Rating: Summary: Foolish Parents Don't Use Babywise Review: Shame on you if you are one of the many foolish parents criticizing the information in Babywise. It is only simple common sense. A baby is not capable of structuring his or her feeding and sleeping any more than they can recite their ABCs from birth. It must be taught to them. A structured day has given my children security they wouldn't have otherwise. They know what to expect. My 4 month old now sleeps 12 hours a night and is the most pleasant baby during the day. She is healthy, well nourished, well rested, and a joy to parent. Everyone should use common sense with parenting. If your baby is ravenous and it "isn't time for a feeding", use your best judgement and feed him. There aren't absolutes. This book is a useful guide for parents who have seen through the mistakes of others (not using Babywise) that structure is necessary for a baby. For those who have nothing but criticism for the book, I say talk to me in 3 or 4 years when your child still has sleep issues. We will then see who has the last laugh!
Rating: Summary: Common Sense Review: This is a good follow up book to Baby Wise Book One. Think about what your family goals for your child are and that will help you decide if this book is for you. I loved the no throwing food at the table; even as an infant. I loved the playpen time; she learned to be creative in a confide area. I wanted a well mannered child; we are working on it. This book helped show us some ways to get there.
Rating: Summary: What a disapointment Review: I am so sorry Ezzo ever wrote this book and that people continue to read it and use it. The American Academy of Pediatrics has come out very strongly against this book. Please, don't do this to your baby. It is cruel and totally unfounded. We have no idea of the long term effects this will have on those poor babies left to cry for long periods of time. Only time will tell. In the meantime, Please find a gentle loving approach to assisting your baby in sleeping and feeding. We need these babies to grow up and run our country! All babies need love and care, they need their needs met, not neglected. There are some wonderful books out there with loving approaches to child raising, feeding and sleeping. The No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley and The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp are my 2 favorites.Please, love your babies, meet their needs, feed them when they are hungry and help them learn to sleep in a gentle manner. Babies who are loved are not the ones who end up in therapy as adults. I have NEVER heard a person say, "I am in therapy because my parents loved me too much, they loved me unconditionally and met all my needs." As a board certified lactation consultant, I have seen the results of this book and cannot, in good conscience, recommend it.
Rating: Summary: If you're not smart, don't buy this book. Review: I have read the reviews of this book and am disturbed by a number of the comments. If you are looking for a book that will tell you everything to do regarding your baby and that will not require you to think for yourself, this is not the book for you. People that say this book will cause your child harm obviously don't think for themselves. The book provides principles for you to APPLY to your baby and your situation, not rules for you to follow without thinking. If you are a smart individual and can use a given method and your head, this book will work wonderfully for you. My children have benefitted from this book and so have I. Both my children were in the 75% in weight and height the whole time I was using the Babywise method and my brain!
Rating: Summary: It worked for me...twice! Review: I was recommended this book by a friend of mine and it was the best advice I received. I stuck to the book with my first son and he is now 2 and has the BEST sleeping habits as well as being a very content and happy child. I am now working with my second baby on it and again, results are showing already at 6 weeks old. I recommend it for all my girlfriends!
Rating: Summary: Healthier Baby After Reading This Book Review: My baby was at the doctor every week getting weighed because he was not gaining weight appropriately. I was breastfeeding him on demand every 1-1/2 to 2 hours and he would usually eat about 40 minutes to an hour. I was exhausted and going nuts trying to understand why I was nursing him all the time but he wasn't gaining weight. At 10 weeks I implemented the Babywise technique and put him on a 2-1/2 to 3 hour schedule and within 4 days he was sleeping through the night and taking 3 good naps a day. I went to the doctor today for his 3-month checkup and he is in the 75th percentile for weight and 95th percentile for height and he is a much happier baby than he ever was when I fed him on demand. This book was a miracle for me!
