Rating:  Summary: babyconnection Review: This is one of the best things I have ever done as a parent. I have used the sign with your baby program since my son was 8 months old(now 18 months). I constantly have other moms commenting on what a happy content baby I have. I know I owe it all to Joseph Garcias' "Sign with your Baby" program. I am now able to listen to my child's needs and fulfill them quickly. Unlike with my other child whom had to start winning or crying to let me know she needed something as simple as a drink. Because of the Sign with your Baby Program I have become a better mom and have a very strong bond with my son that I did not have with my daughter at that age. Both my daughter and I were frustrated a good part of the time for the lack of being able to communicate. And as for the others whom said it was an expensive program. I have spent hundreds of dollars in toys for my children that they have never used. I can tell you this was the best $... I have spent in a long time. This is a gift my son uses about every 10-15 minutes. I guess those others would not give $... for the chance to open the window into their child's world. When my son was 14 months old he came to me signing help. I took it that one of his toys was stuck in the toy box again and followed him. He led me to his sister whom was crying. Another time he was talking on the phone to his daddy who is away on business a lot. He signed "Daddy Home" this was at 15 months of age. This meant the world to Dad to know his son really does miss him. Everyday I am grateful for this program. I know you will be to. About the "Baby Signs" book, why would you teach your child a language that you make up yourself. The signs are already there, easy to learn by both parent and child. My son has had no problems learning any of the signs. I know I will continue to use the ASL signs with my children. They will have a gift of the ability to talk with the deaf. Something that we all should have. We should not have to have a deaf friend or family member to feel that we need to learn sign language.
Rating:  Summary: Fun! Easy! The best thing you will EVER do with your baby! Review: I started this program with my baby when she was 6 months old. She began signing back about 10 months of age. By the time she was 16 months she was signing nearly 60 signs, and eventually mastered well over 100. This is not something you learn first, then teach your baby.You do not need to learn the handshapes first.Just choose 1-3 signs to learn and teach them to baby, learning more one at a time as your baby is ready to learn more. Babies will not learn signing by viewing a video with, you as one reviewer who returned the kit says she was now doing. Giving a baby structured lessons or watching a video is not effective. The signing needs to be presented naturally and in context during the course of normal daily activities and play time; just as a baby learns to talk by watching and listening to you talk. This program worked so well for me, that I was chasing down any person I saw with a baby to tell them about it. Eventually I decided to start my own company 'Baby Sign Language Workshops'to teach others to sign with their own babies using this method. I just can not say enough good things about it. Anyone can do it, and the signs CERTAINLY are not too hard for a baby to do. Of course they don't do them all perfectly in the beginning. They are babies, after all! My fondest wish is that everyone will eventually do this with thier babies. Soon, people will say, "What?! You aren't signing with your baby?!" Worth it's weight in GOLD!
Rating:  Summary: the best investment we ever made Review: Based on American Sign Language and the work of Joseph Garcia, this instructional book, video and reference guide is the best investment we made in regard to communicating with our pre-verbal children. It is beautifully created and produced, including footage of babies and parents signing to each other. It has easy to follow demonstrations on how to make the signs and guidelines on how to look for opportune times to introduce new signs to your baby, as well as interviews by noted child development experts and speech pathologists. I suggest everyone who cares for children buy this complete learning kit and get started signing with their baby right away! Other books on signing recommend you to make up your own signs but that can be confusing to everyone. It us much better to have this complete kit as your reference and learn the right way to do the signs. Since this is based on American Sign Language everyone who learns this method can communicate with each other, regardless of age or the ability to speak or hear. As the video points out, no one expects babies to do the signs perfectly, just recognize that they are communicating without crying or fussing first. It really changes the way we parent our children. We are more relaxed and confident that our children can express themselves when they need to, eliminating the guessing games.
