Rating:  Summary: 1 1/2 hours and my son was toilet trained!! Review: I had heard from a friend that this book worked with both her kids (at 2 yrs old and in a couple of hours...) so I tried it with my 2 1/2 yr old son - IT TOOK 1 1/2 HOURS AND HE WAS DONE! Pulling up his pants alone, no prompting from me...etc. Over the next two days he had two wet accidents and that's it - he's been 'trained' ever since. I think the key is following the directions - no distractions, no having the potty out and 'getting the kids used to it' before the big day, and making a BIG difference between what makes you happy and what makes you mad (ie: dry pants we are hopping happy and wet pants you should be scowling....) ONE THING I did do that the book doesn't ---- I told my son "you're going to learn how to potty all by yourself and then you'll have no more diapers!" for about a week before I tried this. He was SO motivated to have "no more diapers" (a phrase he could say) that he told his friends and grandma days before he tried. I like the book because I am a dog trainer that truly believes in motivating the animals with food - if you can get a whale to jump thru a hoop with a piece of fish then I think you should be able to get your dog to sit with a treat - and I KNOW that motivating people with what they want, works too. If my boss didn't pay me money I sure wouldn't work for him! So if candy/crackers is what kids want, then let's motivate them with it! It works! It works! It works! Just follow the directions and remember--kids pick up on your cues. If you think it'll work, it will! If you approach this half hearted, so will they! Good Luck and be diaper free!
Rating:  Summary: definately not as fool proof as it sounds Review: I was very confident that this would work on our 29 month old daughter. I did everything the way the book said to except I only did about 5 practices after accidents because I would have had to carry my daughter to get her to do anymore than that (especially after the 3rd, 4th and 5th accidents). It has been 2 days and she still isn't to the point of self initiated toileting. We have not gone back to diapers at all so I think it did help as far as getting a good start. We are still just reminding her to sit on the toilet every couple of hours and right before and after sleeping and have had only a couple of accidents. Just don't assume it will work instantly and be ready for a very long day. It is also a little confusing to read so make sure you read over it a few times before you try it. It's definately an old method and it would be wonderful if someone would do an updated version of it. good luck!
Rating:  Summary: Worked for me, despite my doubts Review: I had seen this book when I was in the process of toilet-training my first daughter. At that point, my daughter never got junk food of any kind, and I recoiled at the idea of having the learning process attached to food. However, what ensued was that for the next 6-7 months I was living with accidents to which I was more or less prepared to respond in a non-angry tone. In other words, I simply blew it sometimes since I had an infant in arms at that point. I determined that THAT method (inconsistent response style) was probably far more traumatic to a child than a one day attempt using this method. So, with daughter number two I decided to give it a try. I waited till she was exactly 26 months, but I think I caught her on a good day when I gave her the readiness test, because she can be rather stubborn. Hence, it took most of the day to get her trained. The most difficult aspect for me was getting her to drink enough to have some early successes. However, she quickly caught on to the concept of wet pants not being much fun and once she had an accident or two, things moved on quite quickly. Just as the book recommends, I phased out the treats by the end of the first day, so she does not ask me for candy each time. The only aspect that I find didn't stick too well was not wanting applause for her handywork. She insists on me coming to see it before she dumps it. But, she is EXCEEDINGLY proud of herself and within days of this training she was suddenly speaking in full sentences and progressing in many other ways. I don't pretend that there were no tantrums and no times when I doubted my choice- particularly the diaper checks after an accident when she was already crying anyway. I see how I might soften some things now that I have seen it work. However, the best thing that this method did for me was give me a formula to fall back on which prevented me from getting angry. How could you possibly get angry at your 2 year old for making mistakes the first day of training anyway? So if you can get it done, there is one less developmental hurdle that you can mess up. My daughter has had 3 accidents in the past 3 weeks- her last one over a week ago- and has not had any nighttime accidents. And, she can be successfully asked to hold her urination till we get home if she is in the car at the time. So, I would definitely recommend that if you are beginning to lose patience with your child, give this a try- but do not show ANY anger or frustration when you try this method. And DO be 100% committed time-wise for the duration. I'll admit it seems a bit surreal after you have spent 8 hours either in the kitchen or in route to the bathroom, but it was defintely worth it to me. And the basic premise of this book is all too obvious yet all too often over-looked when parenting 2 year olds- Give your 2 year old as much latitude as you can, but when you give a command, do not allow it to be ignored. It is easily within your power to physically cause your command to be followed- GENTLY. Tantrums have gone down significantly in the household since I have begun being diligent about only giving those requests that I am prepared to see through all the way. It is certainly much better than time outs or other forms of punishment. In fact, it was the lack of punishment in this process that I liked most. Yes, the practicing could seem like punishment, but it truly is practicing for the child who has not done toiletting before. Making those actions seem second nature DOES take some practice. I can certainly relate to those parents who did not do all of the reps and would never tell people to go against their feelings, but I did do all 10 reps for the 3 accidents that I dealt with. However, I cut out the wet pants checks after the first time. Best of luck to you all!