Rating: Summary: Wish I read this book sooner Review: My baby was 7 weeks old and constantly fussy - to the point that I felt I must have a colicky baby - when I finally read this book. Everyday she napped at different times and at night she slept around 4 hours. The only thing typical about her routine was she cried and fussed from 10pm to 1am and then fell asleep for around 4 hours. I finally read this book and put my girl on the schedule of feeding her every 2.5-3 hours and she is no longer fussy and enjoys her waketimes. After only one week, she is now sleeping 6 hours straight at night and such a happier baby during the day. She even goes down for the night at 10:30-11pm. This book has made my life and my baby's life so much better. I can't explain to you what a difference this schedule has made in my baby's life. She is soooo much happier being on a schedule. You do not have to follow every thing in any book you read on parenting and here are my tips for this book: If you are starting after baby's habits are formed, ease her into the schedule. I do not let my baby cry herself to sleep as I find she won't fall asleep this way and only gets more worked up. My baby was use to being rocked to sleep, so at first I let her almost fall asleep and then put her in her crib. At night I still have to hold her to fall asleep (her fussier period), but I am working this out of her routine slowly. I know it won't take long because her two morning naps she will fall asleep in her crib on her own. Lastly, adapt this schedule to your baby. Every baby is different and I feel this book was a wonderful guide.
Rating: Summary: A book of one man's opinion presented as fact Review: The author believes that all children are "sinners" and must be disciplined from the start. He suggests swatting an 8-month-old who throws food off the high chair. He says by 19 months old swatting should be replaced with spanking with a flexible tool that will sting. He suggests feeding newborns and all babies on a rigid feeding schedule, and letting them cry themselves to sleep right when you bring them home from the hospital to "train" them. (If your goal is to help your baby sleep better, and you'd like to do it in a kind and loving way look to a different book, such as The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep.) The program presented in this book is being investigated by the American Academy of Pediatrics because babies are failing to thrive because of this feeding program. In a chat group of readers of this book, one parent complained that her 2-year-old remained disobedient despite "the constant stream of welts on her bottom from the glue stick." A father fretted that his 13-month old "will go back and forth from isolation to the high chair for up to four hours and still refuse to give the sign for "all done" - and Ezzo hand-signal method. The board of elders from the church Ezzo left in California, (Grace Community in Simi Valley) where he started his program, has since issued a public statement accusing him of confusing "biblical standards and personal preference." Many doctors, and professionals are very concerned about his influence. His book is published under two titles, Babywise and Growing Kids Gods Way - the title and the book disturb even James Dobson who believes Ezzos program is "extreme and dangerous". The problem - Many parents follow his advice believing that they are doing the right thing for their babies. It is a shame that a person with the power of influence that Mr. Ezzo has would choose to direct people is such a negative and dangerous way. The methods in this book are dangerous and cruel to babies and play on a new parent's innocence and inexperience. There is no valid research behind it, it is merely one man's opinion. Be smart, do your research before you read this or follow this advice.
Rating: Summary: Just use your common sense Review: I read this book and found it irritating to try and follow its program. Often, my baby would take a full feeding after waking up from a nap, and want to feed again before his next nap, out of the book's so called schedule. Also, he will take naps from a half hour to 2 1/2 hours long, just depending on how sleepy he is, and he may take 2 naps or 5 naps in a day, so it was hard to go by their guidelines. I found that when I tried to stick to the rountine planned by this book, my baby would be colicky. They say their routine is flexible, but my son is more flexible than their program allows! Since I stopped following this book, he has found his own routine and is much happier! I feed him when he wakes, and whenever he seems hungry (following the hunger cues), and I also feed him before going to sleep at night. At 2 1/2 months old he was sleeping 8-9+ hours each night, after I stopped using this program. I'm just saying to use your common sense and the baby will fall into their own routine, and you both will be happier!
Rating: Summary: Works even if you start late Review: This book teaches you how to get your baby to sleep though the night by the time they are 9 weeks old. I didn't even hear about this book until my baby was 6 months old and still not sleeping through the night. I put him on the eat-wake-sleep schedule it recomended and he was sleeping and napping like clockwork within a month. I only had to let him "cry it out" a few times and it wasn't for very long. He is now 15 months old and still loves his schedule. He's happy because he always has enough sleep and playtime and food. I'm happy because I can plan my days ahead of time and have time to myself or with my husband whenever he's sleeping. Some people think that letting your baby "cry it out" is cruel. But as long as you know they're alright, it's not that hard. And knowing he can comfort himself to sleep is very comforting for myself. When I put him down to sleep he smiles as I leave the room and may talk to himself for a few minutes before he falls asleep. And when I go back in his room to get him at his scheduled wake-time he's always awake, not making a sound, just staring at the ceiling waiting for me. I don't follow the book word for word - I do give him a pacifier just for his naps and I don't discipline him as hard as part II recommends, but that's what works for me. I recommend this book to everyone with a baby who's not sleeping through the night yet.