Rating:  Summary: It totally works!!!! Review: It took my 3 year old son 1/2 day and he was completely trained; no accidents! I have recommended this book to all my friends. It really works.
Rating:  Summary: The answer to potty training Review: We tried everything with total failure. This took just one day and worked. The morning we started, my independent child said emphatically,"I love my diapers. I won't use a potty." By dinner she didn't want to see her diapers again and hasn't gone back to them since. Add to that that we had a brand new baby. Our pediatrician said we picked the absolute worst time to potty train. If we did it, so can you!
Rating:  Summary: I did a modified version of the book and it worked for me! Review: I had heard that you must follow the book exactly for it to work, so I read the book cover to cover more than once. I even typed up my own "cheat sheet" so I could follow all of the instructions. I wasn't able to follow the book exactly, though, because I also had a 9-month old baby to take care of at the time, so I couldn't devote 100% of my attention to my 2 1/2 year old who was being potty-trained. However, I knew this going in, so I did a modified version and just mentally prepared myself that it probably wouldn't happen for us in a day. I took all of the basic ideas from the book and used them, but I still put my son back in a diaper at night and for his nap. He had a few accidents the first morning that I started training him, but then only had an accident every day or two for the next week or so. He has been daytime trained for about 6 weeks now and hasn't had any accidents since the first week or two. It took him about a month, though, before he would poop on the toilet. He would hold it for a day or two or wait until he was in a diaper before he would go. I called the doctor a couple of times about it and talked to everyone I knew about it. I tried bribing him with ice cream and other rewards, and that worked only once. Then about one week later, he seemed to just decide it was time and has been pooping on the toilet for the last couple of weeks. I'm glad I let him do it on his own timetable and not mine. He still doesn't have the bladder control to stay dry while sleeping, but I think that's pretty normal for boys and I know that it will happen in due time, so I'm not too worried about it. He's going on the potty while he's awake and conscious of what's going on, so that's what's important to me (and of course, that he is proud of himself for being such a big boy, too!). Even though the book seems a little outdated, I think it has some good ideas, especially training the doll! I almost skipped that part because he didn't have a doll, but I'm so glad I got the doll because it was an excellent training tool and I discovered that my little boy can be nurturing, too! I would recommend the book and say that you may have to follow it exactly to be able to train in less than a day, but you can also just pull the basic ideas from the book and still train in a few days.
Rating:  Summary: Toilet training in less than a day??? Review: Many of my friends said this book was the key to toilet training. I looked everywhere for it and then finally got it online at Amazon. (Why didn't I check here first?) I eagerly waited for the book, read it cover to cover, then I began our toilet training experience. The book has helpful ideas, but be careful not to get your hopes up too much. After reading it and my son not being potty trained in a day I decided I was an inept mother. I had heard such rave reviews that I became rather depressed when it took much longer than a day. In fact I think it may take a few months before my son is completely toilet trained. It is worth reading and getting ideas but if it takes longer than a day don't worry I think you and your child are pretty normal.
Rating:  Summary: Outdated Review: This book, copyrighted 1974, is a little outdated. I'm sure back then, it was considered a good way to go, but, for example, the book instructs one to show verbal disapproval when the child wets their pants and loudly say "No!" and then continue on to explain to the child that "Wetting is bad," etc. The title alone makes one have to consider that it may be a harsh training method.
Rating:  Summary: please read the whole book before bashing it Review: I read this book after a recommendation from a co-worker and then later used it to train my son who is 2 1/2. The training itself was a lot of fun for us. The only real problem we ran into was that my son can hold it for up to 5 hrs, so we would have one practice and then he would be tired and ready for a nap before we could try again. Drinking all of the liquids didn't seem to help. I had to go more often than he did. As far as it being cruel, no way. He wasn't trained in a day, but he will go potty by himself and that includes taking off his own pants. Like I said, please at least read the book and give the method an honest try before bashing it. You might be surprised what your child responds best to. As for mine, he responded best by just having his pants off and running around the backyard naked with the potty close by :)
Rating:  Summary: IT'S A MIRACLE!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT WORKED! Review: I bought this book with quite a bit of hesitation and skepticism. I had tried to potty train our three year old in the past, but he had no problem wearing his diapers. But, preschool starts next month and all students have to be potty trained. I bought this book without much hope of it working, actually, but several of my friends knew people who had been successful with it. IT WORKED IN FOUR HOURS! If you follow the steps in the book exactly, you will be amazed. After four hours, my son was going to the potty on his own, without even telling us first. I can't believe it was this easy after all the times we tried. I'm sending the authors a big fat kiss . . .
Rating:  Summary: It worked for me! Review: I bought this based on the number of positive reviews. After reading the book several times, I was prepared to make the attempt. My son and I spent 3 hours in the bathroom working, and at the end, he was essentially potty trained! We tought the doll how to use the potty, we practiced and eventually had success. He was definitely ready for the attempt. He has had several accidents, but each time was upset that he had not made it to the bathroom in time. Him, not me. The book itself is trapped in the 80's - based on the mother doing the training (I'm the dad), but if you can overlook the writing style, you will glean some good points, and a system. I recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Toilet Training in Less Than a Day Review: This book gave my extremely stubborn child a great start to toilet training. Although our results did not occur in less than a day, it did give him the basic understanding. It has been almost a week and a half since we started the method described in this book and my son is doing very well. He has been wearing underwear through out the day and night with only 1 -2 accidents in the day. He is staying dry through the night. His entire personality has changed since he has gained his own independence. Even though we are still working on potty training and he isn't completely trained yet, I will be using this method with my younger daughter in a few months. Thanks so much!
Rating:  Summary: Doctor may have recommended but this mother does not Review: On my three year-old son's first visit to his new pediatrician, the doctor told me to ""get this kid potty trained now". He recommeded this book. The problem I had with this book is that it works on the principle that your child will want to please you. My son is very stubborn and loves to fight me. My son loved the part where the doll gets a treat but when it came time for him to use the potty he kept screaming "I'm a baby". He was peeing everywhere(including his brother's crib) but on the potty. I called my doctor's office for help and got a different doctor who told me to put diapers back on my son and throw the book away. Both of which I did. Three months later, when my son was ready, he started using the potty on his own. After a month he wasn't even using diapers at night. The writers of this book make it sound like they have come up with a miracle method of potty training that will work on any child. The book only takes into account if the child is physically ready and not mentally.