Rating:  Summary: Trained two sons 24 years ago Review: I used this book for my two sons over 24 years ago and now that I have a grandson I was so happy to find it again. I adapted some of the book to my convience, but, I followed mostly every other part. My first son was trained by noon time, but, my second (and very stubborn) son didn't give in until almost 5pm. I never had to put a diaper on them again! Yes, it is a long and time consuming day but it is so well worth it! My boys were so proud of themselves too.
Rating:  Summary: An answered Prayer, Helped son 'know' when he needs to go Review: Used the book for my almost 3 year old son. He would pee on the potty anytime I asked him to, but had trouble recognizing when to go on his own, and that is a sensation that is hard to describe to someone. After using the techniques in the book, he completely goes all on his own, without reminders and even undresses and dresses himself. He is even staying dry at naptime and nighttime. I have a 10 month old also, so I spent 2 days working with my son as the book describes, and he got it, and is doing perfectly!ADAPT BOOK AS YOU NEED: Because my son knew what the toliet was used for I adapted the techniques for him. I didn't think we needed to be sitting in the kitchen talking about it for the entire time, so I gave him a few toys to play with in the bathroom and when he got really good at remembering I gave him more playspace, the bathroom and the adjoining room, then kept adding more playspace and toys as he got good at remembering to go. I didn't think to do this till the 2nd day of training, had I done this on the first day, I think he would have been trained in a day. HAVE CHILD DRINK LOTS: Loading the child up on juice and drinks is a great idea so they have to go potty a lot and get lots of practice. BABY DOLL: We used the doll a little in the beginning, and he liked her, but he already knew what to do in the potty, so we didn't spend a lot of time with it. PRACTICE RUNS: At first he was okay with the practice runs, then hated them like crazy. We talked about it for a bit, then he would do them and started to have fun with it. I wish I would have thought to have started the training with practicing from different spots in the house when he was dry, to get the idea. BM'S: As far as BM's, he does those too without a problem. The breakthrough for us with those came when one day he was having a BM and we picked him up and ran him to the toilet and sat him on it. He was awkward at first of course, very tense and stiff, but then he realized it wasn't so bad, and tons cleaner than doing it in your pants. Now he goes by himself and is completely relaxed. INDEPENDENCE: My son used to say he didn't want to grow up. Now he goes potty all by himself and tells me to leave the bathroom! He's so excited to do it by himself. Completely Recommend!
Rating:  Summary: A miracle for some, but not for my household Review: I saw this book as the Great White Hope. You see, my daughter is 38 months old and she is still not staying dry and still makes most of her messes in her pants. We were too complacent last spring when she did show an interest and now that she is older, she has no incentive to change her ways. We tried the reward system by using stickers and small pieces of candy. None of it worked. We then tried this system and it was a complete failure. My daughter wanted no part of it. She refused to toilet the dolly and refused to drink beyond a certain point or eat any snacks and she would not listen to any of my instructions. These authors make it sound like it's easy to get a child to pay attention to you when all they are doing is whining and squirming and not listening and refusing to meet your eyes. In other words, easier said than done. My daughter is 3 and resides at the extreme end of the stubborn scale. She seems to understand the concept of wet vs dry and the consequences of accidents, but she goes ahead and has them anyway. We have not seen any dry periods with her and maybe she is not physically ready for this type of toileting. There are good ideas in this book, which is why I gave it four stars. Some of the information is outdated and a bit draconian (such as those accident drills where you make them run back to the toilet ten times and do the whole routine), but the idea of making them responsible for their own messes and learning the consequences of having messes (like they miss out on play time or some other activity they enjoy) is an important one and may have far more to do with teaching them than using a doll to demonstrate. Use this book as a guideline, but not the end all and the be all of potty training.
Rating:  Summary: It works! Review: This book is great(my wife did all the work)My 2 1/2 year old boy love teaching the doll how to go potty. The sticker book we bought along with has helped too! We tried everything and he just did'nt get it now he's going to the potty by himself! I'm not saying we don't have any wet pants ,but they are few and far between!!!! The only reason I gave the book 4 stars was I though it could stand to be bigger and it would be great if the pages would fold over. Any how it does work!
Rating:  Summary: Good to start with, but be open to change... Review: When I started training my 34 month daughter it started out well for the first 45 minutes. She went on the potty. Then she became terrified of the potty and would scream when I put her on it. So I relaxed a little because she was getting upset that she couldn't play with her toys and had to stay in the kitchen all the time. I let her play with her toys but kept her drinking and every 15 minutes asked if she needed to potty. Then she started going on the potty when I relaxed this method some. It's day 3 now and she is doing pretty well, occasional accident but I am pleased. You can get a doll that pees at Target...and at Walmart. I would recommend starting out with this method but being open to changing it a little to fit your child, if you see something else working better. This book gave me a lot of ideas to work with though that I wouldn't have thought of.
