Rating:  Summary: A good nursing book Review: This book was a comfort and reassuring during the first six weeks or so of nursing. I like the way it is presented and the encouragement found within the pages of the book. It really helped to calm my frazzled nerves. It also gave me more information on certain things. However, I didn't end up having any of the problems she talks about so I don't know how useful her solutions really are. My only real problem with this book and all nursing books, is that they don't tell you that for most people nursing HURTS at first. There was nothing wrong with my latch or anything, it just made me sore and hurt off and on for the first six weeks. Everyone I ever asked about nursing among my friends who are mothers and my own mother, have told me it hurts. In some cases it was because of problems with the breastfeeding itself, and others it was just soreness until they got used to it and toughened up. I wish that this book had told me that it could hurt without my doing something wrong and that it would go away eventually. It would have saved me some panic and tears that I must be doing it all wrong. Still, the book was helpful and comforting and the section on medicines while breastfeeding is really handy. A good book that I would recommend, as long as it wasn't going to be your only source of comfort and support.
Rating:  Summary: The One you've been looking for Review: The Nursing Mother's Companion is so informative, concise, well-laid out, and comprehensive that I don't know how I would have survived learning to breastfeed without it. It answered ALL of my questions as I was trying to master nursing my baby. It has chapters that go in-depth on all subjects relating to breastfeeding as well as wonderful "Survival Guide" sections that help you quickly pinpoint problems, tell you why you're having them, and then give you solutions that actually work and work well. When you're in pain (physical or emotional) from learning such a new skill, you want answers as quickly as possible. This book covers preparation during pregnancy, learning to breastfeed, and it continues to teach and help throughout your entire nursing experience. It has sections on special circumstances like nursing premature babies, adopted babies, and babies with conditions or diseases that make nursing difficult. It also has advise for mothers with special circumstances. One more aspect about this book that was wonderful was it's non-preachy tone. The author asserts that breast is best (which you probably know if you're reading the book), explains why, then moves on to the practical matters of breastfeeding. No annoying and repetitive condemnation of anyone choosing to formula feed. This is a wonderful book! I recommend it to everyone who is breastfeeding and give it as shower gifts to soon-to-be nursing moms.
Rating:  Summary: I love this book! Review: If this book interfered with parenting style, then I ingnored it. I needed something to teach me how to breast feed and help me through any problems that might come up, because I knew I wasn't going to get any help from anyone I know. And this did just that. It showed basic techniques and covered everything that could possibly go wrong. And when my milk supply dwindled (I had twins) this book helped me double it. As to rather or not it was preachy on breastfeeding is the best way, I didn't notice and didn't care. It did what I needed it to.
Rating:  Summary: Intrudes on parenting style Review: There are three general approaches to breastfeeding books: advocacy, empathy, and answers. This book uses the two former approaches, with an emphasis on empathy--the author understands our frustration and confusion. But word for word her main goal is to convince us that breastfeeding is best, as if we weren't already aware of that fact. Sometimes a gentle reassurance is very helpful, and that's where this book proves its worth. But when we need actual help or answers, her writing is opaque or even withholding, as if suffering is a mother's rightful burden. That's where the book may interfere with parents' choice of a style that isn't attachment parenting. Huggins recommends letting the baby drop only one night feeding until it's a year old. She advocates co-sleeping and suggests that sleeping on its own will deprive a baby of the benefits of breastmilk. She promotes distrust in the medical profession based on biases that fell out of favor many years ago. If you need actual help with a problem or question, the book is of limited use, yet it has lengthy discussions about food sensitivities that simply are not medically possible. It's still a good book to have, but it's wise to discuss her assertions with your pediatrician and a trained lactation consultant for advice you can truly trust.
Rating:  Summary: A must-have book for anyone planning to breast feed Review: I have been breastfeeding my new baby for 7 weeks now and had some problems getting started. I really wanted to breastfeed and was so upset when our pediatrician hinted we might want to throw in the towel. If it were not for this book, we probably would have just given up. I am so glad we persevered. It is going so well now and the baby and I are both so happy. While this book doesn't replace a lactation consultant, it is like having one on call 24 hours a day. It provides reassurance and step by step instructions for just about anything that can come up and has valuable information to help prevent problems from happening at all. I would highly recommend this to anyone considering or planning to breast feed. It's really the only book you'll need. You may not have any trouble at all but just in case you do, have this book on hand and save yourself and your baby many teary and sleepless days and nights.
Rating:  Summary: This is a must have for nursing mothers Review: This book is the most helpful nursing book found for those new or experienced Mom's. This guide explains how to successfully nurse your infant and make it work for your lifestyle. As a new, full-time working Mom, with the help of this book, I was able to nurse my newborn and pump milk for the first year of her life. I was guided on how to store and use frozen breast milk. As I recommend breastfeeding, I would also recommend this book. I've bought many copies for my friends who plan to nurse their babies!
Rating:  Summary: Incredible Lifesaver during the early days of nursing Review: I had tremendous difficulty nursing my first child...sore, cracked nipples and over-abundant let-down had me frustrated and crying while my son was a newborn. My friend lent me this book, which was full of easy-to-read, practical advice. All of my problems were addressed, and I was able to work through each issue and experiment until we formed a comfortable nursing relationship. In the end, I nursed my son for seventeen months, then my daughter for 26 months, quite comfortably and happily. I highly recommend this book for new mothers, or to those having difficulties during nursing. I have since read many good breastfeeding books, but The Nursing Mothers' Companion was definitely the most useful.
Rating:  Summary: My Nursing Bible Through 3 Kids - Including Twins! Review: This book stayed within easy reach for me during the 24 months of my life I nursed my 3 kids. The drug index in the back is an extremely useful, unique feature of this book above other nursing books. This means that when you get a headache, indigestion, sinus infection, or have a sore throat while you're nursing your baby, you can flip to the back of this book and find out what you can take to make MAMA feel better... and you won't sit there and wonder, "If I take this, will it get into my breastmilk and to my baby?" That peace of mind is huge. I have probably bought this book 10 times for baby showers and friends of mine and everyone agrees this is the creme de la creme for nursing. Hang in there ladies! :-) You can do it!
Rating:  Summary: The best nursing book for new moms Review: I took this book with me to the hospital when I delivered my son and it helped me get comfortable with nursing from the get-go. I like its tone - helpful and reassuring, without any trendy cuteness or grandstanding - and I'll be using it as a weaning reference soon.
Rating:  Summary: Best Book for NEW breastfeeding Mothers. Review: If you are planning to breastfeed ( which I personally highly advise you to ) then get this book and read it as soon as possiable, preferably before you have your baby and then again after. It helped me so much and I am so glad for all the advice and encouragment this book gave me. Breasfeeding my new baby is the most wonderful expierence! True, it takes a little time and patience to get it but when you do- it is so worth it!!! This book and a good lactation consultant can make it work for you! Good Luck.