Rating:  Summary: This is the most positive childrearing book I've ever read. Review: OK, so I was totally flabbergasted and flummoxed with rearing my first-born. He was a joy and a gift, but with energy beyond other children (and adults!!) and a stubborn streak a mile wide. Still, I couldn't bring myself to read childrearing books with titles that made my son sound horrible (I wasn't raising a difficult child, I was having difficulty raising my child). Then, a real gift -- Mary Sheedy Kurcinka's RAISING YOUR SPIRITED CHILD. Ms Kurcinka is a professional and a parent, and she understands that parents need a)help, and b)humor. Her positive attitude about children, and her down to earth discussions of the needs of parents, children and families were a welcome relief. If you think that your child is more energetic and/or sensitive and/or persistant than other kids, you are right; and if you think others don't understand your frustrations, you are also right. Ms. Kurcinka explains that "spirited" children _are_ different than most others, and need different approaches. She guides the reader to understand what makes these special children tick, and why parents react the way they do to their children. She also urges a positive, rather than a negative, view of these childrens' differences. From the feelings we have to our kids to the words we use to describe them, we shape who they are and how we treat them. Ms. Kurcinka shows how to enjoy and celebrate the energy and talents of children whose temperaments are outside the norm. We were fortunate to read this book when our spirited son was two -- and doubly grateful when his spirited sister arrived a year later!! If you are frustrated with the books available about children, or if you want a positive, practical book about extraordinary kids, this is the one.
Rating:  Summary: "Raising Your Spirited Child" could save your sanity! Review: Does your child resist going new places, refuse to wear a coat when it's freezing outside, and fall apart at the slightest change in plans? My son does, and for the longest time I thought I must be doing something wrong. Fortunately, I found this wonderful book and it saved my sanity (if not my life)!Raising Your Spirited Child will help you understand that your child's behavior has little to do with you; it's just the way he/she is. Rather than trying to "change" your child, you will learn techniques to respond constructively to your child's intense reactions and how to work through difficult situations together. After awhile you'll begin to predict your child's response to a particular situation, know how to prepare him/her (and yourself) for what's about to happen, and maybe even circumvent disaster!I first read this book about five years ago when my son was in preschool; I recently re-read the book and it is just as relevant for my eight-year-old as it was when he was younger. Raising Your Spirited Child is a favorite book to loan to friends; I have even recommended it to my child's teachers!
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely the best Review: The is hands-down the best book on raising your spirited child.
Rating:  Summary: This book is a super guide for parenting spirited kids!!!!!! Review: The "Spirited Kids" part of the title jumped out at me while I was browsing at parenting books in a bookstore. More of Everything. That was a perfect description of my daughter. She topped out the scale in all of the spirit categories and even has some bonus traits. While reading the book, I've felt like someone has been filming our lives for the last 7 years - right down to the lint balls in her socks. It has been so helpful to know that there are other kids and families out there who are going through what we are. I understand my daughter SO much better now and can see why she behaves the way she does. It was especially helpful to be continuously reminded that these kids aren't doing "these things" to upset us, it is the way they are wired. Mary provides suggestions and approaches where we can VALUE the spirit at the same time we help them funnel the energy in a positive way. This book is written from a practical parenting perspective - very easy reading, with specific ideas on how to help your child learn to help themselves through the spirited times. This book is a MUST read for parents, teachers, caregivers, pastors, pediatricians - anyone who influences kids. THANK YOU Mary!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Should be how to raise a wimpy pacifist and avoid meat Review: Well I got to thirds of the way through it and had to through it across the room. The author is one of these feminist that only uses the famine pronoun. For me it makes for an awkward read and tells me that the intended audience is exclusively female. I love the examples that author makes with such surprise that she actually learned something about dealing with their child from her husband. How could a man know anything about raising a child.. Finally, the total PC BS teaching that children should NEVER hit each other.. that it is just a half step away from nuclear war.. Should be called "How to raise a wimpy pacifist and avoid meat".. FLING..
