Rating:  Summary: This is THE parenting book I've been looking for! Review: This book is to child-rearing what Dallis Willard's book "Spirit of the Disciplines" is to disciplines of prayer and fasting -- a welcome breath of fresh air, and cool, refreshing water on a parched land. I have read extensively on the subject of child rearing and discipline, from a christian perspective. Most of what I've come across is too heavy handed, speaking only to behavior modification of the child. Tripp addresses the parent, too, reminding us parents that we are accountable before God for our heart-attitudes in the manner in which we rear our children. This book reminds the parent that rearing christian children is a high calling. This book fed my spirit, and I'm able to give to my family and friends out of the overflow. As an aside, I have given several copies as baby-shower gifts.
Rating:  Summary: This book has made a huge difference in our four children. Review: I am a parent with four children. For the first time in my life I feel encouraged about how I discipline my children. Tedd Tripp destroys the modern methods of manipulation based discipline and from a totally Biblical approach defines and gives clear, easy to follow directions that are encouraging and make sense. I have a very strong willed child and what he talks about in his book has made an immediate difference. I struggled for a while with guilt because of an improper perspective and approach to discipline which only dealt with outward behavior and not the childs' heart. Since my wife and I have been dealing with the heart we see a big difference in our childrens behavior. For the first time, we feel confident, encouraged, and can see exactly where we are heading and how what we do affects their behavior for better or for worse. Our children are becomming more loveing to each other and as a result of reading this book I see exactly why God tells us to discipline. The guilt is gone, and I now know where I am going when I discipline. I know what I want to produce in my children, and why. I can't praise this book enough. It is pure biblical in its approach. Be prepared to have everything you were ever taught dismantled, taken apart, and destroyed, but then built up in a way which gives clear focuss and makes so much sense that you will burst with joy. Your children will love you for it. Ours have.
Rating:  Summary: Best parenting book available Review: This book has been out several years, and it is the finest parenting book I have read. I am the father of four, and very much appreciated Dr. Tripp's solid biblical advice for getting to the heart attitudes behind a child's behavior. Read it !
Rating:  Summary: Biblical Balance; Relationship, Discipleship & Discipline Review: FIRST I'd like to correct the reviewer that claims the author advocates spanking your child until they are "black and blue", they quote Chapter 11. I never remembered reading that when I studied the book in a 12+ week class... and sure enough when I went back and checked, it was no where to be found. Anyone who actually spent time in the book or watched the author's video series would know, that the idea of physically abusing children could never enter the heart of this author, any more than it could our heavenly father's heart.In fact, this book lays a paradoxical foundation so contray to man's ways... so aganst the grain of modern day culture, that it is evidence of it's being rooting in timeless wisdom and a devine source. There are no simple answers to parenting, but rather as presented in this book, life giving parenting, must balance loving relationship, with loving biblical instruction, and loving discipline. All three elements are equally essential legs to the stool upon which biblical parenting is based. This book also does an AWESOME job outlining how each of the 3 elements change as the child moves through predictable stages from a toddler toward maturity and independence. As the title suggests, the ideal model of parenting is that of our heavenly father. He has taken the intiative to build an intimate and loving relationship. He equips us with wisdom through years of loving coucil in the midst of the rough and tumble of day to day living. He also chastens us firmly because He loves us.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best books available for Christian parents Review: It's amazing to me how people can outright fabricate information for their reviews. I read this book and never saw the phrase "spare the rod, spoil the child" once. Nor did I see an emphasis on spanking. Just the opposite. This book is about reaching our children's hearts not about spanking them into obedience. The reveiews written that say this book is about corporal punishment have not read the book and if they did, they ONLY read the one chapter (out of 19) that addresses the area of spanking. There are three types of Biblical methods according to this book: communication, the rod, and appeal to the conscience. There is NO unbalanced focus on the rod. Reaching the heart demands the constsant use of communication and appeal to the conscience. We spank *less* after reading this book. This is an excellent book (one of the best, and I've read probably a dozen) for Christian parents who want to lead their children into adulthood the best they can, with their hearts tender toward God.
Rating:  Summary: Best book I've ever read on parenting!!! Review: This book is without a doubt the best book I've ever read on parenting. I wish I read this book years ago but it's never too late to do the right thing! If I had the money I would buy this book for every parent I know!
Rating:  Summary: Horrible author Review: This author promotes violence in children all shrouded by plattitudes of spiritual warnings that if you don't control your kids by every means possible, they will rebel and never follow God. Preposterous! There are effective alternatives to spanking and punative parenting in general and they can be carried out in the most Christlike of homes. Dr. Sears is a great resource to start with.
Rating:  Summary: Great Instructions for Parenting Review: I was amazed at how many "Christians" didn't like this book. It was very well written and we used it in our small group. The most important thing we can teach our kids is what Tedd Tripp emphasized: a leading of the child to God and away from self. We saw lots of changed parent-child relationships. Once frustrated and angry parents began to truly enjoy their gifts from God (their children) as these principles were applied. The children grew in their love and respect for their parents and the Lord. They loved the safety of boundaries. Anyone who does not support biblical spanking, as outlined in Provebs, I feel sorry for their kids. If we don't dicipline them, the police will later on in life.
Rating:  Summary: Definitely not a "child-whipping" abuse-oriented approach Review: Pay no attention to the slanders of reviewers who claim that this book is about abuse. Either they have not read the book, or emphatically reject corporal discipline altogether.
The fact of the matter is that Tripp offers a biblical balance regarding correction, and he is certainly not obsessive with physical discipline. Rather the opposite, what marks this book in a very striking way is the view that the *gospel* lies at the heart of good parenting, and training up a child well means doing all things in the light of the reality of grace in the Christian home.
Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: "Spare the rod, spoil the child" multiple times in Scripture Review: Shepherding a Child's Heart is the #1 resource used by our pastors in mentoring young parents. I would make the point that spanking is not hitting. I would also point out that Proverbs speaks over and over again about discipline via "the rod;" for example, Pr 13:24: "The one who will not use the rod hates his son, but the one who loves him disciplines him diligently." There are a half dozen more references, and "rod" is a metaphor for discipline, not a basis for out-and-out whipping. These verses serve as a basis for Tripp's argument, and that argument is that correction is a long-term kindness to a child. What is funny to me is that suddenly in the last few years we have decided that no one knew how to parent before the anti-spanking lobby became vocal. It's ludicrous - just look at the youth of today. Many, if not most, are undisciplined, reckless, and foolhardy. And by the way, this is a worldly-wise 25 year-old father speaking. Thanks, Mr. Tripp, for staying true to conventional & godly wisdom.