Rating:  Summary: Look who's talking! Review: I purchased the learning kit when I was pregnant and waited patiently until I could start signing with my daughter. The video is an amazing demonstration of how well children can communicate before they are able to talk. The book is very clear and is a quick and easy read. I was able to read it cover to cover within a hour. I showed the video to family members and friends and they have now joined in and sign with my daughter too. The use of ASL signs make it easy to access additional resources as you and your child become more proficient in signing, it also assures consistency with other signers. The benefits are amazing! I would recommend this kit to anyone that wants to increase the connection and communication with their child. It is an wonderful product!
Rating:  Summary: Joseph Garcia's Sign With Your Baby Kit Review: As a child care provider with an infant/toddler program, as well as a grandmother of 5 (all under 4 years!) I was so impressed with Joseph Garcia's program, I became a presenter. I have lectured at Child Care Conferences and conduct local classes. This system has it all, the book the video and a quick reference guide that travels with the baby. This keeps parents, grandparents and other caregivers on the same page. It may be a little pricey compared to other books on the market, but how much is communicating with your baby worth? The results of a signing baby are wonderful and I find Garcia's kits to be a wonderful tool.
Rating:  Summary: Great Product! Review: I teach parents how to use sign language with their children and include this kit in the price of my classes because it's THAT good of a product! It's the best product out there focusing on using sign language specifically with infants and toddlers. These are not home-made signs either...Joseph Garcia uses American Sign Language (ASL) signs. This allows me to use other ASL resources if I want to expand my vocabulary and continue to use it with my kids as they get older. I'm also the mother of a 2 year old and a 1 month old. I've been signing with my 2 year old since birth and using this product at home. She signs back to me and is able to use her signs with other people who also know ASL. Personally (as well as professionally) I've been very impressed with it!
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful place to start... Review: As a teacher of the deaf, music therapist, and a mother of young children, I found this kit to be a wonderful way to get started signing with your baby. Both of my kids, who will turn 1 and 3 this spring, use American Sign Language; they inspired me to develop Baby Fingers, teaching ASL through music. I believe the SWYB package takes the necessary time and provides significant background information for those truly dedicated to this method. The quick reference guide is especially useful. I found it quite simple, actually, and many families who started with it followed up with Baby Fingers classes to go even further...
Rating:  Summary: A pleasurable read with results that match Review: This book helped me teach my daughter how to talk even though she doesn't speak yet! I love the fact that it teaches the beginnings of American Sign Language--a true language that can be used for a lifetime. The signing pictures are clear and the vocabulary applicable to the age group(babies). I highly recommend buying the complete learning package (with video) as it outlines each sign that is in the book in "real time"--great for illustrative learners. Can't wait for the next book!
Rating:  Summary: A great system to learn how to sign with your baby Review: I encourage anyone thinking about purchasing this kit to go for it. You and your baby will learn so very much. I have used the Sign with your Baby system with two of my children. The results have been wonderful. My youngest has a HUGE signing vocabulary. I also teach Family Signing classes and use this system for my infant class with great results. I've read some of the other reviews of this kit and it seems like there is some confusion... The kit is not meant to be "used" by the baby, but to be a learning tool for the parents and caregivers. Yes, it takes a bit of effort, for the parents, to learn the hand shapes and basics of ASL but the return on the investment is well worth the time. Just like exposing a child to any other language, it's up to the parent to know the rules of the language and to use it correctly. By modeling the correct way to sign we can teach our children to sign correctly. This program teaches the parent how to use ASL signs correctly and outlines an easy system to use in introducing the signs to the child. There is also information on what to expect from the babies in regards to reading their first signs and how their abilities grow and develop.
Rating:  Summary: Immediately took frustration out of 1 yr old. Review: My son was getting increasingly frustrated with us at 12 months. He would grit his teeth, tense up his arms, and scream at us when we didn't understand what he wanted or what we did to frustrate him. We started using the signs in this book and his frustration went away. He really only signs "more" back to us, but somehow he realizes we are communicating on a deeper level. This has been a lifesaver for us.