Rating:  Summary: If you have a spirited child...you MUST read this book Review: If you have a spirited child (and if you have one, you know it!), you have to read this book. I was in tears of joy and relief that I wasn't a "bad parent", or that I didn't have a "bad child" because mine don't "behave" like other children. This book helps parents look at and respond to a child's behavior in a more positive light and offers creative ideas that work for those of us with "spirited" (instead of the negative term, "strong-willed") children. It also helped me understand my husband (we are both "spirited", but manifest it differently.
Rating:  Summary: Not a panacea; formal diagnosis may be in order! Review: I purchased this book when my son was two years old and began showing many of the traits and characteristics Ms. Kurcinka describes. Many of the suggestions about creating an environment where my son could thrive and being responsive to his peculiar sensory needs were a lifesaver in my family. However, while I feel Ms. Kurcinka's approach to "spirited" children is valid I have one huge criticism of this book--it does not encourage parents strongly enough to seek a formal diagnosis of their child. After four years of implementing Ms. Kurcinka's strategies to good effect, my child was diagnosed with AUTISM. My son lost four years of early intervention services which could have helped him tremendously! Any child who is highly sensitive to noise, tactile stimulation; relies heavily on routine and has frequent tantrums is often more than just "spirited" and there are a wide variety of professional ways to help these children. Ms. Kurcinka may be trying to be politically correct by not "labeling" children, but labeling and diagnosing are two different things. Diagnosing allows parents and qualified professionals to develop effective treatment plans for children. Ms. Kurcinka would help many more families and hurting children if she would talk openly about the potential that autism, ADHD and other treatable disorders may be present in many of her self-described "spirited" children.
Rating:  Summary: Not a realistic book Review: Some of the advice in this book was good- particularly the parts that remind parents children aren't displaying inappropriate behaviour intentionally. However, I found that I followed this book to a tee for about two years. What I ended up with was a child with no ability to tolerate anything unpleasant- waiting in line, being quiet at the library, basically she did whatever she felt like and the book advised that this is the way to parent spirited children. I then read the book The Omnipotent child, implemented the advice in that book, and my life changed. Now a year later what I can see clearly is that in Raising Your Spirited Child it gives parents licence to not hold their children responsible for anything they do. The problem with this logic is other people don't really care if your child is "Spirited"- teachers and friends aren't going to say it's okay that your child didn't join circle, or wouldn't cooperate at play time because they are spirited. Parents need to discipline their spirited children lovingly but persistently. Parents need to help their spirited children deal with their sensitivities in such a way that they are still able to function in the real world. My advice- Read Dr. Thomas Millar's "the Omnipotent Child". You will be thrilled that you did!!!!
Rating:  Summary: What I've been Looking For! Review: This book is exactly what I needed. I have twins boys that are both much more intense, energetic, and perceptive than any of my friend's children their age. When we go to a play group, my kids are always so active and exploratory compared to other kids. Helpful moms would try to goive me advice which never worked. Unitl I read this book, I thought it was me and that I was doing something wrong. This great book made me understand that this is the temperment of my children and there is nothing I can do to change it. It does give helpful advice on how to best deal with spirited children as well as a quiz to determine if your child does indeed fall into the spirited category. I recommend it to all those parents of spirtied kids!
Rating:  Summary: Saved this Single Mom Review: I read so many books and listened to so much advice, I thought my son and I would never make it. I was doing everything wrong according to everyone else - letting my child get away with too much, but what people didn't understand was that my child had a will SO STRONG, he would've literally died before "backing down." This book taught me how to work with my son rather that against him. He's now 10 (and I'm still single), but we get along better than ever. People now comment on how well behaved he is. Without this book I would've been lost. I can't stress enough how important it is to realize that the discipline you received as a child MAY NOT work on your own child. Please give this book a chance. I read it 7 years ago and have since loaned it to many and now given it to another struggling mom, but I will always remember how it saved my relationship with my son. Bless the counselor for suggesting it and the author for writing it.