Rating:  Summary: Good Motivational Fuel Review: I am pleased to see that there are now many good reviews coming forth on this book at Amazon.com. When I first starting reading it and had looked at the reviews it was discouraging and I almost regretted my purchase. This morning I finished "Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting", and as soon as I did I knew I needed to write a review and share my feelings. I found Lynn's writing style to be animated, enthusiastic, practical, and very much to the point. She presents strategies that you can begin using immediately and they work! Even if you don't agree with every point she makes, I think you will come away with something quite powerful and useful in the end. I was glad I picked up this book and I think you will be too.
Rating:  Summary: My valves are opening!! Review: I am thoroughly amazed at MY ability to grasp the concept in this book. That says alot! I have read ALOT of self-help books, and ho-hummed on to the next, but this one was gripping! AND it works!! I started implementing the 'buzz' before I finished the book, and began noticing events changing-even if only slightly! She is good at explaining things, so it's easy to comprehend (although I had to read a few paragraphs several times until I 'got' it). I can't wait to read the second and third trilogy of her books-and get the playbook! For those who decided the law of attraction couldn't at all be possible, there valves are not only closed, there bolted shut! But that's okay! I will not allow the negative vibrations of those reviews to harm my immense belief in this amazing concept! Hat's off to you, Lynn!
Rating:  Summary: When you're ready for it... Review: Amazon's recommendations led me to this book...Thank you Amazon. OK, Lynn Grabhorn's writing style may be a little annoying, but the basic gist of this is that the energy that you put out/vibrate attracts your life experiences. Life is about choosing to feel good. Obviously, most of us are not experts on this, but some of us are trying to grasp this concept and apply it. If anything, I am grateful to this book for leading me to the Abraham-Hicks material, from which this book is based. Some folks are upset that Grabhorn did not give enout credit to the Abraham materials...true, but I wonder how many people were led to them through the book as I was (she does give a thank you to the "Hicks Family" in the intro). Consider this book a sort of intro to the Abraham-Hicks material...when you are ready you can move on to it. Then, if you are wanting something more "deep" regarding the concept of reality creation...check out the Jane Roberts/Seth materials. Personally I find the Abraham-Hicks material is just fine for me! The bottom line is 1) it works and 2) not everyone is ready for this concept. With regard to the reviewer who questioned why children have bad life experiences...if you accept the concept that is put out here and by the Abraham materials that we choose our life experience before we are born, and that children are influenced by the energies around them, you may see how this happens. When you look around and begin to realize just how many of us are "flatlining" or putting out zero good energy, you start to realize how pervasive this mindset is. You can be a "good/nice" person and still vibrate fear, negativity and other low frequency energies and attract "bad things." Far from being scary, these concepts are actually kind of freeing as you realize that you are part of God, that you are not some puppet whose strings are being pulled by some outside force, etc. I have not read her second book, "Dear God!" which has been likened as the "depressive" part of a manic/depressive episode (this book being the manic) and I have no intention of doing so. I don't think Lynn Grabhorn is necessarily a guru or "master" of these principles (nor are many of us!) but she is at least the messenger....of which I'm grateful!
Rating:  Summary: You get what you think about Review: I know people just don't want to believe we create our own reality- not just for ourselves but as a mass conciousness. But we do. This book is great for beginners of conscious creation, but for the next stage go to the "masters". Seth, through Jane Roberts, teaches deeper levels of this in The Nature of Personal Reality and The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events. Lynn received her inspiration and techniques from Abraham, through Esther Hicks. The books are A New Beginning Parts 1 & 2. The website is www.abraham-hicks.com and it the best source of this information. I just saw Wayne Dyer in Boston and it is clear he is an Abraham/Hicks reader. His workshop will be on PBS in spring of 2004. Guess what, folks? This is becoming clearer every single day. Take your power back and create your life on purpose, connected to the Spirit you really are.
Rating:  Summary: Another take on an old truth - easy read Review: I really enjoyed this book. It's another way to say what is a truth about how we humans participate in God. It's easy to read and offers useful ways to practice what she's suggesting. I've read the statements that she plagarized - having not read the books purportedly used by her - I don' know what to say. If a truth, is a truth, is a truth then no one person can own it, can they?
Rating:  Summary: This Book Didn't Work For It's Own Author Review: That's right. It didn't work for Ms. Grabhorn, and you'll know what I mean if you read her LATEST book, "Dear God! What's Happening To Us?" Such a shame, because when I first read THIS book, I thought the author was on to something. Little did I know she was just in the "manic" phase of her manic-depressive illness.
Rating:  Summary: Not my style at all, helpful perhaps to new learners Review: I have to admit I had great hopes for this book. I had heard really positive words from people I respect and admire and was very very disappointed in both the content and the delivery. I have to admit Grabhorn speaks with HER unique writing voice which is why the 3 star rating. I have to say that her unique writing voice got completely in the way of me receiving the message. On page 22 she gives a short synopsis on how to manifest. My feeeeeeling is that this is where the book could have ended *perhaps should have ended?*. I also realize, to Grabhorn's credit, that for neophytes to the Law of Attraction, this might be a light bulb moment. I hope those folks read this book and continue their study into material of more depth.
Rating:  Summary: A book for dreamers Review: This is just another touchy-feely mumbo jumbo book written for dreamers. If you are serious about making the most of your life and willing to do what it takes, read "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" "Optimal Thinking" "First Things First" and "Learned Optimism."
Rating:  Summary: No matter how its explained, it works. Review: This is a book that uses words like magnetism with a meaning other than the one in your physics book, but I bet it could be explained through the psychology of awareness, intent and subconscious patterns. However, if it was written that way, it wouldn't be as easy to follow and applicable as this book is. I read it three years ago and I'm still succesfully using it to help me find work in the recession, find friends I like and my "miraculous" future husband, and generally bring good things into my life. This is a book you buy multiple copies of so you can loan it to friends.
Rating:  Summary: Very Helpful Book but it is Plagarized Review: A friend recommended this book to me. I thought it was great. The emphasis of feeeelings was really a key insight for me. But, after reading some of the reviews I checked out the material she only casually mentions as her inspiration in the introduction -- the Abraham-Hicks material, specifically the books called "A New Beginning I" and II (Esther Hicks, author). I apppreciate how she has reworked this material for a larger audience and made it more accessible. HOWEVER, she does NOT cite places in the book that are DIRECTLY COPIED from Esther Hicks' book. For example, Grabhorn's suggestion to walk around with $100 in your pocket and imagine spending it on different things is directly PLAGARIZED from volume I of book I just cited. I have failed my students for this stuff, and I hope somebody challenges her legally on this. Soooooo, while you are concentrating on your feeeeelings in order to manifest/magnetize what you want in your life, be sure you have some integrity while doing so. This author sure could use a dose of it! I wonder what kind of energy she has magnetized to herself by profiting off of someone else's work.