Rating:  Summary: A story black-listed by Big Media. Review: In "free" America, dads are imprisoned for being dads. Millions of bogus temporary orders of restraint are the uncooperative mother's preferred tool of ruin. All Constitutional rights are ignored and routinely denied to fathers, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; the presumption of innocence, due process, equal protection, and right to counsel. Child support is an autonomous industry run without state oversight or control - ask any Attorney General. The Feds actually pay the states with matching funds to persecute fathers. And if you get on the wrong side of the law, which is nearly guaranteed at some point, they may beat you to death, as New Hampshire "officials" did to a 41 year-old unemployed father who fell behind on "child support."
For the millions of disenfranchised fathers who suffer two and a half times the psychological stress of the death of a spouse, divorce and its subsequent utter ruin at the hands of a jackbooted state makes life unbearable. Every 38 minutes another single parent takes his own life - and another child goes through hell.
This American Gulag is occurring right in our own backyard. Every minute, every hour, every day. For more information, search for "Stephen Baskerville" or look for one of thousands of father's rights groups worldwide.
"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Get involved! This is the civil rights movement of the era.
Rating:  Summary: Logically explodes the myths about divorced dads. Review: In a well organized fashion, Braver and O'Connell point out the myths about divorced dads which have been generally accepted as truths by the media, and more importantly, by public policy leaders. They don't just point out the problems inherent with the research "studies", they explain why they are wrong in great detail. This is a must read certainly by any group striving to right the wrongs of today's view of dads, but even more for those who appreciate the needs children of divorce have to both of their parents outside the intact home.
Rating:  Summary: Balanced, Thorough, Responsible Research Review: Sanford Braver (Psychology, Arizona State University) and Diane O'Connell offer us a non-technical presentation and discussion of the most thorough, responsible research to date on divorced fathers. Based on Dr. Braver's eight-year, federally-funded study of divorced fathers, this book lives up to its subtitle by shattering myths that are prevalent not only among the general public but also among legislators, judges, policy-makers, and members of the media. I came away from a careful reading of this book convinced that approaching the problem of child support collection by increasing enforcement mechanisms and penalties is doomed to failure. These approaches seem attractive only because we have misunderstood the problem. I believe the book will also be helpful for divorced and divorcing fathers. They will learn that they are not alone in the way they have been treated by the divorce system. *Divorced Dads* is neither a self-help book nor an advocacy book. But it will help divorced fathers understand their situation and it will certainly provide the research to ground advocacy to change our current divorce system.
Rating:  Summary: One of the great works of the 20th Century. Review: Sanford Braver and Diane O'Connell drop an h-bomb on the conspiracy cells involved in destroying the United States through attacking families, especially via fathers. He uses the most potent weapon of all -- the facts. Braver's accomplishment is one of the great works of the 20th Century.
Rating:  Summary: Exhaustive research and solid logic - a real winner Review: Sanford Braver has contributed a compelling work to the subject of disenfranchised fathers and the impact on children and society. His focus, as stated, is to examine divorced fathers in great detail - as opposed to never-wed or unknown dads. With a wealth of statistics, he systematically overturns the conventional wisdom on key issues ranging from child support and "deadbeat dads" to joint custody. Rather than avoiding them, he admirably tackles the toughest issues - including an analysis of Jeffrey Nichols ("King of the deadbeat dads")and a detailed review of domestic violence. With his academic background, the book reads much like well written treatise that would survive a tough "peer review". However, it is far from dry but rather filled with topical anecdotes and perfect illustrations of the points he makes. I highly recommend this book. I'd also recommend David Popenoe's "Life without Father" for a further description of the impact of fatherlessness on our society through the children of the last generation.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you for speaking out Review: Thank you for speaking out. As a Divorced Dad, I have lived through the abuse and destruction of my life brought on by my unhappy ex-wife. And, of course it is the children who also have the most to lose. But the Mom cant admit her harm to her children, so she has been the neurotic, self-destructive agent, used by the child-support and family services beaurocracy to institutionize the demonization of men, in the pursuit of some sort of public family control policy. Well, enough said. Hey, I coulda got drafted and sent to war to die in a foreigh rice paddy ! So any country that can justify that, should have no trouble justifying the wholesale destruction of any marriage with a woman neurotic enough to let them.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Resource For Fathers Review: This book was a very valuable tool for me and my attorney. Along with Attorney Jeffery Leving's book Father's Rights I would put this book at the top of the list for any father involved in a custody dispute. This is a great guidebook and resource to help fathers navigate throught the bias court system.