Rating:  Summary: a blessing for caretakers of young, energetic children Review: I was home with a sick toddler and a cranky youngster the day this book arrived, and it saved me. The first page I flipped to had an idea for a simple game that I put together in two minutes and had us all laughing for twenty. Bless you, Trish Kuffner!This book is nicely organized. A chapter of introduction helps you plan, supply and mentally prepare for those long days when you are running out of ideas. The author writes with humor and affection. Subsequent chapters are organized into Rainy Day Play, Kids in the Kitchen, Water Play, Outdoor Adventures, Out and About, Nursery Rhymes and Finger Plays, Early Learning Fun, Music and Movement, Arts and Crafts, and Holidays. Most activities are simple to set up, generally using about three or four household items. Appendices list recipes for basic paints, doughs, glues and clay; a list of activities for a Crazy Can (a random drawing of activities that aren't messy and need little supervisoin so you can, for example, get dinner ready); best toys for babies and toddlers; best books for same; and resources. The index lists projects (but not materials, which would be helpful in later editions). The book subtitle, 365 Creative Games and Activities to Keep Your 1-1/2- to 3-Year-Old Busy, sells the book short, as I've used these ideas successfully with older children as well. For those of us who are not good at dreaming up artsy fun things-to-do, this book is a wonderful resource. For those of you who *are* good, you will probably still find some fun ideas in this well-organized, friendly guide.
Rating:  Summary: Great book! Review: I'm a first-time mother of a toddler (born 12/29/98) and am amazed at how many terrific ideas this book has! I highly recommend it for mothers of toddlers.
Rating:  Summary: Handy Ideas for "Quality Time" with Toddlers & Preschoolers Review: In the USA we generally refer to a child as being a "toddler" between the ages of 18 months and 3 years of age. However, my 5-year-old "preschooler" enjoys many of the activities in this book as well as his almost 2-year-old sister. I have learned that the best "gift" a parent can give a child is his/her undivided attention for a period of time. I have personally found that by spending one-on-one time with each of my children, even if only for 5-10 minutes one or two times a day, there is a positive change in the daily demeanor and degree of cooperation I get. They look forward to it. It's not that I can't think of things to do with my children, but on one of those really difficult days (I'm sure you know what I mean), it's a big help to glance quickly at some creative simple ideas to choose from. Also, this book comes in handy when a play-date becomes boring or unfriendly. When I am able to redirect the unhappy kids to the kitchen table for a "mommy supervised activity" from this book, the enthusiastic smiles almost always instantly return. When my daughter was born, and big brother's jealousy was on the rise, I used many ideas in this book for the much appreciated one-on-one time... "mommy/big brother time" -- without baby sister. Along with "The Toddler Busy Book", I also recommend another helpful little book filled with positive discipline suggestions for parents of 2-5 year-olds called "The Pocket Parent." I like the easy reference A-Z format of this trouble-shooting guide that addresses many of the most annoying behaviors that too often challenge my sanity. These two books have brought more peace to our family, more cooperation from our children, and more ways for us to enjoy one another.
Rating:  Summary: Lots of activities for your busy toddler Review: Lots of creative activities for toddlers. It also includes what supplies you might need for a specific activity.
Rating:  Summary: love love LOVE this book! Review: My 2-yr-old is pretty easy to keep occupied, but I thought I'd pick this book up anyway. WELL! What a bonanza of ideas! I highly highly recommend this book - the ideas are simple and imaginative. The[$$$] you spend on this book will go a lot further than [$$$]spent on a cheap plastic toy. The only problem is that you might feel guilty not doing EVERYTHING in the book.
Rating:  Summary: Great for new AND veteran moms alike Review: Parents know that it doesn't take expensive toys and gadgets to entertain a toddler. Any old box or wad of tissue paper will do! When Trish Kuffner put together "The Toddler's Busy Book", she was keenly aware of this fact, being a mother of five herself. Within the over 500 pages, you will find a multitude of ideas for keeping your little darlings busy and entertained, without spending a fortune. In fact, many of the items used in this great book can be found lying around the house. Ms. Kuffner includes sections on organizing for a toddler, how to plan your activities, what to keep on hand for quick crafting fun, and even ideas for a weekly activity planner. Chapters include topics such as rainy day play, kids in the kitchen, water play, outdoor adventures, and ideas for keeping kids busy on long car rides. You'll also find a large array of favorite nursery rhymes and finger plays, and great ideas to help develop a love for music in your child. There's an entire section dedicated to crafts and activities, another for birthdays and holidays, and a useful section containing recipes for all types of homemade play doughs, clays, paints, and more. Many of the ideas in this book are so simple, you may find yourself saying "Why didn't I think of that!". Kudos to Ms. Kuffner on creating an excellent resource for parents of busy little toddlers!
Rating:  Summary: Great for new AND veteran moms alike Review: Parents know that it doesn't take expensive toys and gadgets to entertain a toddler. Any old box or wad of tissue paper will do! When Trish Kuffner put together "The Toddler's Busy Book", she was keenly aware of this fact, being a mother of five herself. Within the over 500 pages, you will find a multitude of ideas for keeping your little darlings busy and entertained, without spending a fortune. In fact, many of the items used in this great book can be found lying around the house. Ms. Kuffner includes sections on organizing for a toddler, how to plan your activities, what to keep on hand for quick crafting fun, and even ideas for a weekly activity planner. Chapters include topics such as rainy day play, kids in the kitchen, water play, outdoor adventures, and ideas for keeping kids busy on long car rides. You'll also find a large array of favorite nursery rhymes and finger plays, and great ideas to help develop a love for music in your child. There's an entire section dedicated to crafts and activities, another for birthdays and holidays, and a useful section containing recipes for all types of homemade play doughs, clays, paints, and more. Many of the ideas in this book are so simple, you may find yourself saying "Why didn't I think of that!". Kudos to Ms. Kuffner on creating an excellent resource for parents of busy little toddlers!
Rating:  Summary: It Keeps My Crew Busy Review: There are so many ideas to choose from. I bought one for the grandparents and they love it as well. The kids seem to enjoy almost all of the crafts and even their dad gets involved. If you wanted to, you could figure out something to do for every day of the year...now that's incredible! Thanks so much Trish! Also recommended: for family and parenting tips for toddlers and beyond, Mommy-CEO, revised edition, by syndicated family expert, Jodie Lynn. She is a real mom just like Trish and loves kids. Together they make a perfect gift idea for Mother's Day and birthdays. Both are amazing and stand out in today's family books because they are POSITIVE!
Rating:  Summary: This book was a BIG help to me Review: This book gave me some excellent ideas for activities with my two year old twins! I highly recommend this book for anyone who spends time with toddlers.
Rating:  Summary: Some great ideas Review: This book has many neat ideas for things to do with your toddler. I'm very impressed! Even some of the simple ones (dance around with scarves) is, well, simple, but I don't know if I would have thought of it on my own. Well organized with materials needed for each activity clearly listed. Activities are easy to understand, descriptions are short (who has time to read with a toddler around??) and the information on nurturing a toddler was great.