Rating:  Summary: When In Doubt - When and How, Get This Book. Review: I am thankful to the authors of this book, Dr. Nathan H. Azrin and Richard M. Foxx. I was a new mother who had no experience of toilet training. I came across this little book at the bookstore when searching for toilet training help. This book is easy to read (can be finished in a couple of hours) and the toilet training method is simple and effective. To know if my son was ready for toilet training, we took the readiness test just before he was 20-month old. The result showed that he was ready for the training except the fact that we hadn't taught him how to let us know when he wanted to go to the bathroom. At first we were a bit concerned about how he is going to learn the keywords because his language skills weren't as developed as girls of his age. The book addressed our concerns. We haven't officially started the training yet (because I haven't been able to find a non-interrupting 4-hour period to do it.) But I did show the pictures in the book to my son once, and just for the fun of it, we did the role play like the book said (except that we used a teddy bear or something that can sit on the baby toilet seat.) Ever since then, my son tells me that he has to go, he goes to his toilet, takes his bottom off (he doesn't like cloth bunched at his ankles), does his business, pulls out the waste compartment, empty it to the big toilet, flushes it, says bye-bye to the stuff, and puts the waste compartment back into the baby toilet. He is pretty much toilet trained. The only problem here is that he runs around bottomless after he is done. I will have to teach him the "complete procedure" (he should pull the pants back up) in our official toilet training. To make the learning process more effective, the book advised to get everyone out of the house and isolate yourself and the baby, in addition to getting rid of toys, the phone, books, and other distractions. This methodology reminded me of the time that I was teaching some birds to speak human languages. I did some researches on how to teach birds. I learned that certain breeds of the birds were more curious/nosy/sensitive than others, therefore they couldn't concentrate on the lesson unless they were taught one-on-one (removing all other birds in the same cage.) In no way I am saying that teaching our children is like teaching birds. I am saying that even "bird students" become poor learners when distracted. I see the value of this "isolation" methodology. I.... To avoid tantrums, I suggest that parents prepare the learning environment (sending the siblings away, removing toys, hiding Barney videos, ... etc.) in a discrete manner. I wouldn't want to see my toys being confiscated, or know that I am left behind to do some toilet training when my siblings are taken to a movie. Make this few hours a fun time with your child. Like the book said "The objective of Toilet Training in Less Than a Day is to make the toilet-training phase of a child's life the most pleasant experience he has had. Spanking and anger are explicitly excluded. During the training the child is hugged, praised, given treats and made the center of loving attention." This is a great book and I am glad that I have read it. Just remember, people need to use the information in ANY book wisely and to their discretion. p.s. The above was written before I got a chance to do the official training. One day last week, after all the reading and preparations I have done, I decided ... "Let's do it!" He was trained before supper. Such a milestone in his life!! I couldn't believe we did it and did it when he was just 20 month old! Thank you, Dr. Nathan H. Azrin and Dr. Richard M. Foxx.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Review: I have used this book for all of my children....... They are ages 17,15,12,8, & 2. It has worked for all of them.... My last one which is the 2 year old, has done the best... She was totally trained in one day... It was a little ruff at first, but after her nap it was like a light bulb went on....She has not had one accident. I would highly recommend this book! I have a friend who has 10 children, she has used this book for all her children too... Good Luck!
Rating:  Summary: Save yourself and your toddler a lot of pain Review: When my wife and I decided it was time to toilet train our daughter, we did all the wrong things and after a month we and our daughter were all frustrated. Then we found this book. Since we had messed her up so badly with our ignorant attempts at toilet training, it took us TWO days to train her. Then when our son came along, we used the book and took only a single day to train him. This book is worth its weight in platinum. We bought a copy for our daughter when she needed to train her son. It still works wonderfully.
Rating:  Summary: Read and re-read between the lines Review: I was all hyped up about the book and thought it was a very positive, loving method. According to the book my child was a candidate for the method. The two things going against us were my daughter's age (<2) and we had already introduced potty training concepts. But, the book advises to ignore your child's tantrums. My child was not prone to tantrums before this method! Maybe there is a reason your child is throwing themselves on the floor and crying. The book advises to get everyone out of the house and isolate yourself and the baby, in addition to getting rid of toys, the phone, books, and other distractions. Sensory deprivation? It also instructs parents to use "manual guidance" when your child does not obey. Force? It also describes "Positive Practice" when they have accidents. It was more like marching. I can really see this method working better on older children with no real introduction to the potty, but it really is not for everyone as it implies. The business with the doll confused my under two year old. And how independent do we want a less than two year old to be when it comes to complete toileting? The book is probably best used as a guide or for ideas unless your child is two and a half in my opinion. I may actually attempt this method again with her twin when he passes the readiness tests in the book, plus when he is much older. Parents, listen to your children's cues. These authors do not know your child like you do. Keep that in mind!
Rating:  Summary: It works! Review: I used the book to potty train my daughter and it worked! One afternoon while my daughter (18 months old) was taking a nap, I decided to start training her. I had already read the book. I started at three in the afternoon. She was potty trained before she went to bed that night at eight. I kept the book handy as I was training her. She had two accidents the first day. The next day she told me every time she had to go to the bathroom. She only had one accident the second day, right as she was waking up from her nap. We even went out to eat that night and while we were eating, she told me she had to go to the bathroom. The third day she had no accidents. My sister used this book to potty train her four boys. All were potty trained before the age of two. So far, so good! I am sold! It was so easy--I just followed the instructions in the book.