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Resource For Fathers Review: This is the work of Sanford Braver's 8 year long, tax-payer funded, independent study on the rampant lies, myths, and blatant bureaucratic corruption involving ANOTHER system we help fund every April 15th -- the Federal Child Support and Family Law system!! Putting "Political Correctness" aside, the Child Support system has nothing to do with actual child-support. Truth be told, the Child Support system should be renamed to something more fair and honest -- EX-LOVER SUPPORT! Unfortunately, the ex-lover in these cases happen to be the custodial parent, which is almost always the mother. Rarely is it the father. Nevertheless, Sanford's work leaves one with the certainty that the Child Support system is the perfect vehicle for the custodial parent to continue on dangling a perpetual "Sword of Damocles" over the heads of their ex-lover purely out of spite and revenge (terrible attitudes that WILL be noticed and picked up on by the children) and the court systems allow it to happen! No wonder there's such a "Deadbeat Dad" stigma today, and our children are becoming angryier and more rebellious thanks to this modern-day McCarthyism that castigates them as the "Boogey Man"! But, at least with Braver's work, Americans from all walks of life are armed with invaluable knowledge. I can only hope that, within time, those same Americans will bellow "Reform! Reform! Reform!" from their rooftops!! Annother reviewer deadpaned Braver's work here saying, " Why do you think they don't call it 'deadbeat MOMS'?" I'm going to answer that question ... and you won't like it. You also won't like the underlying truth my answer implies. First off, the reason why they don't call it "Deadbeat Moms" is because no lawyer, no judge, no legislator, and certainly no vote-seeking Republican or Democrat hoping to score an election wants a "bra-burning" protest on their front lawns. So, they play "lip-service" to the women's organizations with the expressed purpose of mollifying them. These people will simply tell women exactly want they want to hear (e.g. "The 'Deadbeat Dad' is alive, well, and rich as hell!") even if it's FALSE just to keep them off their back. Secondly, and even more amazing, is the fact that the women's organizations and media publications like NOW headquarters and Ms. Magazine fall for it when -- in reality -- it sets up a false stereotype that implies women are financially dependent upon men for their lifestyle; a stereotype that women should really be bristling about because it insults their intelligence and undermines every single right and privlege they've fought tooth and nail for over the past century! By comparison, saying "Deadbeat Mom" would be a compliment!
Rating:  Summary: "I was so flabbergasted, I could think of no response ..." Review: Those are the words of Dr. Sandy Braver, recounting his experience at a moderated conference on child support collections, after the moderator stated: "You know, I've heard about your (Dr. Braver's) findings. Our panel was discussing this very issue, of differences between mother's and father's answers, over lunch. And what we concluded was if the mother tells you one thing and the father tells you something else, then the father is a g--damned liar." Dr. Braver's book should be in the hands of every legislator who purports to conduct an equitable review of the Divorce Industry. Gerald L. Rowles, Ph.D.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing when the FACTS speak for themselves! Review: When you listen to what most Womens and/or DV groups or organizations positions', tone and attitude say about Dads these days, and then compare their "politically-correct marketing spin" with the neutral, object facts, as presented in this book through Bravers' work, it is utterly amazing to see what the Agenda these afore mentioned ( Womens groups & DV orgs) have here really is. Sanford Braver & Diane O'Connell have done an excellent job and presenting the facts. This material is a MUST READ. It's too bad Public Policy folks in this country who comissioned Braver's work are not hard at work making serious changes in the poor public policies that have been established over the last 30 years or so, fueled by the Fear, Uncertainity, and Doubt factors and the factually incorrect & incomplete statistics used by the anti-father campaigns waged by so many womens groups and the DV indu$try against men/fathers. It is shameful and disgusting. Children need and want both parents EQUALLY. Mom and Dad. Whether they are together or not. Simple & Basic. Children's "Best Interest" is not served by sole physical custody being "awarded" to the mother and removing the father from the day to day picture of their children's lives. Time for the Adults to stop exploiting Children as a cash-cow "prize to be won" in a "winner-take-all" battle that drains and strains all involved; emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially. In case anyone hasn't noticed - this is a major INDU$TRY in our society these days, (separating fathers from their children and extorting exhorbitant $ from the Dad, providing it tax free to the Mom - who is not held accountable on how it is spent - and oh - BTW - The State gets Federal kickbacks based on how much $ they can extort), that is soley GREED & CONTROL based. It is a poison that needs to be addressed and resolved NOW all across our country. This whole current process is in and of itself ABUSIVE and wrong. Public Policy needs realistic common sense CHANGES to be made quickly & deeply into Public Reality if indeed we want a healthy & happy society moving forward. ABUSE of process and basic common sense for financial gain has got to go! Parenting ones' children, regardless of your gender, is a basic human fundamental need/right supported by numerous, credible studies and reports, not to mention basic common sense. The Best Parent is BOTH Parents. If you don't agree, after reading this book, then you must be part of the problem.