Rating:  Summary: Not for everyone Review: I was very excited to try this method as my sister-in-law had used it successfully with her three girls. At almost two and a half, my son was showing every sign of being ready to train. I bought the book and poured lots of time and effort arranging the training day. The training went great. According to the book, he was successfully trained by 1 p.m. after starting at 8 a.m. He had used the potty seven times... six without having to be reminded. We added toys, went to different rooms, resumed normal life. All was great until he went down for his nap at 2 p.m. and woke up and had four accidents. It is the next day, and he still hasn't used the potty. Please don't put a whole lot of time and effort into this method. It was very disappointing and stressful for me and my toddler.
Rating:  Summary: Mother of 5 says this method works every time Review: I know it doesn't seem possible, but I have potty trained all five of my kids (now ages 2 to 15) using this book and IT HAS WORKED EVERY TIME. The first 4 of my kids (both boys and girls) were trained under 2 years of age. The fifth was trained at 2 1/2, mainly because it was hard to have private quiet time (becaues of all the other kids) where we could really concentrate on the pottying method. The time it took to train the kids ranged from 1 entire day to 2 hours, depending upon the kid. Here's what you need to know for this method to work: 1. Follow every detail in the book and don't omit any steps; 2. Don't hesitate to give the kids as rewards things they don't usually get, like soda and candy (salty treats like crackers work well because it makes them thirsty, which gives you more opportunities to successfully pee on the potty); 3. If you've used this method before and are ready to train another kid, RE-READ the book so you don't forget little details about what to do. Even read it several times before you use it the first time, just to be sure you know what to do. The method really does work best if it's the first method of potty training you try - if the kid has had bad experiences or has experienced failures at potty training, it takes more like a day to train under this method, rather than a matter of hours, but the method still works. The best part about this method is that its a wonderful and positive parent/child bonding experience and the kids feel so great about themselves when they are able to be BIG KIDS and go on the potty by themselves. Because you can train at under age 2 with this method, they are often potty trained before their friends of the same age and are VERY PROUD of themselves. It is very good for their self esteem and you'll feel pretty good as a parent too!!! I recommend this book to everyone who is ready to potty train their child, though for some reason few people I know have used the book and seem to think that their lengthy and traumatic potty training method is superior. I don't understand their reluctance because this method is all so positive; it works so well, you never have to lose patience or become frustrated with the child. One more tip: If you are a working mother, pick a long weekend to train the child so that he has had a few days of pottying by him/herself before going back to daycare.
Rating:  Summary: My favorite parenting book ever Review: I'm thrilled to see this book is still around. My children probably date back to the first edition--we used the book in the mid- to late-70s. Anyone considering using this method will be relieved to know that both my children are successful graduates of the method (one caught on in a few hours; the other took a whole day), they grew up just fine, they still love their parents, and they are contributing members of society who willingly tackle any task anyone throws at them.
Rating:  Summary: I didn't believe it, but it worked twice Review: When I first saw this book at the store, I laughed at it. Then a friend with 5 children swore by the method, so I figured I would give it a try.It worked flawlessly on both of my sons - one in two hours and one in a day. I teach classes in parenting and child development at a major university and use this as an example of a truly EXCELLENT example of a proper application of social learning theory. I warn my students, however, and all readers of this review, that you have to believe the method is going to work and follow through with the directions carefully. They are carefully formulated and the success of the method depends on your follow-through, even more than your toddler's.
Rating:  Summary: Thank You Pampers....... Review: for all your years of support but we feel we won't be needing your services anymore.....I used this book 2.5 years ago for my first daughter (last reveiw October 18, 1998) and I have told every mother about it since then. It has been a week and my second daughter has had no accidents, no bed wetting at night, NOTHING!!! I still ask her once and awhile if she is dry, but she is going on her own and she is not psychologically harmed and she still loves me. If anything negative has happened is that I created a very independant little girl because now she wants to do everything herself and it usually takes a little bit longer to get out the door. In the last week we have continued going to our Kindergym class, to the mall, and still she will let me know in enough time to get to the bathroom. We have even heard her get up in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom. I still can't get over the negative reviews, but if you also notice most of these children are under the age of two, obviously not ready. This techniqe involves 100% dedication, and that means not giving up after a day, because that would be the wrong message to be sending to child who has many more obstacles to accomplish in life.
Rating:  Summary: It worked for us and we trained right onto the adult toilet Review: After reading some of the other reviews, I wanted to write one to let people know that the methods in the book worked in a weekend for us and we didn't even have to use a potty chair. Our son is 3 weeks from turning 3 and taller than average. After seeing one of his friends, who is bit shorter, hop right up on the adult toilet without the aid of a stepstool, I decided we would do the same with our son. He backs up to the toilet and bracing himself with his hands on the seat, hops right up. Being a boy and wanting him to avoid "showering" the room, we also taught him to "skooch back and lean forward" which he now does automatically 2 days after we trained him. He sometimes continues to hang on but most of the time lets go and balances himself with just his legs. I borrowed a copy of the book from a friend - the 1974 edition. Something in another review led me to believe that training right onto an adult toilet is discouraged but I didn't read that in the copy I had and it worked great for us. Our son is very pleased and proud of his accomplishment and he'll now be able to use a toilet anywhere without us having to worry about having a potty chair available for him. We were very pleased with the book and were able to find success without being at all harsh or forceful. It was a pleasant experience for all of us.
Rating:  Summary: Great for the Basics Review: This book puts all the basic things you already know into a useable guideline to potty train your child. The title is misleading though. You can start the process in less than a day, but training is not complete for about two weeks.
Rating:  Summary: YUCK Review: This is awful. It may work better for older children but for my 22 month old, it was an unmitigated disaster. It is NOT loving and traumatic (at least it was for me). I would never recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: A great place to start Review: I used this book with my 2 1/2 year old daughter and it worked, but it was a very tough day, and you must be very firm. However, it is only one day, and the rewards are enormous for parent and child. The book instructs you to use a doll that wets to demonstrate, but with my daughter, who already understood the basics but just didn't want to use the potty, I think it was a distraction and it was hard to move on from trainng the doll to training the toddler. Also, the authors are concerned about teaching the child to be completely independent, including cleaning themselves and emptying the potty afterwards, and I don't think most parents mind helping with that. Obviously a two year old cannot wash her hands by herself, so it is unsanitary. The authors are very definite about using the potty as opposed to the toilet. I see no reason for this, since you can by little toilet seats that fit into the regular seat, and the child can use that with a stepstool. I don't mean to be over critical, it is a very effective method, but read the book a couple of times and be well prepared before you start.
Rating:  Summary: toilet training in less than a day Review: I finally did it! I was able to potty train my two in a half year old. what a relief. I owe it all to this book. I followed the easy steps and by the end of the day she was potty trained. But ofcourse kids are going to have acciendts so be prepared. I have already loaned my book out to my other friends because they cant believe it. Now whenever I hear people commplaining that they cant get their kids potty trained I'm going to tell them to buy this book. when my 8 month old is 20 months i will follow this book and have her trained too. I can't wait.