Rating:  Summary: Review of the Girlfriends Guide Review: I bought this book hoping that it would help me come close to some understanding of my toddler, being a first time mother. This book has done just that. Expect to laugh out loud because you just have read something that is actually written down that your toddler has done. It is funny and I looked forward each day to my readings. Unfortunately, as everything else, it had an end!
Rating:  Summary: Too Busy Review: I inhaled Vicki Iovine's guide to pregnancy. I found quiet times (usually while nursing) to read her guide to the first year. I started reading this one 2 1/2 years ago and have finished only two chapters. Why? My toddler doesn't give me any time to read! I hope to finish this laugh-out-loud funny book before I have toddler-age grandchildren.
Rating:  Summary: Girl Friend's Guide to Toddlers Review: I was very disappointed by this book. I kept reading it hoping that it would at one point provide useful information. Unfortunately what it continued to do throughout the book is provide uninformative, silly, and cheek-in-tongue frivolity to issues I would have appreciated some useful information about. It was a total waste of my time, and the worst book out of about 10 books I've read on toddler issue. Time and time again, I put this book down feeling that the author was trying to be cute and clever but providing nothing tangible that the reader could use. It wasted much of my precious time. In addition, it's quite apparent that the author has done little research in the area. Every other book I've read has been very informative such as 1,2, 3... The Toddler Years by Irenen Van der Zande. Susan Fish
Rating:  Summary: A funny book for a funny stage in childhood Review: Let's face it, toddlers are a funny breed. They do and say very funny things. Thus the perfect material for a book eh? Vicky Iovine is very funny in her delivery of common sense child raising. Sometimes she is too laid back about certain issues and other times she is too gungho. So, depending on your parenting style, you may not like this book. However, she helps you find your funnybone during a time when you may not feel so funny toward your child...she reminds us to laugh at things, and take things in stride. Each stage in childhood has it's challenges, and this book is a fun guide through toddlerhood. Another good book to compelement this one, but a bit more serious and informative is: "What to expect the toddler years". P.S. enjoy your toddler today!!
Rating:  Summary: Nice book but where's MY nanny...accountant...assistant..etc Review: I like this book and I liked Ms. Iovine's other books. She has a truly great sense of humor and fun. My only criticism is that I find clues to her socioecomomic status (read: she's a rich girl) sprinkled liberally throughout this book. Every time I read a reference to her babysitter or nanny or accountant or assistant, I felt myself pulling farther away from her. I just can't relate on that level. I'm not one of her girlfriends, I'm just your typical middle class parent.
Rating:  Summary: Funny! Review: I like the author's style of writing - it's kind of like sitting at the table with a friend, drinking coffee, and cutting up about your kids. When you read this you can laugh at yourself and realize that you're not the only one who feels out of control sometimes when raising toddlers. She does give good advice, too. But for a more practical, quick reference to behavior/disipline issues I'd recommend Perfect Parenting Dictionary of 1000 Parenting Tips, it's quick, and has very practical answers.
Rating:  Summary: Vicki taught us to laugh! Review: I have loved all of Vicki Iovine's books, but the guide to toddlers is extra special to me. I purchased it when my son, my first-born, was entering his terrible twos. Being inexperienced parents, my husband and I were ready to pull our hair out over such new concepts as behavioral issues, night terrors and potty training. Vicki's book explained these issues to us in a non-clinical, non-judgemental, and overall humerous way. We read other parenting books by "experts" that provide facts, but Vicki is like an experienced girlfriend or sister who holds your hand, puts things in perspective for you, and tells you to lighten up and laugh a little. I think readers who complain about Vicki's books need to gain a sense of humor and stop looking for too much in her chapters -- Vicki constantly reminds you that she is not a physician or child psychiatrist and that you should consult the real experts should you have concerns. My son is now almost 4 years old, fully potty trained, well-adjusted and well-behaved (not counting his little "moments," of course!). I believe Vicki helped us immensely in making us recognize that a lot of the issues we experienced with him were normal, so we were able to treat various challenges with love, understanding, a sense of calm, and most importantly, humor.
Rating:  Summary: Marvellous insight! Review: I am not a mother of a toddler but I am the *godmother* of one and Vicki's book gave me insight to a world I knew nothing about. I especially liked the part where she deals about biters and how to handle both angles i.e. being the mother of a biter as well as a bitee. She also gives good advise about toddlers and household pets in that she says that a toddler should NEVER be left alone with a pet. The gentlest of pets, she says, can inexplicably turn on the child and hurt her/him. And although she repeatedly reminds readers that she is not a doctor, she does give practical advise that all parents can use. I guess having gone through todderhood four times (as she has) really does give you some insight! Best of all, everything is tied up with such witty humor that I found myself giggling throughout the book. Vicki however has taught me the most important part about toddlerhood - enjoy every minute for it will soon be gone. Thanx Vicki.
Rating:  Summary: A Little Whine Is Too Much Review: A Little Whine will get my attention on a scale of negative to negative. We all whine, but with all of the advantages Vicki has over most of us including a nanny or two( probably more than 6 or 8 babysitters) she said so herself on TV, that she gets to use often, give us a break! I don't understand why anyone finds her so amusing. If you'd like to laugh and get almost nothing out of the book (ALMOST - THERE ARE SOME GOOD POINTS), then buy it but don't feel like justice will be served to help guide you. Don't get me wrong, I do love to have a good laugh about certain things, especially those things that can sometimes drive us nuts, but where is all of the insight to actually manage toddlers and preschoolers? If your children were constantly being shifted here and there by so many babysitters and nannies, wouldn't you misbehave for a little, or probably a lot, for your mom's attention? From one of her interviews and reading the book it simply states, "Leave me alone so I can watch the behavior of my editor's toddler so I'll know what to write about in this book." This is not what I call a normal and caring mother in any way. How can someone try to attempt to help moms if all they do is whine about the time spent with their kids because they're too unconnected to daily parenting rituals to have any common sense? Who is raisng whom? Who do the children relate to? Vicki to earth, wake up and give your kids a real bath, bake a real cake, hand out a real hug and kiss, and last but not least, write a real book. REAL BOOKS I ENJOY - "HOW TO BEHAVE SO YOUR CHILDREN WILL TOO," "MOMMY-CEO," and "YOUR CHILD, BIRTH TO AGE 5."
Rating:  Summary: A Refreshing Approach to Parenting Toddlers Review: Vicki Iovine has done it again. She has boldly gone where other parenting advice books dare not go--she tells the truth about parenting toddlers with a humorous approach. I think this book is a must have for the first time parent once their little darling reaches about his or her first birthday. The one thing you'll take away from this book is that there is no right or wrong way to approach a toddler issue (potty training, moving to the big bed), an approach I think all parents need to embrace. Ms. Iovine is not a pediatrician, a psychologist, or an professional "expert" of any kind, and she frequently reminds us of that. What she is is a mom of 4 kids (who have all survived toddlerhood), with lots of chatty friends. You will come away from this book feeling as if you have just been at a really useful girls' night out. I think the chapter on potty training alone makes the book worth getting. In certain instances, such as potty training, I believe that advice from the trenches, as this book is, is the most useful. This book is enjoyable to read, and quite funny in places, but I also think that I will reread certain chapters when undergoing one crisis or another as my toddler grows. Ms. Iovine also includes a really sweet top ten list of "Why we love toddlers" which with bring tears to moms everywhere.