missing link in my practice!! THANKS! My one criticism: I have to admit that I avoided this book for a while because the title and the cover art are *kinda cheesy* - but you know what "they" say about that...
Rating:  Summary: I am a living example what negative feelings can do! Review: Until my sister told me about this book, I had never even thought about the Law of Attraction and how powerful it was. I was unhappy in my marriage, my health seriously failing from stress, and my children in constant trouble, yet I also tried to have a positive outlook. Once I learned the signs from Lynn's book, and what I was doing wrong, it was so clear. It has been a life altering experience. It is I who had brought about the situations in my life. I immediately started to follow her principles on "flipping the switch," and within a few days my health improved dramtically, my children's behavior changed without me having to say anything, which in turn resulted in my feelings continuing to soar. My upstairs neighbors have literally stopped making the pounding noises at midnight(and I never have spoken to them about it). Customers are calling ME...And it has only been 2 weeks. I give this book to every one of my new collegues, family and friends as gifts. It is a god-send!!!
Rating:  Summary: you have the power to change your life, right NOW! Review: This is an incredible book for learning how we attract things into our life. Most of us don't realize how much power we do have and Lynn teaches us how emotions are the key creating a life worth living. So stop your blaming, complaining, and living without what you truly desire. Just Read the book and GO FOR IT! I purchased 8 copies of this book for friends and family in the past two months and all have raved about how its changing their lives. swtldyjn
Rating:  Summary: Life Altering Principles Review: I decided to write this review to share with all of you how amazing, yet simple the principles taught in this book are. I must admit that I was quite skeptical when I first learned about these principles (Law of Attraction), but after practicing them for the last 6 months I must say my Life will never be the same (this is a good thing). The principles taught in this book are simple yet extremely powerful. For those of you who think " It's to good to be true..." all I have to say it's better than good and it's TRUE. After learning these principles and putting them in practice I was able to start my own SUCCESSFUL business with Multi-million dollars in revenue, purchase a brand new car and many other nice things without worrying about money. I know, I know. You are now saying to yourself "Yeah right!" Well, all I have to say is that these simple and powerful principles work whether you believe in them or not. As a matter of fact, these principles are part of ALL our lives EVERYDAY, but most of us do not use them to our advantage. It's YOUR choice!
Rating:  Summary: OK but how many times the same thing Review: About the power of positive thinking, but lets not call it magic. Examples were quite repeditive. I am sure positive thinking will you a better person but I don't believe it will keep your dog from barking. Suprised it got a 4+ star rating from Amazon, maybe the people who didn't like it didn't rate it?
Rating:  Summary: A faithful application of Abraham-Hicks teachings Review: In her introduction, the author acknowledges that this work is, in her own style, a reissue of the Abraham-Hicks teachings. I've attended Abraham-Hicks workshops and listened to many of their tapes. The teachings themselves, principles of the cosmic Law of Attraction, are both ancient and timeless, finding new proselytizers in successive generations. I find Grabhorn's discussion to be a faithful application of the teachings. Like all great truths, the Law of Attraction is simplicity itself. The application challenge comes two ways: in distinguishing positive thinking from wishful thinking, and in applying it while immersed in a society where people are discouraged from understanding their personal power. As one who has been observing for years how these principles work in my life and the lives of those around me, I would say it is a very valuable teaching, but incomplete. To say, as Grabhorn does, that how one vibrates out thoughts and feelings will return the same qualities 100% of the time is true only if one expands the common definition of the Self. We are vast multidimensional beings; at times our soul levels will ensure that we experience a life lesson, regardless of what our 3D consciousness is cooking up. Having said that, I feel that the techniques as outlined by the author can improve one's life at least 90% of the time, and that's not peanuts! An earlier reviewer prefers the works of Tony Robbins. I spent a small fortune on Robbins materials (and then had to put up with relentless telemarketers pushing me to buy more). I respect his program but working through it felt like taking on another full time job. Also his circus barker energy wore on my nerves. I find Grabhorn's approach cuts right to the underlying principle and is easier on my psyche. I give the book four stars because of the aforementioned philosophical difference, and because grammarians will cringe at the writing style. Funny and friendly but some lines don't parse. Still, reading it has reinvigorated my application of the techniques. The results started manifesting literally within minutes. I've been laughing in delight.
Rating:  Summary: It's all about feelings! Review: The author says that this book provides the most important key of all time to life and living, and that this is the one key that all the other books on success have left out: we create by feeling, not by thought! I was surprised by this claim. I don't know what Lynn Grabhorn had been reading in all her years of research, but the books I'd read certainly talked about feelings. That aside, however, no book gives feelings the concentrated attention that this one does and I applaud it for that. I did wonder, too, how such a simple truth could fill a whole book. I was expecting to encounter quite a lot of "padding." But this fear was also dispelled. Lynn Grabhorn's is grounded not just by research, but by years of personal experience and years of running workshops. This depth of knowledge shows through. Every possible rational objection, self-deception and practical stumbling block is tackled with commendable thoroughness. Where this book really scored for me was in opening my eyes to the very subtle ways in which a "don't want" can masquerade as a "want" - it isn't enough to find a positive affirmation or goal if we are not also in the right "feeling place" to bring it about. It also helped me to see that even when I was generally in the right feeling place for a particular goal, I could still be in the wrong feeling place about some of the important details. As you might expect, the book devotes a lot of time and attention to the practical business of putting yourself in the right feeling place, and finishes up with a thirty-day plan to get you started. And it's all good, well-argued stuff. So the book delivers what it promises, and does so with a personal style like no other book in this field. Lynn Grabhorn won me over with her down to earth candour. She is very honest about her own failures as well as successes, her own bad attitudes as well as good. She doesn't create the impression that it's an "easy" matter of changing your feelings, so nobody who reads this book will be inclined to write themselves off after the first little failure. I for one was convinced by this book that a little persistence would bring results well worthy of the effort.
Rating:  Summary: From a Dale Carnegie, Anthony Robbins, and Brian Tracy Fan. Review: There are some good basic premises in the book such as how you feel will affect how the world responds to you. The basic problem I had with the book is that it offered no new information from what I had already been exposed. In fact the author actually caused problems in my life with some of her misinformation. Lynn talks about Feelings but offers only simplistic, dated, or misquoted information from other experts. For instance Anthony Robbins, (who calls "feelings" - state management) will teach you about the power of feelings but also teach you about how our physiology, language, focus, values and beliefs affect our state and our performance. Brian Tracy will teach you about Focus and Feelings as well, but with better examples and more actual information on the subject. In fact I got more value from a little book written 200 years ago by James Allen, "As a man thinkith", than I did from Lynn's several hundred page book of repetition published only last year. I was just so dismayed by the poor quality of the information and examples in this book, not to mention the fact that she tried to pass the information out as being NEW and revolutionary. That said, if are interested in only the Law of Attraction you might be interested to know that with one quick search I found over a dozen excellent websites from coaches and performance counslers who offered (for free) a better grasp than Lynn on the very material covered in her book. I know that I sound one sided here, but trust me, this is the worst excuse for a self-help book I have seen, and this is a subject that is very important to me.