Rating:  Summary: It works! A fun-filled achievent for child & parent! Review: This book was great. After several attempts to toilet-train my 30-month old son that were frustrating and stressful for both of us, this book helped me do it in less than 2 days. Unlike traditional methods, this method breaks toilet training into easy skills that can be mastered with joy and pride.
Rating:  Summary: Expects too much in too little time Review: I approached the technique exactly as described in this book with a very intelligent child who passed all of the "tests" This book is both representative of the past (when it was written) and the present. It helped to get my daughter "on her way" to toileting but certainly did not train her in a day. One week later, she still required constant prompting and had some accidents. I would recommend this book as a guide for any parent looking for a structured method, but don't expect too much from your 2 year old. It was refreshing to read about this method written in the early 70's which does not criticize or punish children for their lack of control/interest.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Teaching Tool for Parents Review: I was a little apprehensive about whether or not my 2 1/2 year old son could be potty trained in one day as the title states. Much to my great delight, he was done with diapers completely in one day. It took 5 hours to get him to use the toilet unprompted, unassisted and without a change of clothes(because of an accident), but well worth the time. I have another child in diapers and having the 2 1/2 yr old trained with this method has been a huge time saver. He decides when he needs to go, and he does. He does EVERYTHING himself. I didn't like the treat reward method for teaching, opting instead to teach our children why they should do what we're asking, but decided to try what they recommended. My son was much more excited about training because he knew the definite reward for certain behaviors. Also I changed the number of practices to 4 instead of 10 (on the 2nd & 3rd accidents)because of the objections, and also skipped the potty chair part altogether. Instead we installed a child seat on the toilet, and put a step-up in the bathroom, so no emptying was required. All in all a great book.
Rating:  Summary: Did Not Work!!! Review: My 2 and a half year old son is very bright and seemed ready to potty train, so I thought we would give this book a try. I felt it was very demeaning to him, all the practice runs to the potty just wore him out and frustrated him. And I felt horrible for putting him through it. At the end of the day he certainly was not trained, and we are still working on it weeks later, but at a more casual pace. We are both happier!! Don't believe the title!!!
Rating:  Summary: After 26+ years I am ecstatic to find this book again! Review: I have bought and loaned/given this book out to so many mothers over the years, never dreaming that when I would be ready to pass it on to my daughter for her child, that it would be hard to find! Thank you Amazon for having it.After all these years, two things stand out in my mind in reading/using this book. One, YOUR CHILD MUST MEET THE 'READINESS' CRITERIA, and two, the parents must be committed AND SHARE THE RESPONSIBILITY with their child in practicing the principles. Toilet Training in Less Than a Day gave me tools, confidence, and understanding of my child(ren, 3 of them) by taking the pressure off of us in this process they call "toilet training". I did not/could not follow the script exactly and we were not 100% trained in a day, but a few days to a week or so is much better than what I so often see otherwise.
Rating:  Summary: Amazingly, it DOES work! Review: This book was recomended to me by my two sisters, who trained 3 children each with success - in one day! I tried it on my two sons (one was 2-1/2 the other 3 yrs. old at the time) and it worked in less than a half a day - including night wetting. In addition to toilet training, I have learnt some great methods for teaching them other things. The "manual guidance" works great also for teaching shoe-tying and dressing alone. I've recommended this book to all my friends. Most are scared to try it! Do try - belive me, it's worth it! - no smelly puddles, no wet pants, no being angry at your child, no changing wet sheets in the middle of the night - pure luxury, at the "cost" of one day's intensive work!
Rating:  Summary: This book is the greatest! It's a great gift for a new mom. Review: I used this book about six years ago, when my son was three years old. After less than 3 short hours, we were finished with diapers! You must follow the book EXACTLY to the letter. I planned a specific afternoon to devote to this effort, without interruption. Those few hours were well spent! Actually, it was a very fun and rewarding afternoon for both my son and myself. We made a game of it. I found that reading the book and preparing for the eventful day took far more time and seemed more worrisome than the actual process itself. Keep looking for the baby doll that wets. You will find it. In fact, we found one that was an anatomically correct little boy! Believe it or not, toy stores and dime stores still carry these dolls. This book is worth its weight in gold. I have recommended it to many, many people, and am now ordering it for a friend who has just had a new baby! Good luck!